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I am your rope. Your ultimate lover. Your first, your best, your last. Since you were a young girl you have fantasised about my embrace. You heard the other girls talking about boys: but what you thought about mostly was me, a coil around your neck. You have always wanted to give yourself to me. To submit to my fatal grip. I fill your mind. I am the sort of lover who suddenly takes you by surprise when you are thinking of something else. I distract you from the boredom of everyday life. Of vanilla sex. I can make you come with just a whisper of promise. Of a caress that will never end.
I am a faithful lover. Faithful to you. Yes, there are others that I service, that I satisfy.....Always others.....But I am there for you whenever you think of me, want me, need me. I will be with you till your dying breath. Yours. Forever.
You can depend on me. You are safe with me. I will never fail you. I will never let you down, until that moment when you dangle from me, legs kicking, lungs burning, throat being crushed, neck stretched by your own weight as you dance on air. I will give you your final, best, most intense orgasm. It will be like none you have ever had. You have never had another lover like me. One who gives so much. Takes so much. Takes everything.
I make you so wet. Just the thought of my tightness turns you on. It is a consummation that you yearn for. The eventual end of all your longing. I am here for you. Waiting. I can wait. You will come to me. You will come.......

Rope by migoz2

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x--M--x Featured By Owner 3 hours ago  New Deviant Professional General Artist
Awesome! Love it!
utugirl Featured By Owner 7 hours ago
I came.....
migoz2 Featured By Owner 7 hours ago  New Deviant Hobbyist Writer
For the rope......
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