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Owen was home from college for the summer. He had yet to find a job, and his mother was on his case for it. In the meantime, she deiced to keep him busy by sending him on errands in the family station wagon.  First stop on the list was the local butcher. Unfortunately, parking in downtown was a pain in the ass. The street in front of the butcher's was lined with "No Parking" signs, and there wasn't a legal spot in sight. After making 3 frustrated laps around the block, Owen decided to press his luck and park in front of the store. He ran in, bought what he needed, and headed back to the car in what seemed like no time.  Unfortunately, it was enough time for the meter maid to find his car. The woman was a full head taller Owen, with olive skin and dark hair pulled in a bun.  Her broad hips and full breast were packed tightly into the dark blue Dickies and white blouse, topped off with white gloves, a dark tie, and mirrored sunglasses. She was sternly scribbling on her clip board when Owen rushed up.  "I'm sorry officer" he stuttered. “I’ll move the car right away!"  "Too late for that, young man," she said. "The city does not tolerate parking infractions. I'm going to have to fine you."  The color drained from Owen's face. "Fine me?! My mom'll kill me!"  "Perhaps you should have thought of that before you broke the law..." She went off on a stern lecture. Owen needed a distraction, and fast. He wasn't kidding when he said his mother would kill him.  Just as the power-mad meter maid was bringing her lecture to a close, her heavy leather belt snapped at the buckle and dropped to the ground. She looked down at the belt, and then up at Owen, puzzled. Neither Owen or anyone else was standing close enough to break her belt. She clutched her clipboard to her chest and bent over to retrieve her belt.  There was a loud ripping noise as her tight polyester Dickies split open straight up her round ass. The sound was loud enough to draw the attention of passersby. The meter maid jumped up, forgetting her belt. She reached back with her free hand to survey the damage. Even in the reflection of the station wagon's window, Owen could see the broad band of white that ran up her round ass.  She was dumbfounded at her predicament, and took a moment to recover her command presence. She backed up against the station wagon, pressing her ass against the door, so the growing gang of horny boys ran behind her.  Too late, though, she realized that the car had been out in the hot sun all afternoon. The heat of the fender seared through her thin cotton panties, scalding her ass.  The meter maid jumped away from the car with a yelp, but something tugged back hard at her hips, almost burning her ass again. By now a small crowd was gathering. She carefully twisted around, to see that her panties had become snagged on the door handle.   She couldn't find and angle from which she could unhook her panties and her fidgeting was only pulling the underwear through the hole in her pants, ripping it ever wider by the second. Finally, the meter maid turned to Owen and swallowed her pride.  "Young man, if you were to help me with this, perhaps we could forget about your parking violation..." Owen nodded dumbly and stepped behind her. Her panties were white cotton with small pink hearts printed on them. Enough of the underwear was bunched around the door handle that Owen had an unobstructed view of the crack of her pale tush.

Even as she stood there, nervously shifting from foot to foot, the stretched panties were slowly splitting apart her tight Dickies. Owen nervously began to fumble with the knot, when his hand accidentally touched the hot fender. When he flinched, his hand spanked against the bare skin of her ass.  The meter maid jumped forward with a scream, and there was a terrible ripping noise. Her panties were left on the door, a shredded tangle of white cotton and pink hearts. She reached back and touched her ass, only to feel the pale skin of her fleshy pale bottom exposed to the warm afternoon breeze and leering public view. She spun around, trying to cover her butt with her free hand and leveling a venomous glare at Owen.  Little did the meter maid realize that when her panties had ripped off, they had completely ripped open the seat of her Dickies. The uniform pants were now split clean open to her crotch. As soon as she took a step towards Owen, the blue polyester fell away from her round hips like a banana peel and dangled limply at her thighs.  A collective gasp went through the crowd. The shirt tails from her under-sized white blouse didn't hang low enough to conceal her naked ass, nor her neatly trimmed dark bush. This time the meter maid let loose a full-fledged scream and thrust her hand into her crotch to cover it from the hysterical crowd.   She tried to bring her clipboard down, too, to save more of her precious modesty, but found it tangled in her necktie. She desperately pranced from foot to foot, unable to conceal both her ass and pussy. A thick and leering crowd surrounded her on every side.  She gave one last desperate tug at her clipboard, and it came free, but only because her cheap, clip-on tie was tearing apart her blouse.

With a  growling rip, the seams split across either shoulder. The ruined cloth slid from her shoulders, revealing a pair of very full, D-cup size breasts, squeezed into a stoic white bra, hefted by wide straps over each shoulder. Far and away the biggest, roundest breasts Owen had ever witnessed “in the flesh.”

She screamed again at the roar of the crowd. Her mirrored sunglasses slid down her thin nose, showing her wide-eyed expression. Even her bun seemed to be falling apart.
The meter maid panicked and fled- or at least what could pass for flight with her sensible work slacks in a tangle around her knees.  She was hobbled, reduced quick mincing steps, making her full, curvaceous ass tremble.

She stuffed the remains of her blouse into her crotch to conceal her lush pubic mound, and tried in vain to cover her generous ass with her other hand. Her fat breasts bounced wildly as she tried in vain to cover her nudity. Owen was completely mesmerized by the trembling white flesh, straining and swelling at the plain white brassier. How soft and warm they must feel…


The crowd went silent as her heavy duty bra broke, springing from her chest and sending two, plump quivering tits tumbling out into the midday sun.

She doubled over trying to contain them, fumbling with the broken bra. Manically she tried to stuff her breasts back into the cups, but the ruined bra slipped limply from her shoulders.

She tried to scoop her breasts up, cup them in her hands. At best she could only contain one at a time, as the other would slip through her trembling fingers. Despite the heat, her pink nipples were stiffening in the sunlight.

Overwhelmed by the impossible task of concealing her dark bush, her tremendous breasts, and her equally generous ass, the poor meter maid surrendered her body to the gawking eyes and lewd cheers and chose to cover her blushing face instead.

Being several inches taller than most of the men gawking at her, she charged through the crowd and fled down the sidewalk. By the time she had reached the corner, she had lost her blouse and bra, and what was left of her pants had slithered down past her knees.   Owen stared in wide-eyed wonder, not even concerned with concealing his erection. He pulled the ripped panties from his door handle and kept them as a souvenir. As her got into the car, he heard someone in the crowd say, "Serves her right!  She got me with about 5 tickets last week!".
Another Owen story recovered from the mists of history!


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skullking2 Featured By Owner Jun 20, 2017
hahaha, the story is shorter then the other two, it make since that his powers has gotten a lot better during those 3 years, also I think he must have strip more women during those time. haha, this is the first woman he use power against who was a little corrupted.( I know she wasn't the first corrupted women he use his power against during those 3 years)  

Keep up the great work
gao23 Featured By Owner Jul 3, 2017  Professional Digital Artist
Thank you!
GraciousGoodSevens Featured By Owner Feb 9, 2017
This is the first of your stories I have read, and it reminds me of that 1980s teen movie ZAPPED - only better! A girl left undressed but with her white gloves still on is always a treat, and I also love it when a dark girl is pasty white "where the sun don't shine!" My only quibble is that I wish she'd lost the top half of her uniform first.
gao23 Featured By Owner Feb 28, 2017  Professional Digital Artist
HUGE fan of Zapped!  Definitely a formative movie of my youth.  Actually, I remember seeing the cassette in the video store, and I was just mesmerized by the box art.  It wasn't until years later I got to actually see a heavily edited version on USA Up All Night.
Cyan-Pile Featured By Owner Jun 27, 2016
I really like these stories you write.
gao23 Featured By Owner Jun 27, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
Thank you! :D
Cyan-Pile Featured By Owner Jun 27, 2016
I just wanted to ask. Do you have any recommendations for other enf stories?
gao23 Featured By Owner Jun 27, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
Literotica and Deviantart both have a bunch.  Search for the ENF tag.
SiBaTheHat Featured By Owner Jun 22, 2016
Brilliant. I may try something similar.
gao23 Featured By Owner Jun 22, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
You may try... telekinetically undressing a meter maid?
SiBaTheHat Featured By Owner Jun 23, 2016
LOL. I meant writing something similar. But now you suggest it, yes, I will try my strange powers on a policewoman.
gao23 Featured By Owner Jun 23, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
If you figure out how, please let me know! 
SiBaTheHat Featured By Owner Jun 23, 2016
No problem. I'll find a suitable one and try.
ElectroblueWW3 Featured By Owner Mar 2, 2016
Lovely, in the most disastrous sense, as always.
gao23 Featured By Owner Mar 6, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
Thank you! :D
sakuraalfa3 Featured By Owner Feb 23, 2016
Amazing series! I look forward to it every time I see a notification!
gao23 Featured By Owner Feb 23, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
Thank you!  Owen's little adventures are always fun to write and illustrate!
mutantkind Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Fleshy, round, authority figures. Nothing wrong with that :D
gao23 Featured By Owner Feb 23, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
Especially when they are dressed down! :D
mutantkind Featured By Owner Feb 23, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
This isn't a criticism. Everything you produce is top notch, but do you draw the women a little smaller that you describe them in the stories. Both are sexy in either case
gao23 Featured By Owner Feb 23, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
Smaller how?
mutantkind Featured By Owner Feb 23, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
More slim than the story suggests. Maybe that's just me visualizing them with more meat than you intended. I do that sometimes. Either way I still enjoyed both versions of that maid ;)
Bobbyjoethesecond Featured By Owner Apr 3, 2016
well i like them the way they are drawn
Bobbyjoethesecond Featured By Owner Apr 3, 2016
so keep up the good work gao23 XD
daleksupreme Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Wonderful story. You need to come to Sydney the police women and meter maids here are beautiful, seriously. Even the female firemen are georgeous.
gao23 Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
Holy crap, really??  What is your immigration policy? :)
daleksupreme Featured By Owner Edited Feb 22, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Really! Our wonderful Girls in blue, from Victoria, New South Wales, and South Australia. The girls in WA and Queensland seem more camera shy! As for getting here... Provided you don't come by boat, and do have money... Welcome (if you speak English)! Otherwise get lost mate, but then you may be fortunate enough to be escorted off the premises by one of our Lady cops. They do carry guns as well, and do us proud. You don't mess with them.

653021-fdc28aaa-f0fc-11e3-8da8-726202433ee0 by daleksupreme  Australia-Day-2008-Gorgeous-Police-Woman MG 4437-1 by daleksupreme  486257480 by daleksupreme  Women-police-6016448 by daleksupreme  
gao23 Featured By Owner Mar 9, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
TheGildoe Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016
WOW! What an unfortunate accident for the Meter Maid! XD Great story and love the details that you added, I could almost see the events happening in my head. And great image too!!
gao23 Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
Thank you!  Granted, I have never actually seen a sexy meter maid, which has probably saved me millions of dollars in parking tickets...
TheGildoe Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016
Ha ha yeah maybe! But again great story, I hope we get to read more!
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