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Reds460-x-60 by Rob66

 1.  What is Red's Realm?

When Harmony was still publishing their magazine, Bondage Life, the Realm was called the Bondage
Life of the internet by some people. I've always preferred to think of it as the Ed Sullivan Show of internet bondage. Ed didn't sing, dance, juggle, do magic tricks or tell jokes himself, but he provided a showcase for the best of those who did. I don't take bondage pictures, make bondage movies, write bondage stories or draw bondage art but if someone else on the internet does any of
those things well, I want to find them and provide them with a wider audience.

2.  What motivated you to create
The Realm, and how has it evolved since you first launched the

When I first started Reds-Realm, the only bondage on the internet was a small handful of free
sites set up by other fans like me featuring scans of their favorite magazine pictures with their comments on them. I started doing that too. Soon, other sites started to pop up offering memberships to access their material. Many were just rip-off porn sites, but some featured
quality original bondage material, so I started linking to them and posting
reviews of their
sites with samples of their material to help fans like myself find the good
stuff. Soon, the
Realm became so popular that I had to limit access to some of the samples to paying members just
to pay the enormous bandwidth costs it was running up.

3.  What was the bondage industry like when you first became interested in

I wouldn't know, since I was a child when I first became interested in bondage, but when I became
old enough to discover such an industry actually existed, it was dominated by magazines from
publishers like Harmony and House of Milan.

4.  How have you seen the bondage industry change since you first became
involved with the

In the 1970s consumers had a choice between the very light, softcore, "love bondage" of Harmony's
magazines or the harder, more BDSM-oriented House of Milan. The internet has allowed an enormous
amount of diverse and specialized material to find audiences and flourish.

5.  How, if at all, do you think society's attitude towards bondage has
changed since you first
became involved in the industry?

I like to think it's actually improved and become more accepting. Forty years ago (yes, I'm old),
the mainstream media portrayed bondage as only appealing to serial killers
and perverts so sick
as to be the butt of bad jokes. Today, humorous references to normal,
healthy, happy lovers tying
each other up for fun have become common. Even more significantly, the point of those jokes has shifted from "Ha-ha, you do sick or silly things" to "Ha-ha, everybody just found out you do it too!" It's been several years since I've gotten hate mail from people "on a mission from God" to
shoot me for "encouraging violence against women."

6.  What do you consider to be the most special feature of The Realm, and why?

That's a tough one, because I'm proud of several things about
The Realm. I get about an equal number of complaints from people saying it's too softcore and too hardcore, which tells me we're
succeeding in providing a wide range of material with something for
everybody with an interest in
bondage. I'm also glad that I can continue to provide a free survey of bondage related sites on the internet with samples that can be enjoyed by everyone, including those who can't afford to spend money for good bondage material. I'm also proud to say that despite the large amount of free material available on The Realm, we don't make nudity available to every minor child with
access to the internet.

7.  Please tell us the most embarrassing or funniest bondage-related story you have since you
launched Red's Realm.

Well, there was the minister's teenage daughter who assumed that
"Red's Realm of Romantic Restraint"
would have a lot of good advice for young people who wanted to
keep their virginity
and discovered a different interpretation of "romantic restraint"...

Sadly, I have some funny ones, but no way to tell them without embarrassing people I don't want
to embarrass. I was embarrassed myself once when a nurse kept asking me
about what I did for a
living while waiting for a doctor. Telling her I ran a web site from home wasn't enough for her, and adding it was an adult site, just made her ask, "What kind?" I told her it wasn't vanilla, and she laughed and said she wasn't either. Finally I told her the name of the site, and to my
complete shock, she started gushing about how she and her boyfriend both just LOVED my site!

8.  How much work went into creating Red's Realm?  And what does maintaining it entail?

Learning HTML code wasn't hard, since I was already a programmer on mainframe
computers, and
doing updates on the weekends at first was just fun. It was so much fun, I
started doing them
more often. If I'd known how much work it was going to become to keep doing daily updates...well, let's just say I'm very grateful for all the help I get from friends and family, not to mention all the great producers who continue to provide me with outstanding material to post.

9.  What has been your most memorable bondage-related experience since you began Red's Realm?

I can think of two. The first time Ashley Renee called me on the phone. I spent the next hour trying to think of someone I knew in real life who I could call and say, "Dude! You'll never guess who just called me on the phone!"

And being asked to be interviewed, as if I was someone anybody had heard of.

-- Red

Since the 1990's Robert "Red" Daly has run, a site that has been touted as "The hub of web bondage for almost 20 years" with free BDSM pictures, fiction, videos, kinky art, live chat, a massive page of links to bondage themed sites, a members section, and lots more! The site also presents mini-reviews of countless bondage sites. I became friends with its former webmaster early in 2010 and in August 2010, she arranged for me to conduct this interview with Red. I hope you enjoy this short interview that provides a glimpse back into the history of bondage on the Internet.
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freemaa Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Great interview! I have never heard of the site, but I just opened up a new tab so I can check it out. I also loved the funny mishaps. :)
Rob66 Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2016
Now you've made me feel old  lol  I remember when his site was entirely free too.  He really is a bondage industry historian!
Stra-8-Jacket Featured By Owner May 13, 2016
Great interview! Love his site and have been a member off and on over many years.
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 13, 2016
thanks!  that site continues to showcase good bondage to this day!
uluv2btied Featured By Owner May 11, 2016
Did I miss the answer to the obvious question; Why the name "Red"? The answer is probably what we think, but you never know. As usual, great interview but this one had a lot of nostalgia which was a little different and appreciated.
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 12, 2016
I believe it had to do with his hair and beard but am not positive!
Vladi-the-Wizard Featured By Owner May 11, 2016  Hobbyist Photographer
Great interview, Rob!

I have always liked Red's Realm, and am not surprised that they are still going strong.

LOL... one thing that I have learned over the years, is that nurses are much kinkier than one would think, so I was absolutely NOT surprised by #8!!
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 11, 2016
Plus nurses look great tied up!

I think I am on a roll with really good interviews :) 

I'm glad you liked this one. It's interesting to see who knows of and has frequented Red's Realm. I'm not surprised to see you liked it too!
DonKevinMartin Featured By Owner May 11, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Haven't visited his site in years, but I'm glad to know it's still around.  He was a real pioneer, back in the day.  Thanks for the interview!
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 11, 2016
It is still around and I think all of the content (or most of it) from the site's beginning is still online, which is pretty impressive.  Glad you enjoyed it!
CowboyLeo Featured By Owner May 11, 2016  Hobbyist General Artist
Red's Realm is, simply put, the best resource on the web and has been for a very long time. Great stuff.
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 11, 2016
I'm glad you liked the Interview and also like The Realm  :)  Thanks for commenting!
vladen13 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
He was someone that was heard of indeed :nod: .. One of the first sites I found when I first started exploring the net :gallery:

Awesome interview :clap:
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 11, 2016
Thanks! :) I wish I'd have asked more questions of him.  He sure has been a major person in the Internet bondage world. I think a lot of us "cut our teeth" with visits to the Realm.

I appreciate you faving the interview too!
vladen13 Featured By Owner May 11, 2016
My pleasure :nod:
Chickfighter Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
An interesting read and I loved the embarrassing moments stories.
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
Those were funny and I bet the ones he didn't talk about were even better! :) 
PirateStann Featured By Owner May 10, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Wow, I didn't even know this site was still around. It's a real throwback, even the design looks like something from 20 years ago!

I don't think that many people realize that, back in the day, all the pr0n on the internet was really, truly, legitimately free. There were no paysites, just ad-supported freesites. It was like that for 1-2 years. Then the big revenue collapse came and ad rates suddenly dropped to about 1/6 to 1/10 of what they had been. Suddenly everyone had a paywall.

And that was when piracy began in earnest.
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
Still around and still updating regularly after a brief hiatus last year because of medical reasons, but it's back on track now from what I see.

And thanks for more history :)  I find it really interesting!
Strette Featured By Owner May 10, 2016  Hobbyist General Artist
Whoa!  Red!  Fantastic!

Red's Realm and I go waaay back to the late '90s.  Thanks for the interview!
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
You're welcome! I'm glad you enjoyed it!  I wanted to ask even more questions but, of all the people I've interviewed, he was such an icon that I didn't want to make him sorry that he agreed to do the interview. I was just glad he said yes to doing a "short interview."
SirJerryLone Featured By Owner Edited May 10, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Red's Realm was one of the very first sites I ever visited, possibly since late nineties.
In my hard drive there are tons of pictures taken from it.
If I'm not wrong, I discovered Alazar's art in the Realm. Just an example of how Red has been pivotal for my knowledge of bondage.
Of course the Love Bondage was what I was interested in. Never looked for nudity, violence or so. And in the realm I could find plenty of the 'vanilla bondage' I liked.
I often found the site reviews very useful, too.
Red is definitely a pioneer and a master.
Thanks a lot for the nice interview.
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
I'm really glad that you not only enjoyed the interview, but also know Reds Realm.  I discovered it in the 90s also but never really spent much time on it till I became friends with Red's former webmaster more than six years ago. She gradually sucked me into helping them with the site but it was such pleasurable work lol  I eventually asked her to see if he would do the interview and, while it took him a good while to do it, he did come through nicely!  The thing about Red's Realm is that there is something for everyone there -- the love bondage and vanilla content you like as well as the more extreme and hardcore stuff others like. It's like one-stop shopping!  Thanks for the comment and also for the fave for the interview  :)
KarinRR Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
Thanks for providing - again very interesting!
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
You're welcome :) i appreciate your reading it!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner May 10, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Great interview!
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
Thank you. It was different than the usual but Red and his site really are a key part of the industry with sites practically begging to be featured on The Realm because their traffic increases significantly after being featured.

And just a heads up that I think you'll enjoy next week's interview too! :)
RenderPretender Featured By Owner May 10, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Nice interview Rob.  His story at the end about Ashley Renee... LOL.  I don't get starstruck when meeting famous people but yeah, I'd have the same reaction if AR called me.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Edited May 10, 2016
I bet she'd call you if you said you'd do a render of her ;)
RenderPretender Featured By Owner May 10, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
LOL, I'm not so good at facial clones.  Plus, my wife wouldn't be super happy with me, I'm guessing.  I'm good.  Sometimes fantasies should just stay fantasies.
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
Probably a good idea for other reasons too. ;)
RedAngelina Featured By Owner Edited May 10, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
it´s a long time ago where i visited his site for the last time. It was allways nice....
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 10, 2016
I've helped that site over the past few years by putting together galleries of images.  They are a nice bunch of people and there is so much to see at The Realm
RedAngelina Featured By Owner May 10, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
oh that´s sounds intresting. and i remember the people, pics and stories. Many dreams came true...
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