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043015264 by Rob66
courtesy of JB Roper

What was your first exposure to the world of fetish and bondage?  Were you interested in fetish or bondage before you decided to become a model? 

I honestly had no experience in the Fetish world prior to modeling. About 7 years ago I expanded my art nude modeling to include Fetish and bondage work. It was kind of an extension of what I was shooting because a lot of the art modeling I was doing had kind of a Fetish or kink aspect to it.

What made you decide to do bondage modeling?

I loved how honest and open minded everyone in the industry was. I started off in the fashion/commercial print modeling industry and was picked apart about apparent imperfections based on how they wanted you to look. The art and Fetish community accept you as you are and I really loved that. I have met a lot of great people since I started.

Describe your first bondage photo and/or video shoot? Were you apprehensive doing it? If so, how did you overcome that feeling?

was super nervous. I had done some shibari style rope work prior, but the bondage itself was new. The restriction and the tightness of everything was something to get used to. I looked at it as kind of a challenge. It was tight and at the time I was not flexible at all. I kept telling myself that I could hold out, and that I would get better at it. I trusted who I was working with and that was a huge help in overcoming nerves.

Jbr1 by Rob66
courtesy of JB Roper

How did your first bondage shoot compare to the first time you did nude modeling?

Honestly the nude modeling was much more stressful and scary for me. The first time I did nude modeling it was because I could not afford to update my commercial print portfolio. I traded the nude images for the ones I needed. I was super self conscious at the time. I had been with a commercial print agent for about 5 years at that point and had very little self confidence. By the time I started shooting Fetish work years later I was much more comfortable with myself.

What do you like most about being a model? What do you least enjoy?

I love meeting new people and seeing the awesome end result of the hard work we put into creating. I think what I least enjoy is the driving. I often drive a few hours to each shoot and I am not a huge fan of driving.

What has been the hardest part of being a bondage model?

Probably creating the balance between home life, my day job, and the modeling. I have young kids so sometimes being away for several days is hard.

RachelAdamsIMG 5297 by Rob66
courtesy of Dominic Wolfe

Do you enjoy being tied up?  

I don't necessarily enjoy pain. As I am pushed to the limits of what I can do, I think I more enjoy seeing how the tie looks once it's completed and seeing my progress as I have been getting better at it. It is fun to see how much movement I can get depending on how tight the rigging is. I always have a sense of accomplishment if I can hold out on a strict and tough rigging for the duration of the clip. 

Aside from JB Roper and JJ Plush, what other sites have to worked with?  How do you decide whether to shoot bondage with a producer who expresses interest in working with you?

I have worked with a few dozen producers at this point, Eric Cain, PE Pelfreyman, rope expert, Jon woods, and Michael Keyes are some that I have coming up that I have worked with before. I love meeting new people, but it is nice to develop that trust and understanding you get working with people several times. That way I know what to expect and what they expect from me. 

Has shooting bondage ever come back to haunt you when you looked for work on a non-bondage shoot or job outside of modeling?

So far I have managed to keep them separate. I am not sure how it will affect things if there is any cross over. I imagine certain employers would frown upon it. Luckily the employer I currently have supports what I do and the mainstream photographers that I have worked with have either not made the connection across genres or accept what I do.

JJPl1 by Rob66
courtesy of JJ Plush

Are there any photographers/producers you would like to work with? And why them?

So far I have had the wonderful opportunity to work with a lot of great people. I have some producers I have not had the chance to travel to, but hopefully in the next year I will have the chance to do so.

JB introduced one of your photo and video sets on by saying "Rachel submissively allows herself to be tied tight with no escape in sight."  Do you agree with that characterization of you -- that you are submissive? Why or why not?

I think in my modeling I am submissive, but in my personal life I am rather controlling. I think that is why it is nice to give up that control sometimes because I am so controlling when it comes to my personal life with work and family.

What has been the most exciting moment for you since you began bondage modeling and why?

When I was recognized by someone I didn't know. I had never really considered myself well known, and I still consider myself to kind of be an unknown, so when I was recognized for my work by someone that was a fan that was a very cool feeling.

If you could go back and change anything about your career, what would it be?

I honestly don't know. Everything in my life has closed some doors and opened others, but I am very happy with where I am now.

What else do you want your fans to know about Rachel Adams?

I really appreciate all the support from everyone who I have worked with or is a fan of my work! I would never be able to do any of this without everyone's support!


A big thank you goes out to JB Roper for helping to arrange this interview with one of his models, the lovely and personable Rachel Adams!
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AlFess Featured By Owner Aug 31, 2018  Professional Photographer
Hey Rachel, Keep up the great work. Nice honest interview as well. 
Rob66 Featured By Owner Aug 31, 2018
glad you enjoyed the interview
Moraxian Featured By Owner Apr 27, 2018  Professional Photographer
Came back to reread this after working with Rachel earlier tonight. She is as advertised, a terrific, sexy and 100% professional model/actress. We had to change some things due to some issues in my personal life, and she was willing to accommodate me. I can't wait to work with her again!
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 28, 2018
I adore her and one of my favorite memories is taking her to dinner at the Con in 2016 and then seeing her again last year. She's fantastic!
Moraxian Featured By Owner Apr 28, 2018  Professional Photographer
Here's a link to a sample shot from our shoot yesterday here on DA.  Hope you don't mind (please delete if don't want the link... I'm good with it).

Mature Content

Rachel Adams: My First Time by Moraxian
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 28, 2018
:) it's fine
CJhammond Featured By Owner Aug 3, 2017  Hobbyist Artist
Currently she is top on the list of models I have yet to shoot with and want to work with
Rob66 Featured By Owner Aug 4, 2017
I hope you get to make it happen.  She's a really lovely person!
CJhammond Featured By Owner Aug 22, 2017  Hobbyist Artist
thats what I hear
curmudge Featured By Owner Feb 2, 2017
Rachel is currently my favorite model! I really like her work and am always happy to stumble across a new site featuring her.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Feb 3, 2017
She is really great!  I love her work too!
Stra-8-Jacket Featured By Owner Apr 6, 2016
As a bondage producer and rigger it's nice to hear from models that know they are appreciated. I can't imagine turning away a model because they had some "perceived" imperfection.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 7, 2016
I know plenty of producers who turn away models for any number of reasons, some I understand and some I don't.  Their loss though if they skip working with a model like Rachel!
freemaa Featured By Owner Apr 6, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Great interview! I agree with your description, she is very personable! I really liked her response to the question about why she started doing bondage modeling. It is nice to hear that she is accepted as she is, not only in her appearance but in her experience with bondage in general. It was also cool to read about her progression from not being flexible at all to being able to maintain a strenuous pose throughout a shoot. Again, I think it is a great interview!
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 7, 2016
I didn't really know a lot about Rachel (other than that I like her work a lot and really wanted to interview her!) till I read her responses. Now, I'm really looking forward to when I meet her in person. She seems like a genuinely nice person who I'd enjoy talking with when we meet!
art1watcher Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
Nice Interview. I am fascinated by the work when she endures the reverse prayer positions. She is very flexible. 😍👍
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 6, 2016
Thanks for reading and commenting on Rachel's interview.  I appreciate it.  She'll enjoy hearing your comment when I tell her about it!
PirateStann Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
You asked her "Do you enjoy being tied up?" I'd argue she had already answered the question when she talked about how the tightness of the bondage was uncomfortable and something she had to endure.

It's been my experience that gals who like being tied up *crave* tightness, and simply ignore the discomfort. This is something pretty much any experienced rigger will tell you, that it's *their* job to ensure that the gal's hands aren't getting too cold (losing circulation) or look for other telltales that a rope's too tight. Because a true rope bunny will be too busy enjoying the actual bondage to care.

I won't condemn any model who simply does bondage work for a paycheck. But there's definitely a difference between them and gals who get tied up in their real lives as well.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
I agree with you. You can often tell which models are doing bondage just for a paycheck. But comma even if a model is doing bondage strictly for a paycheck, it is nice to see her in the images looking as if she is enjoying the experience rather than just doing it for the money. There are some models where you can tell they are just doing it for the paycheck and I find those images to be less fun to look at then other ones.
PirateStann Featured By Owner Apr 6, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Like I said, I won't diss anyone who's a professional. But increasingly I find amateur work more appealing. Seeing vids made by a couple who's actually in a D/s relationship, knowing that she's there to please Him, the dynamic shines and makes even technically imperfect vids extremely appealing.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 6, 2016
I agree with you on that too!
lovegaggeddamsel Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
Thanks a lot for these interviews at bondage models...before of the interview I didn't know very well Rachel Adams...but I liked(and I like now)her bondage sets with Jj Plush...she is fantastic bound and gagged by Jj...😍😍👍👍.I'm curious about an aspect...In your interviews, what are the models that love bondage in her real life.. I remember only Jasmine Sinclair....
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
I avoid that question because I don't want to get too personal with the questioning. Some models will volunteer that information though, but I leave it up to them!
lovegaggeddamsel Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
Ok it's right!👍..i would suggest you a fantastic model of new generation to interview(if you haven't already interview her..):Enchantress Sahrye.She is a super sexy latina,puertorican beauty that loves to be bound and gagged(fantastic sets with Jj Plush,Dixie Comets and Dng bondage).😊
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
Sahrye's interview will be coming soon, I hope. Already in progress!
RenderPretender Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Great interview. She's seems nice and down to earth.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
I'm looking forward to meeting her but she really does seem like a genuine person trying to make a living and enjoying what she does (aside from the driving).  Thanks!!!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Great interview! ! Love that she is able to balance her two 'lives' and loved her answer to the submissive question, I would have given a similar answer!
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
She really impressed me too with the fact that she manages to model and travel even tough she has small children. I've been told by someone on DA that she's a single parent, which makes her even more impressive in my eyes (and why I am helping her to find paid work at this year's Fetish Con, which is the first one she's attending). I'm glad you enjoyed reading it!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Yeah, she and I have a good bit in common. I am amazed and impressed too!
RenderPretender Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Denise has a mini-Dee running around???
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
I do...
RenderPretender Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
That's adorable.  :)
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
At times...
RenderPretender Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Hatsune Miku-13 (Wink and Heart) 
(1 Reply)
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
Never too late to supplement your career ;)
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
So you say! ;)
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
LOL!  :)  You're a very good sport!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
I try :)
KarinRR Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
Thanks again!
Rob66 Featured By Owner Apr 5, 2016
you're very welcome :)
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