Thank you for asking me to participate in your on line interviews.
1) What made you decide to create a bondage site?
I will give you the short version. In 1999, I was living in the Bronx, my neighbor at that time had an adult website. The internet was still in its infancy and it was the right time to get a website started. I was not sure what type of content I would produce, hence the name DizDat, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I originally wanted to feature, up skirts, feet, mouth and a few more fetishes that were popular at the time. I bought a digital Kodak camera. I think it was 2 mega pixels..... I bought my domain name and slowly shot some picture sets in my spare time. Pictures were the thing then. Videos were just customs or hour long movies. And had not made any yet. The first Bond Con, now known as Fetish Con -- It was basically an adult trade show. At the show, I met Jim Hunter and Genesis Lynn and Mike who own the show. Genesis liked my cousin who attended with me, and the whole weekend she gave me advice and some ideas. Genesis said, "You would make a great bad guy," and Anthony Peters was born.
2) How much work goes into running a bondage site? What does it entail?
How much work goes in to running my website and clips store? Plenty, so much so I have two computers working all day long. Almost 7 days a week I shoot content. I share a warehouse with Jim Hunter. He has days and I have nights. Nichole Peters was recently in a bad motor cycle accident and will not be modeling for quite a while. She is now my camera girl. At 7 pm most nights, we shoot an assortment of neighborhood gals and a few select pros. Two hours yields me 3 to 4 bondage clips and two silly girl clips. I have a multi fetish clips store, titled DizDat's silly girls next door, a foot fetish store, a handcuff store and a Vore store. I have things organized after almost 17 years. Day time finds me sitting at my desk editing my videos adding descriptions to the clips. I also have to edit photo sets for DizDat.com. To answer the question, it is a hell of a lot of work.
3) How much work goes into preparing for a bondage shoot?
Our studio has every thing we need, wardrobe and shoes, props , lighting , rope, zip ties, tape, rags, handcuffs, chain, we even have a refrigerator, air conditioning and fans. We also Have a 7 foot alligator who lives in a pond behind the studio. So not much prep, but a lot of clean up.
4) How do you decide what outfits or positions will be used for one of your shoots?
Depending on the model, some look good in jeans and sneakers and a t shirt. Some look good in cat suits and boots or jeans and heels or a skirt and pantyhose and super high heels. I buy new clothes on e-bay or yard sales on weekends. Nichole mostly picks out wardrobe.
5) Describe one of your typical photo and video shoots from start to finish.
I pick up Nichole, get coffee and head over to the studio. She sits and texts while I turn on the lights and pick up whatever Jim leaves behind. (He is a bit of a slob) The model shows up on time hopefully. An out fit is chosen, make up is done. I would have already chosen the materials I will be using....rope tape, ball gag. Whatever props would already be in the studio. Then and only then does the clock start. We put the start time on the model release. If the model is new, we take care of all the ID Issues and headshots, explain the job. Start with a silly clip...Mouth tour, balloons clip, foot clip, whatever. Then a bondage clip about 10 - 15 minutes. Then a break and a change of wardrobe, another clip, break, clip, break. Two hours and we are done. Nichole fills out the model release and films a video statement -- "Today is January 22, 2016. I am here with Model name. What is your real name....and what is your date of birth? And that makes you how old today? Tonight you made a smoking clip, mouth tour and three bondage clips. Is everything OK? Are you happy as a clam? Did you do this of your own free will? Ok say good bye." We pack up the used clothing and take it home to be washed. I take the used clips home, download them to an external hard drive.
Defiance is a DizDat trademark at the end of his shoots!

Defiance is a DizDat trademark at the end of his shoots!
6) What has been the most memorable moment for you out of all the shoots you’ve done?
I could not say there is a defining moment in the history of DizDat. There are good and bad experiences. Back when I first met Michelle, I tied her up and stuffed her in to a tiny clothes dryer, she escaped. That was cool but then soon after I did an outdoor shoot with someone else and that was cool or the time my son came to visit and I told my camera girl at that time, Lexi, I would not need her Saturday and Sunday. I was going away for the weekend and she broke into my house. Or the many people I have fired through the years. Not to mention the ex-girl friends who I turned into models who learned the business from me, stole my models and went on to work with competitors. Or when so-called friends stab you in the back. The people who buy our content seem to think that the models can do no wrong. That none have
problems. I have received e-mail on several occasions......Mr. Peters you have the greatest job in the world tying up girls every day. If they only knew the truth.
7) What is your policy about models bringing escorts or chaperones to your bondage photoshoots? What is the rationale for that policy?
Escorts.... Models can always bring a female escort. I have had them bring their mothers and sisters, friends; boyfriends sometimes interfere, making the model uncomfortable or trying to decide what outfit would look best or what showed too much or telling me what their girl can or can't do or taking pictures with their phone or shooting video. I am not shy and will tell them to wait outside, go somewhere else or take your gal and go home. I have no time for bull shit. Some guys I know now and they can stay. When I am paying per hour, believe me that I will not put up with bull shit.
8) What is the dream shoot you have not yet done during your career as a rigger and site producer?
Honestly I have no dream shoot in mind. I try to be original. But for some reason there are a few producers who copy ideas and that does piss me off. I just want to build a steady team of models and allow their abilities to give me my ideas.
9) What are your favorites: gags, type of restraint, model wardrobe, bondage position for the model?
I like rope best. And huge ball gags are my favorite. Rope is easiest to work with. Handcuffs limit what you can do, tape is my second favorite and models hate zip ties. I like to have the models wear the highest heels I can find, the shortest skirts, pantyhose or nylons. Positions.....Hogties are a staple in this business and I like using a nose hook and tying the model's shoe on their face because after you have tied them up to the point that there is nothing left to do to them, the shoe on the face or nose hook is like the an after dinner mint before you pay the check...LOL
10) How did you acquire your technique for rigging and photography?
Trial and error. No one taught me. When I started, I sucked and I would look at my work and say...why didn't I move that crap behind the model? That rope looks loose and that gag looks stupid. The model looks tired, bored, too happy. I wasted a lot of money learning what not to do. Just Trial and Error!
11 ) Can you describe your very first bondage shoot and then describe how you’ve seen your style/technique evolve since that first shoot?
My first shoot ever was with a girl I knew for years an ex-stripper with a bad boob job. She could not get her elbows together and did not want to show her face. How's that for my first shoot ? It sucked. As time went on, I met a few hot Black gals and Dominicans. They were down for anything and were very flexible. As long as I could pay them, everything was great. Chaos, Exotica, Desire and Curious made me a lot of money. You can say I practiced and developed my so called style working them. I hope that answers your question.
12) Are there any riggers/producers who have influenced you over the years? And if so, how?
Before I ever took a picture or shot a single frame of Video, I would talk with Dominic Wolfe. I e-mailed him and asked for advice. He told me "As long as you listen to what I tell you and don't waste my time, I will help you." I would send him samples of my work and he would say to add more rope next time or gag her better. Jim Hunter helped me along. He would call me his protégé. Jim and I would share models and shoot locations.
13 ) How do you find the models who appear on your site?
I am not shy. If I think that a girl is "DizDatable" as I call it, I will ask and explain what I do. Also, the girls who work for me bring friends. I pay finders fees. Finding them is easy. 85 percent don't work out, move, have boyfriends who object, go to jail. get pregnant or just piss me off. I am not in this to meet models. I look at this as my job, how I pay for my life. I am not or have ever been a fan of models amateur or professional. They are just people. I treat them with respect, but if they try to run a game on me, they're done. One goes, one comes. I do not care if they are big money makers; there will be more.
14) What are your thoughts on the piracy of bondage content on the Internet where your work is posted elsewhere without your permission?
Piracy, as you know, is a huge problem. I have contacted you (Rob) many times asking what can be done to have some of my content removed. I have seen my clips re-titled, re-edited, models' names changed. The descriptions changed. Sometimes I am in the clips. Now that everyone you know has a studio or clips store, we see our monthly sales decrease. Add to that the fact that people are viewing some of our newest content for free, it makes me wonder why I even bother. So YES, piracy is a big issue with me.
15) How do you respond to this statement: BDSM equals abuse of women?
BDSM is not what I do. I create damsel in distress clips. I am surprised that my clips are as popular as they are because I very rarely do topless or nude. My clips are about the position, the situation, what my character does. I never do forced orgasms, whipping, flogging. I will smack asses and tickle, but that's about all. If I am dating a model and she wants to do something out of the ordinary, then I will, but that is rare. Since the beginning of my career, I end all my photo shoots with the model giving me the finger....flipping me off. This is not only my trademark, but shows the model is safe, unhurt, and back in control.
16) What is the hardest, toughest or most difficult aspect of being a producer of bondage content?
All of it is tough. I am now 54. The days of throwing a fighting girl over my shoulder and running off are history. Dealing with women every day is very difficult. Having the budget to shoot as often as I do is hard, constantly replacing clothes, shoes, gear. Keeping the receipts straight. Here in Florida, even though the studio is air conditioned, you can see the sweat stains all over me. I bring extra shirts to my shoots and I cannot have fans running during the shoots. During a shoot not too long a go a model kicked me in the mouth by accident and I lost a tooth. I fall, trip, stumble, get cut, get splinters. This is not on the level of being an iron worker, but it's not easy.
17 ) What advice would you give to a person who wants to begin a bondage website as a producer/photographer/rigger?
I have had people ask me for advice. I tell them the truth. You're not going to get rich overnight. For the first couple of years, you will not break even unless you use your wife or girlfriends. Then your costs will be lower, but people like variety. I also point out that after almost 17 years, I am also trying to figure this business out. The short answer is I do what I can for them.
18 ) What else do you want your fans to know about you and your work?
What do I want people to know about me? I have made plenty of mistakes. I have trusted people, helped people who have stabbed me in the back, dated models who learned the business from me and then became my competition, helped a particular unnamed producer financially, helped get him to Florida, introduced them to my local gals only to have them stolen as I call it. This Producer also screwed me out of video royalties and merchandise. I have had people spread rumors that I hurt models. People who never met me. I have had a model break into my home. I have helped a professional local model who had her electric shut off twice. Bailed her man out of jail, and as soon as things did not go her way, she began copying my clips and descriptions almost word for word just to piss me off. I rarely attended Industry events. You can count my industry friends on one hand. I do me my way. I am the best friend you will ever have.
Thank you for asking me to do this interview.
Sorry for my bad English, I am from Germany
I'm glad that you liked the interview! Thanks for reading it
Such a blue collar attitude. But it's one helluva day job!
Can't help but wondering who the people are he's talking about, i can only guess. Maybe Les&Brenda from Brendabound? Or Briella? I HAVE TO KNOW! lol
Great interview once again! Thanks
I don't know who he referred to but it's always nice to take the high road and leave some things unsaid
I'm still waiting for two models to get back to me with theirs so I'll be running another producer interview next week.
I'm glad you read it!!