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Sarah woke up, threw her pink shorts and white tanktop on and went out to the garden to water her Venus flytrap, her uggs made soft thudding sounds as she walked. she was a rather sexy girl with long brownish hair, she loved her plant alot. she gave it water every day and she loved it, little did she know that it hated her and wanted to eat her.

she started to water it when it suddenly attacked her, it closed its mouth on her arm and sucked her downward, she began screaming her lungs off as it swallowed her head, her screams became muffled, her body lifted in the air. she kicked her legs madly causing her uggs to fly off, she went to punch the plant but her other arm got swallowed as well.

the plant took another gulp swallowing her breast and bare stomach, her cries could still be heard. the plant then swallowed her bare hips, she continued kicking her bare legs, her socked feet wiggled madly. the plant took another gulp swallowing her ass and bare thighs, her struggling lessened. the plant took another gulp swallowing her knees and calves, she wiggled her socked feet madly. the plant finished her off with a final gulp, swallowing her socked feet.

the plant belched, coughing up Sarah's water container that she used to water the plants. she was never seen again......

poserhorror Featured By Owner Oct 24, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
like to make picture for  this story :-)  
Sarahbeingvored Featured By Owner Dec 29, 2012
Lovely and sad story of me XD. Thanks again :)
girleater1901 Featured By Owner Dec 29, 2012  Hobbyist Writer
your welcome :P :D
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Submitted on
December 29, 2012
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