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Krista decided to go shopping for socks, she put on her jeans, her neon green ankle socks, her sneakers, and her black tanktop, the bottom of her tanktop crept over her belly button so the lower part of her stomach was visible. she got in her car and drove to the store. she walked into the store and found the sock isle. little did she know that the huge snake that escaped from the zoo 3 weeks ago was stalking her, planning its attack so it could feast on her delicious body. she is on the menu and she doesn't even know it, she will soon be in the snakes stomach, digesting away with no chance of survival.

Krista continued looking at all the colorful socks, she was having a hard time choosing which socks she wanted, they were all colorful and soft. her stomach began growling, she rubbed it and said to her self that she needed to hurry. the snake slithered over to her, shes in trouble but she doesnt know it. then the snake struck, it wrapped its tail around Krista, pinning her arms to her sides, she screamed and cried as the snakes mouth opened, she kicked madly, causing her sneakers to fly off, her head entered the snakes mouth. her muffled cries could still be heard.

she tried squirming out of the snakes grasp but the snake held her in place as it swallowed her neck, she wiggled her toes madly as the snake swallowed her shoulders, she was running out of time, she needed to escape before the snake swallowed her stomach, she wiggled her fingers in an attempt to grab onto something. the snake swallowed again, her breast entered its mouth.

the snake released her arms, the snakes mouth had a firm grip on her arms so she couldn't use her arms anymore. she moved her arms and kicked her legs as the snake swallowed the upper part of her stomach, her belly button was visible. she struggled desperately as the snake swallowed the rest of her stomach, her arms were inside the snakes mouth along with her stomach. only her butt,legs, and feet were left to swallow.

the snake tilted its head back making it easier to swallow poor Krista, it swallowed her butt in one gulp, she wiggled her toes madly, she kicked her legs in desperation. the snake swallowed again, her thighs entered the snakes mouth. only her knees and feet were left to swallow, she stopped kicking madly but continued wiggling her toes, the snake swallowed her knees with a loud gulp.

she wiggled her toes and moved her feet in desperation as the snake finished her with a final gulp, she slid down the snakes throat,struggling as she went down further into her resting place. the snake slithered away with a struggling Krista in its stomach. she was never seen again, her shoes were thrown in the garbage by the night janitor.

Krista (grabmysocks) gets eaten by a snake while doing sock shopping :P
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GrabMySocks Featured By Owner Jul 25, 2012
i seriously need to go shopping now :D that was fantastic :D im so horny :D
undeadsolider01 Featured By Owner Jul 25, 2012  Hobbyist Writer
thanks :D im glad you liked it :)
GrabMySocks Featured By Owner Jul 27, 2012
i always love your storys :D
undeadsolider01 Featured By Owner Jul 27, 2012  Hobbyist Writer
i know :D i am very creative :)
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Submitted on
July 24, 2012
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