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   Yum Yum Bakery
Is there camra rolling yet John? I say to the camra guy, while I fidget with my blonde hair.  Yes it is, says john with a devilish grin.  This is Rachel with the DA news, I am reporting live in front of Yum Yum bakery where report's of woman have been disappearing here.  I am here to investigate, so let us see what is going on.  Rachel says while turning on our heels.  When they arrive inside, they both notice how wonderful it smells in here.  With the smell of frosting and sugar and spice.  wow Rachel says, it smells so wonderful in here!  She calms down and comes to our senses.  I have a job to do.  Behind the counter is a young looking man attractive too.  Rachel walks up to the man behind the counter.  Excuse me sir I am Rachel with Da News I am here on the reports of women disappearing from this bakery.  Do you know anything about that?  The young man thinks.  hmm..  Well they do come here to become desert.  He says it like it is normal news.  I gasp.  What do you mean by become desert. I ask the man with a puzzling look.  We run A special bakery.  What do you mean by special.  I ask.  Do not get me wrong miss.  We do not kill the women or anything like that.  There is no pain just pleasure.  you see some women like vore and want to be eaten, so we have found a way to turn women into desserts.  Young man says with a twinkle in his eye.  What is your favorite dessert the man asked me.  I think my favorite is a strawberry cup cake.  The man pauses.  Would you like to become one?  I have to think for a moment before respond I think to myself.  Before you decide the man says.  Would you like to try a strawberry cupcake?  Well sure I say I do love them after all!  He reaches under the counter and pulls up what looks like a shrunken naked woman that looks like golden cake skin and strawberry frosting for clothing.  While that she looks and really pretty I say to the man behind the counter.  Go ahead and take a bite it tastes really good.  With some hesitation I take a nibble and it tastes of strawberry and of the very faint taste of a womans pussy can be tasted.  MMmm Yum this taste delicious!  So the man says.  Would you like to become one?  Would it hurt at all?  Oh no says the man.  It actually feels really go.  Hence why the women keep coming back.  You'll be returned to normal within a few weeks.  I have to think again.  Well I am report are after all so I have to know what really happens here.  So sure.  Great says the man.  All you have to do is lie on the conveyor belt.  And the machine will handle the rest.  A man walks up to the machine and turned some dials, and sets it to strawberry cupcake.  Now if you will miss please lay down on the belt.  I walk over with some hesitation and what will happen. Otay I say.  My heels clapping on the tiled floor.  I lay down nervously.  What about my clothing.  The machine will take care of all that he says with that grin.  Without much warning he presses a button and the belt starts moving, taking me with it.  At first it is dark then I feel some suction that sucks my clothes off.  They are spit out in a nice pile.  The cameraman keeps following me through the clear tube.  I tried to cover myself up but it was so tight I could barely move.  A strange mist sprayed me.  What was that I asked.  It alters your DNA to make you into desert.  A man says that no shame.  I can hear clicking sounds, which makes me look down I can see two metal rollars that are tightly against each other.  How the hell am I supposed to fit through that!!  The young Baker just smiles.  Soon my little toes get switched to a team rollars and it tinkles a lot.  ohhh this feels funny!
My pink painted toenails and toes come out the other side completely flat like they were deflated.  The rollars just keep turning away squishing me down to that of paper.  I keep moaning from a pleasure.  OOoo it feels so good, I say is my legs keep getting flatten.  The Baker says this is where it gets interesting.  As he says that a hose comes down and enters my pussy and starts to pump.  I moaned out wilder and loader.  God it feels so freaken good OOoOO!!  Soon white foamy liquid is sucked up the tube.  The Baker says, that is for the frosting.  True to his word the white foamy liquid is poured into a VAT, then it is mixed like egg whites.  Sugar is added and strawberry juice.  Now we need an milk says the Baker to the cameraman.  To a suction cops attached to my breasts and start pumping as the hose in my pussy is pulled out.  I am going to cum, I moan out.  Soon milk is being pumped out of my breast.  What I am not pregnant why is there milk, I moan as I say it.  But the Baker does not respond he just smiles as the milk is added to the frosting.  Soon my pussy is flattened by the rollars, which makes me go cross eyed.  OOoo!!  As soon as it collected enough milk the pumps pull away and the belt moves faster.  I quickly get flattened between the rollars.  On the other side I look like paper.  Then the hose goes back in my pussy and starts pumping the frosting into me making the three D again.  But I cannot move or speak or blink for that matter.  A rubber mold comes down on to get what I look like.  The cameraman ask.  What is with that rubber pad.  The Baker says that is for cooking later to shrink her down and keep form.  That is cool says the cameraman.  And true to the bakers word the rubber mold was in the oven waiting for me.  I slide right into place as the rubber mold closes on the.  Soon the oven starts which forces the robber to shrink with me inside.  It compresses my body down making me like dough being squished.  The oven dings.  DING!!  And soon a tiny golden brown version of myself pops out the back.  I look like a cake version of myself just hand hold size.  All my detail of their to my pussy lips to breast and nipples.  Every detail was there.  OK says the Baker now we just have to add the clothing.  He grabs the hose that was once my pussy and adds a fine frosting to it.  Let me see, he thinks.  Well she was a reporter so how about a sexy reporter outfit.  He squirts the pink frosting on my body with very fine detail.  got to show that cleavage, the Baker guy says.  One last detail add the heels and Done.  perfect, the Baker says with a big grin.  She looks really yummy.  The cameraman says, can I have a closer look?  The Baker laughs, sure why not.  The cameraman takes my cupcake body and eats me in one gulp.  Oh dammit, says the Baker, I had it set on Perma cupcake.  The Baker shrugs, oh well.  Did she tastes good.  The cameraman gives a thumbs up and with his mouth full of me. Mpphh yum yum good.  

                                                         The end
                       By Rachel AKA genie girl
me as a reporter checking out a bakery that I heard some woman have been vanishing from I hope you will enjoy. Also PS this a 18 plus story and can be very very adult at times. so if under 18 plzz do not read. enjoy
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TazLooking Featured By Owner Jan 30, 2017
Very interesting story, too bad the baker forgot to flip the switch! Oops!!! An amusing read!!!!:D (Big Grin) :D (Big Grin) :D (Big Grin) 
Genie-Girl Featured By Owner Jan 31, 2017
yeah forgot hahaha and thank you hun I found it kind of hot to write out
Squishjunkie Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
This was a really tasty story to read. You're getting better at the description of the bakery process. :D
CardGamesInSpace Featured By Owner Jan 17, 2017
This was a cool story ^^
Genie-Girl Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
thank you so much. I had to rewrite it like 5 times because my writing program keep tring to chrunch it and got out lines
CardGamesInSpace Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
Ah, I hate it when writing programs do that xD

And no problem ^^ these kinds of tf stories are fun to read, and the idea of cute girls being turned into yummy pastries or other food items is one of my favorites
Genie-Girl Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
well  am happy my pervy side you enjoyed. I have a fantasy about something like this happening to me
CardGamesInSpace Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
What would you like to become?
Genie-Girl Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
in yum yum bakery haha maybe a M&M cookie if it was possable, but that was to hard to right that detail. the molding prosses to keep ym shape is easy but adding the M&M was hard to descipe for me
CardGamesInSpace Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
An M&M cookie sounds good ^^ Maybe they would get mixed in before the molding process?
Genie-Girl Featured By Owner Jan 18, 2017
yeah just hard to write it down. and make it work right
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January 17, 2017
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