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The mark of a good journalist is the ability to stay ‘rolling,’ even under the most stressful of conditions; case and point, Sara Alonzo, food reporter for Cable Access Channel 01. Doe to her being very slim and sexy; Ms Alonzo never said no to perform on TV. Aldo most of her co-workers were jealous of her luck.

Sara: Hello, this is Sara Alonzo of Channel 01 news. I’m here at the ‘X-bakery.’ With me is Alex Flat, owner and head cook.

Alex: Thank you for coming, Sara.

Sara: As I heard you made some of the most delicious baked goods on this side of the globe. Is that correct?

Alex: Yes, you are absolutely correct, Sara. People from everywhere come to eat from my bakery.

Sara: What is your secret?

Alex: Come with me and I will show you.

Sara: (follows Alex in the kitchen) will you show us how you make your goodies?

Alex: of course. Tell me Sara - what is your favourite stuff from my bakery?

Sara: (thinks for a little) well... I like your cookies, your waffels and your muffins... but I can't really say...

Alex: How about my cakes? What do you think of them?

Sara: I am not really big fan of cakes Alex.

Alex: I see. Is there any other thing I make that you love?

Sara: well... you know those cookies shaped like a person made out of chocolate with the face of a girl? I absolutely love those.

Alex: I know what you mean. Those are absolutely delicious.

Sara: But you make so little of them at once.

Alex: Yes that is true. But I have one left. Want to have a bite?

Sara: S-sure (bites off the head of the cookie) mmm... tasty... (bites off arms and then legs) tasty (eats it whole)

Alex: Well I am happy you liked it.

Sara: How do you make this?

Alex: I will demonstrate, using you as main ingredient.

Sara: he he... me as ingredient? What do you mean?

Alex: Don't worry you will be fine.

Sara: O-okay

Alex: Tell me is there anyone that likes those cookies as much as you?

Sara: Well yes my sister Mia. She prefers the white chocolate ones.

Alex: Where does she live?

Sara: (gives Alex her address card) here

Alex: thank you. I would ask you if you can undress.

Sara: (blushes) o-okay (undress her reporter clothe)

Alex: good. Now please - lie on the working table so we can start

Sara: (lie on the table) (nervous)

Alex: don't be nervous Sara. Most of my clients told me it was such nice experience. And you cameraman - make shore you record this.

Sara: well...okay.

Alex: we will begin. Please put yourself in the cookie like position

Sara: (put expands her arms and legs) is that okay?

Alex: perfect. (pushes her on the conveyor belt) now let's let the machine do the job.

Sara: w-what comes first?

Alex: well first we need to glaze you. Ah you are alright there

(glazing machine slowly and evenly glazes Sara all over her body)

Sara: w-well this is actually nice

Alex: now we need to press you

Sara: w-what? (Sara slid under a giant roller on the machine and comes out on the other side) o-ow... t-that actually hurt. (Sara notice she is less than 1 inch flat)

Alex: perfect

Sara: uh...I…I can't move

Alex: well cookies aren't supposed to move

Sara: w-wait... so you are really going to make me a cookie? I didn't sign up for that...

Alex: come down Sara. We are almost done. ( A giant tube comes down and slides in Sara's belly button) let's fill you up

Sara: (slowly inflate to normal size) w-what is going on?

Alex: I am filling you with white chocolate. It’s how all good cookies are made

Sara: m-makes sense

Alex: okay. Now you will go through the heater that is going to mould you in to a cookie

Sara: w-wow. It's getting hot. How hot is it?

Alex: Enough to melt a reporter.

Sara: o-okay... (Sara melt's under the heat and is thrown in to giant mixer where she is mixed together with molten chocolate) hi hi... that tickles

Alex: (come to mixer as it stops and licks the mixture of Sara and chocolate on it) mmm... you are tasty

Sara: Hey stop that

Alex: wops. Where are my manners? (He slid Sara onto the plate and begins to cut out human shaped cookies)

Sara: what will happen with the parts you won't use for cookies?

Alex: I will use every single centimetre of you don't you worry

/ 10 minutes later /

Alex: well I am done with making you in to cookies. All I need to do is bake you and then decorate you

Sara: well I guess we will skip to commercials while I bake

/ messages appear on the screen / (when we return is Sara already decorated)

Sara: how do I look?

Alex: as beautiful as when you were human. You have eyes made of sugar, and hair out of glaze

Sara: I wish I could taste myself

Alex: (turn's to camera) well Sara can't enjoy this tasty dish but her sister can. I will personally deliver Sara to her sister.

Sara: I guess I really am sweet now *giggles* This is Sara Alonzo signing off.


Mia: I my sister remembered my birthday. I am so happy.
My reporter Sara Alonzo had a lifetime experience in X-bakery.

What do you wona see next? This guy has more than one thing to offer for your mouths. isn't that right Alex?

Alex: you are corect Ana.
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Okay, so I read this and I will admit the concept is pretty unique and I haven't honestly seen much of it before.
Though if I am totally honest the complete lack of spelling and grammar REALLY held me back from enjoying this as a piece of art work. I would honestly consider proof reading your work in the future, it would work so much better.
Onto the positives of the piece, once again it is unique; I can't stress that enough. And parts of it are humorous if a little nonsensical. Either way over all this is a decent piece held back greatly from the lack of spelling, grammar, or description of surroundings this hold it back form being fantastic. Hope this helped :)
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The Artist thought this was FAIR
10 out of 10 deviants thought this was fair.

I like how it begins where they are right in the bakery and ready to be objectified in a delicious and tasteful way. This story is unique because of how the sequences are followed through the reporters view all the way to the willing participants getting themselves prepared to be confectionery treats. I sometimes misspell a word or two when I create a story, so there's nothing to be alarmed. the uniqueness in the premise of the story drew me in to reading it. this is a short but delightfully entertaining story to read and enjoy. You're really cooking with dough in this story.
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The Artist thought this was FAIR
4 out of 5 deviants thought this was fair.

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czolgolz Featured By Owner Oct 29, 2017
Seems strangely familiar, especially that first sentence...
LadySolonna Featured By Owner Oct 30, 2017
Yeah I may took an inspiration from one of your stories

The bakery one I think
czolgolz Featured By Owner Oct 30, 2017
Genie-Girl Featured By Owner Jun 12, 2016
another good and sexy story :)
TikiTako Featured By Owner Mar 14, 2015
Nice story, I really liked it.  I have to agree with wittyusername, proofread your material before you post it.  But good work. 
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Submitted on
August 18, 2014


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