Holly and Jessica wandered through the humid and dimly lit cavern, trying to find their way out of the dank maze they found themselves in.
“This sucks!” Jessica declared as she stomped her foot angrily. “We're completely lost and I've lost my shoes!”
Holly sighed and looked at the redhead with a mixture of sympathy and exasperation.
“I know, but I don't know where we are and we've completely lost track of the others!”
“Hmph!” Jessica scoffed as she crossed her arms and sat down on a rock. “Well I am not going to move from this spot! My poor feet are killing me and we have no clue where we're even going! They can come find us!”
Holly frowned, looking around them at the dark rock, her mind giving the shadows a life of their own. In her mind she could see all kinds of things lurking in the darkness and she held herself nervously as she glanced back at her friend.
“I don't think we should stop in here, the caves are supposed to run through, we should keep going until we reach the other side.”
“Without our guide?” Jessica asked. “Don't be ridiculous!”
“But there are supposed to be dangerous animals in here,” Holly protested. “And we don't have anything to defend ourselves with!”
“And so you want to wander around in the darkness until we run into them?” Jessica asked. “Not this girl! I am staying right here!”
Holly was going to protest further gut a low growling gurgle stopped her as she watched in mounting horror as a massive shape loomed out of the darkness behind Jessica.
“R—ra—rancor!” she stammered, pointing behind her friend.
Jessica scowled unaware of the danger as the beast reached its clawed hands for her.“What is a—AH!”
The ravishing redhead was grabbed around her waist, the crushing claws of the rancor squeezing her tight as it lifted her up while Jessica kicked and beat furiously in a vain attempt at escape. All Holly could do was watch in petrified terror as her friend's head and upper body were shoved into the rancor's gaping maw, stifling her cries as the beast gripped her waist even as her legs thrashed and kicked futilely. It did not take the monster long to swallow Jessica, its piercing teeth cutting lines of clothing and skin from Jessica as it gulped her down. For a brief moment, Jessica's butt hung in the rancor's mouth but then it too was sucked downwards with a powerful swallow which sucked her down to her knees.
Jessica's feet wiggled helplessly, her toes wriggling weakly as the rancor gave one last mighty heave and pulled her downwards to her doom. The beast then turned its beady eyes on the terrified Holly as the buxom brunette stood there trembling.
“N—no,” whimpered Holly, reaching a hand out as if to forestall the creature before her.
It paid no heed to her protests, grabbing her around the waist and yanking her off her feet. Now in the midst of her imminent demise Holly screamed, pounding her fists on the rancor's hand and face as it drew her near, kicking her feet furiously. Her efforts were just as productive as Jessica's had been and she was treated to a view of the gaping darkness of the rancor's maw as it pitched her down its throat headfirst. Holly's legs kicked wildly as she shrieked and fought but all she accomplished was to lose one of her sneakers which landed at the rancor's feet as Holly's body was squeezed and sucked down its throat.
In her new confinement all Holly could do was sob helplessly as she was swallowed whole, her body ravaged by the same fearsome teeth that had savaged Jessica's slender body moments before. The unfortunate girl sailed downwards, the dank air of the cave replaced by the rank insides of the rancor as she slid down to join her friend in their mutual fate as the rancor let out a seemingly contented burp and wandered off into the cave to digest its prize.
The search party did indeed pass the spot where the two girls had been eaten, hours after the fact, but by then all that was left were shreds of clothing and patches of blood alongside one tennis shoe and the footprints of the fearsome creature responsible for their grim destiny.