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Kate was sprawled out over the bed above the rumpled covers. Her chest rose and fell consistently, intimate and naked. Her shades were closed but radiated out a faint blue light, either from the moon or a streetlight. Tantalizing shadows played across her curves. Her nipples were starting to harden in the cold of the room - when she first laid down, it had been far too warm to be under the covers, but the room had cooled as the night matured. Her body was exquisite, supple, feminine and the view of her a secret treasure in the world most men would never see.

This is because a slimy, glistening mass stirred under her bed. The giant slug seemed a non color of some sort in the dim light of the room as its head peaked out from under the bed, sensing around. Had it eyes, it would see itself in a large mirror Kate used to choose the right clothes and her vulnerable body resting up above it. But it couldn't see, it navigated by other means. Slowly, twisting its head around and up the bed, it oozed up the sheets.

Kate was sprawled out diagonally across the bed, her feet lazily pointing towards the corner opposite her head. The slug oozed up around the side of her mattress, and its slimy lips hovered inches away from one of her feet. It almost looked as though a giant, fleshy finger stuck out form underneath the bed and curled around at the girl.

Opening its mouth slightly, strands of saliva drizzled down between the top and bottom of its mouth. Stretching out with some effort, it slowly bit down around the toes of Kate's foot farthest from her. Sucking her foot down further into its mouth, just until its bottom jaw would cross over her heel, it pulled the foot back towards the other one. Wherever the slug touched left a trail of sticky slime. 

Pulling one of her feet close to the other, it pulled its mouth back up off her foot, leaving her skin glistening with saliva. Opening wider, the slug softly bit down over both feet, and swallowed Kate's toes. She was sound asleep, and the slow nature of the slug wasn't enough to arouse her from it.

Sucking her feet into its maw, the creature's lower jaw oozed around her heels, and the slug started consuming her in earnest. The bottom of her calves disappeared into its hungry maw, and small smacking noises escaped from the gap the space between her legs where it couldn't close its mouth. It sucked on her more, pulling its body up over hers. Halfway up her lower legs, then approaching her lower knees.

The slug then stopped for a moment, the sleeping girl's lower legs in its mouth, and started pulling her down over the edge of the bed. She slid slowly, her arms trailing her as she slid further and further towards the side of her bed. Were she awake, she would feel the adventuresome tongue sliding between her toes and along her legs, tasting her. But she wasn't.

The slug slowly started retreating back underneath the bed, pulling her down over the side of the bed. Then, suddenly, violently, Kate's center of gravity hit its shifting point and she fell forward over the side of her bed, her body pivoting around the mouth of the slug which had already consumed her this far.

Kate's smooth skin and breasts smushed against the floor, her hair scattered about her. Confused, dazed, she opened her eyes. Had she fallen out of bed? Nothing hurt, really, that was good. Something felt weird.

Blinking her eyes a couple time to clear her foggy consciousness, she propped herself on her elbows, raised her head, and peered forward at the mirror. Then she froze.

She saw in the dim light a large, fleshy creature around her lower legs. This half of her bed was glistening with slime. Then she registered the feeling of it's hot, slimy insides, its tongue tasting her skin.

Her heart was thumping. Keep calm, Kate. There's a way out of this. She could scream, but nobody was around. Trying to move her legs, they were held fast in their slimy prison. She stared at herself helplessly in the mirror, her own consumption, and felt out her predicament.

This slug felt warm and slimy on her. She stared in horror, and also something else, as she watched and felt it suck her down just past her knees. 

She tried moving again, in earnest, but could make no headway against the slug's maw that was slowly sliding up her legs. Her skin rubbing against its insides felt tingly.

Clawing at the ground, she tried pulling herself out, but only felt herself get sucked backwards further under the bed.

She thought she should be frightened, terrified. She was surprised, sure, but for some reason beyond her...a part of herself she didn't know too well was deeply invested in this.

She rested her head sideways back against the ground. Think. The slug was now more than halfway up her thighs. Anything to stop being eaten. She felt a sensation of arousal down between her thighs. It was definitely the fear. But this might give her her chance - maybe this thing would stop to taste her, and give her more time to think. She felt the slug's tongue run up the insides of her thighs, leaving a ghostly tingle and trail of slime wherever it touched. She felt so helpless.

Reaching her right arm back, she gathered the bottom of her black panties in her fingers, and held it to the side, and waited. The anticipation built as the slug slowly consumed more of her, pulling her further and further inside. She felt its lips graze the bottom of her ass, and held her breath. 

A stronger suck pulled her hips squarely into its mouth, her hand still trapped behind her. She peered at herself pleadingly in the mirror, seeing her body being devoured by this disgusting, slimy creature.

It's tongue pushed up along the insides of her thighs, and lightly brushed along the lips of her pussy. She could concentrate on nothing else. Brushing over them again, it paused, tasting this new part of her. Pushing slowly into and against her skin, she felt the tongue dance on her clit for a moment before sliding up her body and -

She gasped as the thing's slimy tongue pushed inside of her. It tasted her deeply, wriggling around, violating and plunging into her helpless hips. The creature had stopped, but she wasn't able to think now. Holding her weight up with the arm not back in the creature's mouth, she wriggled her hips in its mouth, trying to resist it helplessly as she felt a divine pleasure start to build inside of her.

Soon, her skin was starting to glisten with sweat, and she panted heavily. The slug had swallowed up around her ass, and now its lips were almost up to her bellybutton. The tongue, though, did nothing but explore her most private areas.

Staring at herself in the mirror, an expression of frank pleasure on her face, she felt her abdomen tense up and her body start to quake. She moaned in earnest as an orgasm ripped through her, this disgusting creature beautifully lapping up every one of her seizes.

The pleasure didn't diminish as far as it usually did. Every part of her that was in the slug's body tingled, almost burned, and somehow her nerves weren't ready to relieve her.

She started moaning softly, loosing the effort on her right arm trapped in its mouth, enduring the creature sucking her in further and further.

Kate came one more time, trapped in her slimy prison, before the slug got to her breasts. She stared at it in the mirror begging for it to...stop? She looked at herself, her predicament. The slug sucked her breasts in, and she felt her nipples push against the slimy interior of its maw, and felt another wave of pleasure course through her.

No this was crazy. She didn't want to be...

She looked at herself again the mirror, desperate. Her mouth opened with another moan as the slug violated her more. She stared at herself being sucked further and further into it, now disappearing into the darkness under her bed.

Soon, only her arm and her head were visible outside its lips. With some slurping noises, she felt herself pulled down into the slimy depths of the creature's insides. Then, darkness.

She felt her body pulled down further into the thing, the slimy interior of its gut rubbing all over her skin. She held her breath.

Then, two things happened. She felt her body pushed down onto a large, fleshy tendril. Her mouth opened in the darkness as she felt her body helplessly, pleasurably impaled down onto it. She didn't know this was so the slug could stabilize her weight, and climb where it needed.

She felt a hot liquid spurt out all around her, and retained as much breath as she could. The liquid was sickly sweet, and burned. The large tendril inside of her wriggled, combining with the tension of the moment to send another wave of pleasure through her.

She tried screaming, but couldn't. This acid, this...she was being digested. She was being eaten.

She sat with this thought for one true moment, before she felt the reality of sensation come rushing back over her.

She was just food now. A deeper, darker, more hidden part of her soul was satisfied. She sucked down the hot liquid, letting it fill her, expecting to cough and choke.

Strangely, though, with this now in her lungs, she didn't feel the need to breathe. Everywhere around her, sensation, flesh, burning. She was being digested alive. She was in the belly of a giant slug.

The tendril pushed even deeper inside of her, almost painfully so, and she felt a resounding agony wash across her senses. It mixed with the pleasure, equally, a concoction of experience she couldn't bare. 

Wriggling with a desire to leave, seizing with the pleasure of the moment, she silently screamed out with her soul. Her body was exhausted. She felt a euphoria mix with the terror, and tears started streaming out of her eyes. She was helpless, trapped in this fleshy prison. She loved it. This thing inside of her, the burning that burned so good, the flesh all around her...she relented.

She gave herself up to be the food she was, trapped in her divine agony and horrible pleasure. She felt her mind go numb, slowly, as her body was broken down, as her light slowly went out. 

She begged for relief, then prayed it would never come. Under her bed, Kate slowly digested over the next number of hours, her form faintly visible in the slug, left to a fate nobody would know about.
Perhaps the first of many escapades for Kate. A girl who wants to be eaten is far too valuable to only be eaten once.
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poserhorror Featured By Owner Nov 2, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Love this Story 👍
NECRON74 Featured By Owner May 28, 2017
Very interesting. I thought the mix of terror and pleasure was just right. I also hope to read of more escapades with Kate, hopefully they will be feet first as well.
Fetoani7 Featured By Owner Jan 7, 2017
Well done description. Certainly a tasty meal was had.

I like the way you kept focused on Kate throughout the story.

Thank you
MayBoredomRise Featured By Owner Oct 11, 2015
I am very glad that none of the people eaten in this series stays dead and I hope that this always remains the case.
Trenchwar Featured By Owner Oct 19, 2015
kate is too rare a girl to only be eaten once!
chewyyy Featured By Owner Oct 11, 2015
REALLY good story. I enjoyed the descriptions a lot. Slugs do make great preds - slow gooey eater that allow their prey to have fun as they go down for the last time. 
Trenchwar Featured By Owner Oct 19, 2015
thanks & agreed on slugs!!
stormnorm299 Featured By Owner Oct 8, 2015  Hobbyist General Artist
Excellently written and very very sexy! How long did it take you to write this?
Trenchwar Featured By Owner Oct 19, 2015
20 mins. when an idea takes me its pretty quick. issue is the quality and source of ideas
stormnorm299 Featured By Owner Oct 24, 2015  Hobbyist General Artist
Impressive. It certainly flows smoothly enough as if from a constant stream of thought. I feel the need to reiterate that I am happy to see that you decided to keep writing these kinds of tales :)

You are very talented in painting a lucid image in the mind with your words. I hope to read more from you soon.
thisgirlroolzz Featured By Owner Oct 3, 2015
WOW!!!!!!!, I think I mentioned that slugs are one of my all time favorite preds.
I hope that had something to do with this story! In my mind I could feel every single word, transformed into feeling, it was more than amazing!!!!!
Thank you so much for this gift, wheather it was intentionally aimed at me or not!
Trenchwar Featured By Owner Oct 19, 2015
slugs & dragons take the cake!
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