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My friend ate me today. And I mean that literally. All of me, down the throat and into the stomach. It's ridiculous, right? I certainly thought so anyway, so of course I went along with it. I mean, I was just curious to see what she meant by “eating you whole and alive” so I was like “Okay, who do we do it?”. “Undress,” she said, “I want to taste you properly”. Just a little creepy, right? However, I went along with it, not wanting to back down. She teased me. Told me how delicious I looked, how she looked forward to tasting my skin. I had no idea she was serious about it. How could I? She wanted to cover me in chocolate sauce or cream too, but that’s where I drew the line. It was weird enough as it was. Instead, I asked her how she wanted to do it- eat me that is. I imagined she wanted to maybe cook me in an iron cauldron or such first, which was equally possible at that point, but she said she preferred me raw.
   “Just take off your underwear too so I don’t choke on it,” she said. I was almost about to refuse her but then thought “Hey, why not. Let’s see how far she is willing to take it, right?”. Kind of just thought she wanted to see me naked at that point, which is still a little creepy, but part of me was just curious/dumb enough to follow through on her request. Somehow I couldn’t help but want to see what she had planned.
   “Mmm, look at you, I could just suck you right in and swallow you here and now…!” she said as I took off my bra. Damn did I feel weird, but I just mistook it for more teasing, almost as if she was daring me on. Probably was, backing on my stubborn pride. “Mind if I suck at you a while before swallowing you?” she asked, as if I was some sort of popsicle or, you know, ew. “How would I even fit in your mouth?” I asked with a frown, and just as I did, she pulled forth this strange gun thing.
   It looked like some bad sci-fi prop gun, with blinking lights and all, and she pointed it directly at me. “Like this,” she said and pulled the trigger. Next thing I know, she’s grown ten times her usual size or something like that. But then I realized, it was I who had shrunken. In the blink of an eye, I was no taller than a Barbie doll or the aforementioned popsicle. Man did I feel tricked. I had just consented to be her lunch! But how could I have known, right? It was too crazy a proposition to be taken seriously.
As I stood there, watching up in awe and confusion, my friend reached down and grabbed me, her hand locking around my shoulders and down to my thighs. “Ah, I may have to zap you again,” she said disappointedly, “I might not be able to swallow you when you’re so big.” At this point, I was starting to freak out. Nothing made sense anymore. I asked her to let me go, but she just laughed. “I will! Just relax, okay?” she replied with a cheap grin, “I’m not going to hurt you.” Her grip around me was quite firm as she lifted me up to her lips and that’s when I really realized just what I was in for “I’m just going to enjoy you a little!” she said as she opened her mouth up wide, showing me in there.
   She didn’t manage to fit all of me inside, my legs were still dangling outside as she sucked her lips around me, rubbing me back and forth against her tongue. It was really wet, and dark in there, I couldn’t see a thing, only feel her rubbery tongue scrape by my upper-body, covering me in saliva. My arms were locked in between her lips, but I still managed to kick and flail about with my legs. As I did, however, my friend put a finger against my ass, pushing me gently further inside until I felt myself start to tip down as the tongue made a sight decent before me. Was she really going to swallow me now?
Just before I fell in and down her throat, however, she pulled me out, sucking me clear as she did with a satisfied moan. “Wow, you taste even better than I imagined!” she said, looking at me with surprisingly hungry eyes. It was just then it hit me. She had planned this, likely for some time now. Joked about it even, asking me how I thought I tasted or what food I would be best comparable to. I just didn’t realize what she meant before now.
   “Y-you don have t-to do this!” I yelled, my voice a lot smaller than I was used to, but she just shook her head. “I do, though,” she said with a warm smile as she pulled up the shrink-ray gun again, “”You’re just too good not to eat!” I suppose she meant it as a compliment. The moment after I was sitting in the palm of her hand, slightly smaller than before, but I didn’t sit there not for long. She just threw me right back into her mouth and begun sucking at me, rolling me around and gnawing gently at me with her teeth. I felt like just another piece of meat ready for consumption, it was really bizarre.
I still couldn’t see anything, but felt her tongue move about, licking and tasting me vigorously. It wasn’t as unpleasant as I had initially thought it to be. It was both warm and soft in there and I kind of started to enjoy myself a little. That’s when I knew I lost it. My friend is literally taking me for a ride inside her mouth and I’m enjoying it? However, it was better than to try and fight it because either was no way out at that point. Only one way, down.
  Sucking me into the back of her mouth, I felt my friend reading herself for the big moment. I just wish she choke on me. Obviously I couldn’t see anything, but I felt everything and for a moment I just lay there on top of her tongue before there was a shove and an audible “gulp” and down I went. Yeah, really. It was pretty straight forward from there. I slid almost straight through her throat, she just needed a second gulp to force me all the way down and “plop” into a pool of hot water. At least I assumed it to be water. Again, kind of hard to see inside a stomach. But that’s defiantly where I had ended up. Still am, by the way, waiting to be digested. I think it may take some time still, though. Should never swallow your meat raw. My friend seemed to enjoy me, though, rocking me around as she jumped up and down, placing a palm against her gut and enjoying me squirming around in there.
   So anyway, when your friend asks to eat you, be wary about what comes next. She might just do it.
This is a very old story I did back in the day as a test drive for another peoject (Just a Taste) to see if I could do shrink vore. I myself am not very into that sort of thing, but i figgured a couple of people out there might come to appriciate it :)
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TazLooking Featured By Owner Dec 16, 2016
Very good!!! I don't usually care for human to human vore, mainly because it is physically impossible. The shrink ray was a great touch, so I read the whole story, awesome!!!!:)
CuriousTaste Featured By Owner Dec 17, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Thank you! I wanted to make it seem a bit more realistic as I share your interest in more realistic scenarios, and while the shrink ray is perhaps a bit cheesy, it helps serve the plot ha, ha!
TazLooking Featured By Owner Dec 17, 2016
The "shrink ray" is totally acceptable, this is after all a fantasy story! Consuming an actual full size human by a full size human, not so much!
I read several of your stories and found them all to be enjoyable reading!! Nice work!!!:) 
CuriousTaste Featured By Owner Dec 17, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Ha, ha, I guess it's a matter of "suspension of disbelief" then! After all, the stories I write are meant to be enjoyable and so I'm primarily focused on making them go down as easily as possible for the reader to digest them without struggling to swallow them whole- if you know what I'm saying ha, ha ;) 
Thank you so much! The fact that you enjoy them are the reason I keep writing them :)
poserhorror Featured By Owner Nov 23, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Hmm, seems to be a cool picture story :-)
CuriousTaste Featured By Owner Nov 23, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
If only there was someone to make a picture series out of it... he, he. 
poserhorror Featured By Owner Nov 23, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I like to do it, have you some prefers for the outfit of the girls?
CuriousTaste Featured By Owner Nov 23, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Great, I was hoping ha, ha! Just go with whatever you feel like, man! I may be the writer, but I leave the visuals to you :)
poserhorror Featured By Owner Nov 23, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
thats cool - but you now - all girls gets stockings in my stories ;-) 
CuriousTaste Featured By Owner Nov 23, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Which sounds like an excellent addition! Have fun! :)
poserhorror Featured By Owner Nov 23, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
hope so :-) 
xCheckMatexyz Featured By Owner Oct 13, 2016
Ha ha, that was good~ :) I miss reading your deviations... I have quite a bit to catch up on, and just in general, it seems. Lol.
CuriousTaste Featured By Owner Oct 14, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Thank you, I tried to make it a bit more casual than usual :) 
Ha, ha, take your time and I hope you enjoy :)
xCheckMatexyz Featured By Owner Dec 4, 2016
No prob'. ^^ Thanks!
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