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Special Girls  by Jenna

   When you become a 'special girl' it is a life altering, permanent change.  There is no going back.  You will never be human or 'normal' again.  You will lose all contact with friends, family, anyone you knew before you came here.

   You will get the body of your dreams in male or female gender, however we will retain full control of your body. You will be fully roboticized, added to our inventory, and controlled by our computers.

   You will spend the vast majority of your time frozen, in stasis in a display. This will become your default state and in time even your desired state.  The displays you are in may range from a special weekend display at a store, a party, a museum, to an assignment that may be weeks or months long.  The longest display we ever had was 6 years.  

   When you agree to become a 'special girl', life takes on new meaning.  Its not about being human, eating, drinking, sleeping, living, its about pleasing and its about pleasure. You are essentially agreeing to becoming an object, but one that will bend your mind, your concept of life, consciousness, and purpose far beyond what you can understand in your human mind today.  You may initially think it is simply trying to stay still, or even given drugs or prosthesis to help you remain still, but will eventually become a hell.  Nothing can be further from the truth.  It is a new form of existence that the human mind cannot fully comprehend. It is a dream like state, but you will very much have a physical presence in this world. You will be an object in the world instead of a participant. Its just another way to be, but one that people don't give any thought to.

   Your body will have 3 states:

   Active - Full motion -
   Active - Stasis, complete awareness, feeling, touch, smell, but no movement and no control of movement
   Sleep mode - when posed for longer than 90 minutes with no movement, i.e. vibration on the floor, touch, or other stimulus, you will go into sleep mode.  No awareness, no sense of self.

   Here is a break down of your time.  You will spend 90% of your time in active stasis or sleep mode, 5% active, full motion under your own autonomy, and 5% active full motion being used sexually.

   When active, but in stasis, your body will orgasm every 5 minutes.  You will feel pleasure that you did not even know possible.  Nothing else will matter and you'll be in an orgasmic haze almost all the time. You will focus on the orgasm, you will look forward to it, and you will fully relate to those who have also been converted as your family.  Your existence is about pleasing others with your visual appeal.  No one will know when you orgasm other than the computer and you will have no control over it. No one, other than a handful of trusted staff will every know you were a human.

   We may choose to activate you with full motion from time to time. When that happens, you will look and feel human again and will have some autonomy, but of course will still be in your robotic body. You may be used sexually by members of our company or designees.  You will have no power or desire to resist requests and you will perform as programmed.  You will receive light programming to be an exceptional lover with a wide range of skills and moves to satisfy almost any preference.

   Within a few weeks, your human personality and sense of existence will fuse with the machine that you now are.  Human nature will give way to robotic / mannequin nature.  You will not be able to differentiate programming from your human thoughts and within a few weeks, you will not even try.  Both will be assimilated into one. You will feel most comfortable in this state, but again will take a few weeks for the digital mind to assimilate with the robotic body.  You will devolve from human.  You will be less than a human now, but serve a distinct purpose. People will talk about you knowing you can't respond, or not acknowledge you, or see you as just an object in the room.  That is your purpose.

   You are now an object.  You are part of the collection. You will have a name, but one that can be changed depending on the display or customer preference. You can be turned on or off, put in storage or put on display. You will also be given a serial number that will never change, implanted with an RFID tag for inventory, bar code, and GPS.  Your human name and life history will become irrelevant to us and as you fuse with the machine over the first few weeks, will slowly become irrelevant to you as well.  You will retain your digital memories of human life, but will not be emotional in any way about them.

   Within 15 years, you will have zero human memory, traits or characteristics within your digital brain.  All memories will be gone, only machine behavior.  You may require full reprogramming at that point, or may be discarded for newer models depending on what technology is available then. No human can exist doing such mundane posing and tasks, but then again, you will no longer be human.  Your mind cannot process this now, only really consider some possibilities as you stand at the top of the abyss of this new existence, but it will be pleasure beyond all comprehension.

   You will feel no pain during conversion or while performing your visual or sexual duties.

   This is not a service we advertise. It is by invitation only. Almost no one in the collection today volunteered, but none have complained afterward ;).

   You will be in a state of peace, bliss, and pleasure.  We will have a beautiful display piece, a object that we lease for money, and something to occasionally use for our own release.

   You will have beauty, perfection, and be flawless beyond anything attainable by humans. You will cause sexual attraction and lust in most who view you like nothing else.

   Why do we use humans and not just create the machines from scratch?  In those few moments where you are active, either in autonomous mode or used for sex, the human personality cannot be replicated at this time. Converted humans make good companions, good lovers.  The other 90% that you are in stasis, you are the same as a mannequin from a plastic form.

   This life, this existence is not for everyone, in fact most people would reject, if not be horrified by it, but there are some that this is exactly what they are looking for.  Based on what we know about you, we think you are one of those people and make an excellent voluntary candidate.  It all starts with a signature and an injection.
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GenoChild Featured By Owner Jan 28, 2019
active stasis sounds like a fun one
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Jan 28, 2019
If its right for you, if you were destined to be just an object, then it is fun.
GenoChild Featured By Owner Jan 28, 2019
its been a fantasy of mine for a really long time
ClarkSavage Featured By Owner Jul 8, 2018
I like that they can still feel pleasure.
Hot-Girl-Petrified Featured By Owner Mar 17, 2018  Hobbyist Artist
I want to join
xerxes31415 Featured By Owner Feb 9, 2018
Sounds like a good situation there ;-)
CuteTGEmily Featured By Owner Jan 29, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Could I sign up
negativekarz Featured By Owner Jun 23, 2017
I definitely wanna sign up.
Ericamelted Featured By Owner Jan 24, 2017
If i want to be one pf them?
paulclarkwilson Featured By Owner Nov 24, 2016
Sign me up.
Gildsoul Featured By Owner Aug 29, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
There is a series of stories that I think are right down your alley, Jenna…

Great story of yours too!
Gildsoul Featured By Owner Aug 22, 2016  Professional Digital Artist
There are similar beings like you describe in existence right now, the Actroid, a lifelike robot.……

You have a post singularity dream of immortality and transformation.

Nice essay!!!!
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Aug 22, 2016
i don't want to merge with the machine for immortality, the machine will control me. i will merge with the plastic.  Become a statue at time.
carolina-hypno Featured By Owner Jun 2, 2016
Well damn, can there be an RP series with this? I'll sign up in a heartbeat!
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Jun 2, 2016
you want to be a special girl, or you want to own one?  I love RP.  Send me a note and we can get started.
carolina-hypno Featured By Owner Jun 2, 2016
I wouldn't mind being one, I'll send it
Sterling557 Featured By Owner May 23, 2016
A living doll sounds perfect! I want one!

I always liked that Mannequin movie with ... crap, forgot her Sex in the city name.
deepgrounduk Featured By Owner Apr 8, 2016
Hi, I loved reading this, it's great and thought provoking to... ermm, where do i sign :D
and thanks for faving my mannequin pic to :-)
ClarkSavage Featured By Owner Apr 7, 2016
Very well written!
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Apr 7, 2016
Thank you. Glad you enjoyed it.
ClarkSavage Featured By Owner Jun 10, 2018
I didn't remember reading this. It is very well thought out and intriguing to say the least.
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Jun 12, 2018
samat84 Featured By Owner Mar 30, 2016
Great story!  I was wondering if you be interested in being transformed into a mannequin or doll via photomanip?
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Mar 30, 2016
i would love that.  I don't share rl pics, but you could find one similar.
samat84 Featured By Owner Mar 31, 2016
That's fine. Could you send me the measurements, height, weight and overall appearance you would like to see. Maybe reference a celebrity you resemble?
ladytania Featured By Owner Mar 11, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Wow, that is really very well written!
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Mar 11, 2016
Thank you.  It expresses me.
claire1970 Featured By Owner Oct 29, 2015
In this short story you have summed up my every desire and wish. If only this existed in reality i would sign up. Amazing
CirQ-of-Ittus Featured By Owner Sep 23, 2017
You don't say? Perhaps I should summon you to my plant...  *evil grin*
claire1970 Featured By Owner Dec 7, 2017
I exist to obey to become an object. To serve....
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Feb 9, 2016
I'm so happy you enjoyed it!
Renniesta Featured By Owner Oct 24, 2015
may i can choose the design of my new shape too? :)
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Feb 9, 2016
Of course you can choose your shape. What would it be?
Renniesta Featured By Owner Edited Feb 11, 2016
This mannequin would meet my expectations with the little difference that I would prefer to wear golden lingerie. :) (Smile)…

And maybe this one when I'm in gilded stasis, but with a proper face instead.…
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Feb 11, 2016
Very nice.
Renniesta Featured By Owner Feb 11, 2016
I know. 

As I'm already very nice I'd like to pimp up my own presence for being nicer. *hehe*
Renniesta Featured By Owner Edited Feb 11, 2016
I'd like to be female and I also want be at least sometimes a gildened mannequin when I'm in stasis. A changeable design like different variations of the colour of my hair, eyes and skin or my boobs, ass and size would be also fine.
SgtSabre Featured By Owner Jul 29, 2015
Very nice and well written.  You should write more like this; you're good at it.
jodygeminison Featured By Owner Jun 21, 2015
looks  great Jenna!!!
CaptainHarlock-42 Featured By Owner May 3, 2015
Very nice!  I hope they find me soon!
StevenLSheppard Featured By Owner Apr 15, 2015
What a nice, well written, creative writing piece this is! 
Do you have any more?

I know a certain someone who would, without hesitation, sign up. : )
kranderkrander123 Featured By Owner Apr 12, 2015
An amazing dream. I myself have always had the desire to fulfill this fantasy and way of life.  This poem lacks nothing, but your true feelings.
Bambidahl Featured By Owner Mar 27, 2015
What a beautiful and amazing dream. If only... :)
Jenna-38 Featured By Owner Feb 9, 2016
It will happen someday.
Zerozero91 Featured By Owner Mar 8, 2015  Student Digital Artist
It is an attractive story.
Did you sign a contract?
And was an injection of the anesthesia given?
wannabestuck Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2015  Hobbyist Traditional Artist
Thanks for the faves my platic loving friend!
DarthFugue Featured By Owner Feb 13, 2015
saloniko Featured By Owner Feb 7, 2015
cool story
lmcdosman Featured By Owner Feb 6, 2015
It's not for everyone, but it's obviously for you. You'll love it!
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