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"i wonder where my parents are?" Sara asked herself as she changed into her jeans, pink ankle socks, white bra, and pink t shirt. she put her belt on and rolled the pink shirt up so the bottom of her stomach was showing. she tightened the belt and walked out of her room, she headed down stairs to watch TV when she suddenly heard a loud banging sound. "that sounds like its coming from the basement" Sara said to herself as she slowly approached the basement door.

Sara opened the door and slowly walked down the basement stairs, she got to the bottom of the stairs and turned the light on. the basement immediately filled with light. the banging sound grew louder. Sara walked around the corner to discover that her dog was making the sound. "stop it!" Sara exclaimed, the dog turned around and stared at Sara with an evil look. "what are you looking at?" Sara asked as the dog slowly crept towards her, it licked its lips as it crept. "whats going on? why are you licking your lips?"��Sara asked worriedly, Sara tripped and fell on her back, the dog jumped on her, pinning her to the ground. the dog started licking Sara's belly button and bare stomach. then it opened its mouth and approached her head.

"you cant eat me! someone help please!" Sara exclaimed as the dog swallowed the top of her head. she tried punching at the dog but the dog had her arms pinned. her legs were pinned on the ground as well. " im not food, don't eat me im begging you!" Sara cried as the dog swallowed the rest of her head. Sara's cries were now muffled by the dogs throat. the dog climbed off of Sara and used its paws to flip her on her stomach. the dog used its paws to hold Sara's arms down. Sara kicked her legs madly as the dog swallowed her neck.she wiggled her fingers frantically as the dog swallowed again, her shoulders entered its lips. her head and shirt were drenched with saliva, she could barely see, all she knew was that she was being swallowed alive by her own dog.��

"MMNFF! NOMF!" Sara cried as the dog slowly swallowed her delicious body. the dog swallowed again, her breast entered its mouth. she fought desperately, she didn't want to get eaten by her own dog. she struggled desperately, the dog swallowed again, her elbows entered its mouth along with the upper part of her stomach, her shirt was rolled up past her belly button so her bare belly was visible. she tried flipping on her back but the dog held her down, her arms were pinned to her sides by the dogs mouth.

she continued wiggling her fingers and kicking her legs as the dog swallowed her, the dog swallowed again, her pink shirt entered its mouth, her wrist,hands, belly, butt, legs and feet were all that was left for the dog to eat. she continued struggling as the dog swallowed again, her belly button entered its mouth along with more of her bare stomach. she continued struggling and fighting as the dog swallowed the rest of her stomach. her hands were still sticking out of the dogs mouth. she continued wiggling her fingers and kicking her legs. the dog swallowed again, her hands entered its mouth. only her butt, legs and feet were left to swallow.

she continued kicking her legs and wiggling her toes. the dog patted Sara's butt and rubbed it. her belt was still visible, but her bare stomach was in the dogs mouth. her muffled pleas could still be heard. the dog swallowed again, it swallowed her butt, her body lifted in the air slightly. she kicked madly as the dog swallowed again, her thighs entered its mouth. she wiggled her socked toes madly. she wasn't going down without a fight. the dog swallowed again, more of her legs entered its mouth. she continued kicking her legs and wiggling her toes. the dog swallowed again, her knees entered its mouth. only her ankles and feet were left to eat.

she continued wiggling her toes and moving her feet in desperation. the dog swallowed again, her ankles entered its mouth. only her feet were left to swallow. she continued wiggling her toes as her feet entered the dogs mouth, then the dog swallowed them. Sara entered the dogs stomach, the dog waddled as it walked with a struggling Sara in its stomach. her parents arrived later that day, Sara was still alive, inside her dogs belly, she couldn't move at all, she screamed for help but no one could hear her cries, she was stuck lying on her stomach with her arms pinned to her sides, lying in digestive fluids. the dog laid down and slept. Sara screamed in pain as she was slowly digested, her bare stomach tingled in pain.�she was completely digested later that night, her clothes were digested along with her body.
she was never seen again. her parents couldn't find her, they assumed that she was kidnapped and killed but she was really eaten alive by her own pet dog. the dog coughed up her neck-less and wrist band 2 days later. the parents found the coughed up items and finally realized that their pet dog ate their daughter. the parents kicked the dog out of the house.

but really they only set the dog free to eat more girls :D��

sara gets vored by her dog
torontofan90 Featured By Owner Nov 30, 2013
Sooo awesome I love dogvore and it was descriptive...freigin awesome 
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Submitted on
October 16, 2012
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