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Warning: Contains F/F soft vore

The mall is filled with all kinds of people from all different backgrounds.  There are those that stand out and are much different from the others.  Then there are those who are just one-hundred percent unique.  Those like Bethany.  Bethany wasn't your average mall-goer because wherever she went, she usually carried an appetite with her.  But not your regular, everyday appetite.  Bethany doesn't crave burgers or chips or chicken.  She craves a much more, filling meal.  She craves one kind of meal that can truly sate her huge hunger.

It was your normal Saturday at the mall, the stores bustling with all kinds of activity since people were free during the weekend.  From teenagers, to adults, to senior citizens; everyone was having a good time.  Bethany decided to take a trip to the mall today as well, getting some much-deserved free time after her busy week and it would offer lots of opportunity to her.  Not just shopping opportunities as in purchasing great and new items, but also opportunities for her stomach.  Bethany was walking around the busy mall with her bags full of all kinds of goodies when suddenly she became a little thirsty.  She spotted a nearby vending machine and headed over to it, analyzing the array of different choices.  "Hmm, I'm feeling like something a little fruity," she said to herself before pressing the button that dispensed her a can of fruit punch soda.

She bent over and reached her hand through the slot, grabbing the ice cold drink when suddenly a feeling of discomfort erupted in her stomach.  She looked down, feeling her stomach growl ferociously.  Feeling a little embarrassed she looked around at all the people sitting down, enjoying their time in the mall, noticing that the sounds of her stomach growling were masked by the sounds of activity and conversation in the busy mall.  Bethany thought quickly, throwing the soda in her purse for later, rushing to the women's bathroom to think.

Bethany didn't jog there, deciding to speed walk so she wouldn't attract any unnecessary attention before reaching the hallway, containing the doors to the women's and men's bathroom.  Her feet picked up speed as she raced down the hallway, pushing herself through the women's bathroom door, noticing it was completely empty.  Finally calming down, she went over to the sink, brushing back her thick, black hair, looking into her reflection at the mirror.  She took a deep breath when suddenly she heard the door creak open.

Bethany quickly looked to her side, seeing another girl walk in, around the same age as herself but she was more petite and blonde, unlike Bethany.  The girl walked over to the sink next to hers, placing her hands over the sensor to get the faucet running as she washed her hands.  She looked in the mirror, seeing Bethany's reflection before turning over to her, feeling a little concerned for her.  "Excuse me?  You don't look so good.  Everything alright?"  Bethany nodded yes but suddenly her stomach erupted in noise again, causing her to blush.  "Sorry...I lied," Bethany said, feeling a little embarrassed.  "Hungry huh?  Why don't you just get something to eat?  My name's Kim by the way."  "Bethany.  And I guess I never got around to it."  "I actually just ate at that new pizza place they got in here.  I ordered two slices of the new, 3-cheese, 3-meat pizza they have!  It's amazing!"  Bethany began to visualize the food in her head, drooling slightly as Kim began to ramble on about her lunch.

"The cheese was just so perfectly cooked.  It didn't fall of the slice but it melted in your mouth.  Plus it was three flavors so all of them combined were just heaven composed into a slice of pizza!  And the meat?  Oh my gosh.  Pepperoni, sausage, and bacon all on one slice but it was just proportioned perfectly so you could still taste the cheese and crust."  Kim was about to go on when Bethany suddenly interrupted her.  "I know better meat though."  "Really?  What?"  "The meat right in front of me!"  Bethany quickly grabbed Kim's shoulders, pulling her forward and stuffing her head into her hungry maw.

Kim kicked and screamed but her pleads for help were muffled out by Bethany's throat as Bethany pulled more of the little blonde into her mouth.  Bethany grabbed onto the girl's shirt for leverage as she lifted her into the air, a feat being easy due to the girl's size.  The little blonde tasted divine due to her sweet, yet subtle flavor.  Bethany took her gulps greedily, inching her lips slowly over the girl's breasts, feeling them hit the back of her throat.  The hungry girl worked her tongue inside Kim's shirt, getting a few licks to experience her true flavor, driving her mad with lust for more.

Bethany reached her arms forward, grabbing Kim's shorts, holding onto them tight as she pulled hard, devouring more and more of her meal.  Her stomach began to bloat outward, getting ready to hold the large amount of contents as Bethany swallowed Kim's stomach, being finished with her torso but Kim wasn't giving up yet as she continued to kick furiously even though it was all over for her from the start.  Bethany let out as much of a smile as she could with her full mouth and grabbed Kim's leg's holding them still as she took a large gulp, reaching her bottom.  Figuring jean shorts wouldn't taste so good and be a little rough on the inside of her mouth, Bethany forcibly removed them from Kim's body, tossing them to the side, revealing Kim's yellow underwear.

Drool began to emerge from Bethany's mouth as she stretched it a little, gulping down Kim's butt as she navigated the surface with her tongue.  Kim let out a shriek at the moist, damp feeling as Bethany tilted her head back all the way, letting her prey's legs slide down into her mouth, finishing her off with one, huge swallow.

Bethany's belly was now enormous, having emerged from under her T-shirt as she rubbed it in pure satisfaction, feeling amazing with someone else inside her.  "Mmm, Kim thanks for helping me out with my problem.  You were so kind I just MIGHT let you out.  I'm not so sure yet, you feel pretty good in there if you ask me."  Her belly then began to shake a little as her food struggled inside, causing her to let out a giggle in delight.  Bethany reached into her purse and pulled out the can of fruit punch soda, popping it open, beginning to guzzle it down as she left the bathroom with her bags, rubbing the huge dome of a belly she gained, smiling all the while.
Art Trade with :icondustinmieye:

He wanted a vore story involving his OC Bethany so I worked my magic! Go check out his gallery if you like vore and/or bellies! It's great!
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Fluffysunbunny1 Featured By Owner May 3, 2015  Student Artist
My name s Bethany....... huh, I Love it!!!!!!
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner May 4, 2015
Thank you!

And seems Bethanys are hungry people!
Fluffysunbunny1 Featured By Owner May 4, 2015  Student Artist
Yes, I know I'm a hungry person! ^^
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner May 4, 2015
Prove it! ;P
Fluffysunbunny1 Featured By Owner May 4, 2015  Student Artist
I'll eat you!!! Mwahahahahaha!!! XD
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner May 5, 2015
No, I don't taste good! :ohnoes:
Fluffysunbunny1 Featured By Owner May 6, 2015  Student Artist
How do you know that? It always good to try new things!! Especially new people!! XDemoticon 2 
J4B Featured By Owner Aug 17, 2014  Hobbyist Digital Artist
That fruit punch soda sounds like a dangerous thing to drink.
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner Aug 18, 2014
I'm sure it might create quite the disturbance!
HungryScorpion Featured By Owner Jul 20, 2014
Nicely written ^^
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner Jul 22, 2014
Thanks!!! :D
HungryScorpion Featured By Owner Jul 22, 2014
No problem!
u9gopg78o80 Featured By Owner May 24, 2014
great story!!! pls more
PrincessFurry2 Featured By Owner Mar 24, 2014
Well done on the story the ending is good
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner Apr 7, 2014
Thank you very much!
testguy2424 Featured By Owner Jan 16, 2014  Hobbyist Writer
amazing story
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner Jan 17, 2014
Thank you!
Brubake Featured By Owner Jul 31, 2013
So that's where my daughter Kim went!
Wesker1994 Featured By Owner Jan 16, 2013
I like your stories. They are really good. You should read a few of mine
dbzman1 Featured By Owner Oct 27, 2012
Great job, once again!
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner Oct 29, 2012
Thanks so much!
dbzman1 Featured By Owner Oct 30, 2012
wishing4vore Featured By Owner Sep 23, 2012
Awesome - like the ending
Fallenswordsman Featured By Owner Sep 10, 2012
Another great story from you, if a little bit short, but still nicely written.
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner Sep 12, 2012
Thanks for the feedback :)
DustInMiEye Featured By Owner Sep 6, 2012
Great story my friend :D
Hope to read much more from you soon ^^
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner Sep 6, 2012
Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!
Aaron1248 Featured By Owner Sep 5, 2012
Wow this is good ^w^
ConsumptionZ Featured By Owner Sep 6, 2012
Aaron1248 Featured By Owner Sep 6, 2012
Ur welcome! Hey, wanna chat or rp? :3 -> [link]
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Submitted on
September 5, 2012
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