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Warning: Vore and sexual undertones

You can tell that old Jack, the plant sitting in front of you is content? Do you really miss my attempts to eat you? Well, it's true that currently I am satisfied. I don't really need to eat you right now, and we have lot of evenings left before I am moved away from your city, at least a month, so I will sufficiently hungry when we met for the last time. Like all women I groomed, you will be excellent meal my little chronicler.

Huh? You want to know who was the lucky gall that gave you reprieve from my tries to eat you sooner than later? Well, better tell you before you learn about it anyway. Just respect her decision and don't made fuss about it, okay?  Just pretend you heard about her disappearance for the first time when you will questioned about it.

Of course you knew her. What? No, she still squirms in my stomach but she is essentially gone, so she is past for us.

Why, Cindy, of course. You were less careful than you thought. The college student noticed that you snuck here and followed you. Even I didn't know she was here at first.

Why so angry? I am what I am, a carnivorous monster, a possessed puppet and carnivorous plant that swallows women like you whole. Besides, should you let me eat you yesterday, It would be Cindy sitting here, listening to my stories. Your sister was lot like you. Curious beyond reason, competitive and horny. She also wanted to outdo you, her older sister. And besides, it's not, as if you will miss her for long. And why do you think, being your sister should protect Cindy from digestion? I didn't promised you anything, not even your life, just that you had to literally agree to be mine before I eat you. And Cindy volunteered anyway, so you should respect her decision. And you knew that with you denying me my meal, I had to eat soon anyway. You were okay with me eating some random girl here so why are you so upset it was someone you knew well? 

Better? Well, my spores ARE amazing, aren't they? So do you want to know how Cindy won one over you? Very well.

Cindy was really uncannily alike you. Like you, she was brunette with dark brown hair and pretty rounded face with pouty lips and small cute nose. Like you she coloured her hair blonde. She was more relaxed and she had blue eyes instead of green but that was all difference. Like you she was C+ with body shorter than average and had sexy rounded ass under thin waist with slightly thicker thighs.

Personality wise, you knew her better but she was rather bold and courageous when she confronted me just two hours ago.

I was minding my own business, the days work finished, and was actually daydreaming about finally eating you when a younger version of you entered the room. I actually thought it was you at first but Cindy quickly corrected me.

"Older sis has a work meeting for at least hour," she told me. "I am Cindy."

"Good day, Cindy. What does bring you to me?"

"Will you eat my older sister? Or are you just teasing her?"

"You heard us, didn't you?"

 "She was doing something and was even more secretive than usually," Cindy sat where you are now. "She never tells me. 'It's dangerous and delicate,' she always dodge my questions. And she was also more distracted this week. And what I managed to see when I sneaked into her diary was strange. She never was into the vore and creepypasta but now, she was writing about missing actresses and other women being eaten by a puppet of all monsters! She was always shaken and absent minded when she returned from her 'research'. And you should see what websites she visited! So I was curious, I thought she visits with some creepy friends about her new hobby. In the deepest dreams I didn't expect her to slip into our theatre and actually stumble over you, Jack."

She really sounded and smelled jealous. And more than little angry with you.

"And did you like what you heard? Aren't you angry and disgusted with me?"

"Why should I? You are only dangerous when you are hungry. I really don't hold your habits against you. That would be hypocritical. Like being cross with lion for killing and eating antelopes. Besides, what you are doing is kind of hot, you now?"

Boy was I glad for my spores and pheromones I use routinely on almost all women I interact with, you my dear included. Or do you think your arousal and calmness is just you being freak? Well, partially. I would never told you what I did if you wouldn't inclined to see the sexy side of my deals with your kind. And Cindy was even bigger voraphiles than you are. But to relax you and calm your anxiety, not to mention your fear of me, I use my pheromones on you. Cindy evidently was caught in them as well. I could smell buried fear under her excitement and arousal, she probably was rather frightened when she discovered who you are meeting and listened to my stories. But her fascination and my arousing smell overcame the fear quickly. Like you, she was fascinated and didn't want the stories to end soon.

"If you will eat my sis today, can I come and record your stories?" Cindy asked me rather eagerly.

"You are okay with it?" I didn't entirely believe what she just proposed to me.

"Isn't that a goal of this pointless play? I know, you know and even my sister has to if she isn't entirely dumb. You will eat her and you will eat me as well now that we met."

"You aren't wrong," I admitted. "I know you two will not stop coming until you both are eaten. You have to want it, you want it rather badly. There is nothing to stop you spy on us but your own curiosity and jealousy."

"I? Jealous?"

"Of course, Cindy. You want to be in your sister's place, sitting here, knowing I want you, posting my memories that people will connect you with. But you are jealous because you always will be second, the younger sister."

The prospect of eating you, in front of Cindy no less sound good but I enjoy your company a lot. And I didn't know Cindy as well as I know you. And I had an idea that was actually funny. Cindy approached me so I would eat you and she could replace you. But what will she do when I reveal to her that even then she will be second, a substitute for you. What will she do with it.

Cindy sat in front of me, angry and jealous. She was thinking hard.

"If I strip and let you have your way with me, it will count as getting one over my sister, right?" she fidgeted nervously. She approached me, knowing that she will almost certainly melt inside me. But being almost certain and also thinking it will come in the future, after several weeks, is another matter than knowing you will not leave the room today. Cindy's suppressed fear resurfaced, making her hesitant. But the idea that skipping ahead and taking from you the honour of feeding me before her made Cindy rather excited. She was always second, the younger, of you. Whatever she experienced, you already had long behind you. First kiss? You were already sleeping with boys! Being best writer of her year? You had that too! You were always more experienced, knew more did more be there before Cindy.

Now, there was an opportunity to do something you were hesitant to. You both dreamed for days about being mine. You wanted both KNOW what it feels like. You both dreamed about it. You found me first but didn't decided to be mine yet. Cindy thought that seeing you go, sitting where you are while you melt away will make her better but now an idea to be the one melting down while you can only watch got into her head. This was the first experience she could get before you.

"You do know that the prize is death, right?" I asked her matter of factly.

"Of course. But didn't we established I will end as your food anyway?"

"That's true. I know, can smell, that you will come to me. You WILL feed me. Before or after your sister will."

"I can't let her be first again!" Cindy stood up and started stripping. 

"Cindy, dear, can you hand me your clothes when you are out of them?"


"I think they will be good appetizer. And, well, this way, there will be nothing left," I explained.

Cindy liked the idea and so threw at me her thin shirt, plead skirt, both boots, socks, bra and finally panties. I caught them all, some with vines, some she threw directly into my maw. I swallowed them in front of her, noisily and obviously, article after article. She even fed to me her notebook, her papers and handbag. I refused to eat her phone - too much metals, you can have it or you can threw it out, its under your seat now - but her letter purse was tasty to some degree. The idea that I ate her identity before her body was actually hot for Cindy, she was positively leaking pussy juice when we were done with stripping her of everything she was symbolically.

Shivering and little unsure, Cindy slowly walked from the chair to me. She hesitated when she stood in front of my empty maw but I kindly coiled my vines around her torso and tugged. With no choise left, Cindy took the two steps remaining and stood directly under my maw.

I licked her.

That surprised her and she sputtered and squirmed.

"Mmmm," I moaned. "So ready and tasty girl you are, Cindy. You taste like late with a cream, like chocolate pancakes!"

"Do I really taste so good?" Cindy wondered, blushing under my prize.

"I can't stop," I moaned between licks I took with the tip of my enormous tongue. "You women have no idea how good you taste and how good it feels when you settle inside my digestion chamber and turn into smooth pasta of girl soup. That's why I love you, so much!" I continued to lick her body, face, hair.

Cindy was shivering with desire and lust, while I teased her and me with small taste of the feast to come.

"Need you," Cindy moaned suddenly. "Need to be inside your maw, bathe in your saliva. You smell so good!"

This took perhaps twelve minutes before I was too hungry to control myself.

"Yes!" Cindy cried out when I coiled my large and strong tongue around her torso while releasing her from mine vines. "Taste me!"

Cindy came hard the second I scooped her with my maw and she landed face first, inside my mouth.

She moaned and writhed all over my tongue that rolled her around my mouth with no chance for her to fight me or escape me. My jaws were closed and she fit into my maw perfectly. Trapped, she rolled around my mouth willingly, pinching her nipples and abusing her pussy, cumming again and again. I rarely had such passionate lunch. Or so tasty. Cindy finally collapsed from exhaustion, jerking and fidgeting sporadically in post coital bliss. Gently, I used my tongue to force her into sleepy foetal ball in the back of my maw. Tilting my bulb up, I swallowed - and Cindy peacefully slipped down with less than soft whimper and blissful moan. I felt her fidget deep inside me, getting comfortable or playing with herself, hard to say. She was up when you came, her body finally covered with my strong enzymes and acids. She still ... Well she just now stopped breathing. I felt it! So how do you feel, knowing your sister just died, sister that was perfectly fine to watch YOU expire, who prolonged your live not because she loved you - although she did - but out of jealousy and desire to be first for once. And now, If you are about to ask to send you after her, you have to wait at least to tomorrow. Cindy will be completely liquefied and if you so desire, I have no problems to drown you in her soup and mix yours pasta with hers. But for today, I have more stories for you. Feel free to masturbate though, the smell of your cum is good for my digestion.


Jack tells to one of his chroniclers, one of girls he - out of boredom and desire to open to someone - told his story during the years of travels, before he inevitably ate them, one after others, what happened to her sister who followed the chronicler, spied on her and Jack, fell under Jack's influence, was intoxicated with his pheromones, and approached him that day before her older sister came. 

Jack the Plant's adventures were originally written by :iconalucardsspirit: and continued by :iconslingblade87: who continues to write about him as well. I wrote this because there couldn't be enough Jack's adventures. I really hope that I did him justice here.

All characters are above eighteen for once. No teens or even children vore this time. This is vore fantasy and has nothing in common with reality.
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