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Throughout my time onstage I've met many people, a few of them I remember rather fondly for one reason or another...often enough they're the ones I got to eat. You see I am Jack, I am a stage prop for the show 'Little Shop of Horrors' and I assure you that I am no mere puppet. I am very much alive and my appetite is, shall we say, vigorous. As such I try at least once per venue to find myself a suitable snack to tide me over until the next location, sometimes my victims are unwilling or unaware of what awaits them and others cannot throw themselves down my throat quickly enough.
Erica was one of these latter ones. I'm not sure how many times she came to see the show before finally working up the nerve to come onstage but I noticed her almost immediately. It helped of course that she was beautiful—I always enjoy the more sumptuous delicacies—but the fact that she religiously sat in the front row, watching with wide eyes as she squirmed and bit her lip truly singled her out as a potential meal. Soon it became obvious to me that she was imagining herself every time I swallowed someone onstage for the play.
Of course none of them died and I did not think she wanted to die either. Oh how wrong I was. I learned that much on that fateful evening when Erica finally worked up the nerve to indulge herself. I was wakened first by the tapping of her heels on the wood paneling of the stage and when I realized who it was that was coming to see me I cannot say I was displeased.
Watching her as she walked behind the curtain to where I was stored with the other props I rather wondered what she planned to do. She was wearing a tightly fitting short tank top and deliciously short jean shorts with a pair of black heels that were the source of the clicking that had alerted me to her presence. Her long dark hair was loose and free as she walked up to me and gazed at myself with a bitten lip. Her interest was evident as she sighed heavily.
“I wish you were real.” she murmured to herself as she placed a hand on my broad lips. “I wish you could make me disappear.”
I chuckled, causing her to jump as I spoke.
“Who says I can't?”
She looked at me in disbelief, her dark eyes wide and staring as she gazed at me in agape shock.
“Did—did you just speak?” she stuttered.
“Yes indeed.” I replied with a hearty chuckle as I came to life before her. “I've been watching you sitting in the front row during each show.” I leaned in close, giving her as close to a smile as a giant plant's mouth can manage. “You enjoy it a great deal.”
She gazed up at me, her breathing shallow as she nodded.
“I—I do, I love watching your victims, I envy them.” she looked at my stem and the pot beneath it. “I imagine it is me sliding down your stem every single time, down to oblivion.” she looked back up at me again. “To dissolve away into nothing.”
I chuckled. “Well, I can grant that wish.” I said cheerily as I looped a vine over her shoulders. “If you like.”
Normally I have to exude some spores to intoxicate my victims and encourage their wilder imaginings but she was not shy in the slightest as she looked at me in mounting eagerness.
“You really can do that? You're not teasing?” she looked down at my pot again. “I'll really dissolve away into nothing?”
“Oh yes,” I assured her. “You will feed me for real. I'll happily consume you entirely.”
“Even my clothes?” she asked. “I want nothing left, everything must disappear.”
I bobbed my head. “Every last scrap.”
She was trembling noticeably now as she pressed herself against my mouth.
“Take me, please, I'm yours, eat me!”
“With pleasure.” I assured her as I opened my mouth wide and she all but leapt into my mouth.
She was so eager that it was all I could do not to choke on her as she bounced on my tongue and wriggled and writhed within my mouth. I didn't even have the chance to ask her name as she moaned erotically under the ministrations of my rolling tongue. I was genuinely surprised by how eager she was to become my meal but I could not complain. Usually it took so much more effort to get a girl to slip inside of me.
Despite promising to consume her, I did take my time, rolling her around inside my mouth like a lozenge as I enjoyed her sumptuous breasts and buttocks. Eventually though my hunger got the better of me as I rolled her towards the back of her mouth. Her moans were a delightful mixture of pleasure and despair as I swallowed her and gulped her down my stem. She settled deep inside me to digest and I could feel her wriggling around inside of me for a time before the movement stopped.
Whether she suffocated or simply died from the digestive process I could not rightfully say but I'd like to think that she enjoyed herself to the end. I must admit that I did betray my assurance to her, there was a little something left of her. You see those heels of hers were too tough so after a bit I coughed them back up. They were a little worse for wear to be sure but I do not think she'd mind too much.
Now I suppose you're wondering how I learned her name, certainly I never introduced myself and she was far too eager to be my meal to tell me who she was. You see it all came about after the fact, everyone was talking about this girl named Erica who went missing and that is how I discovered the name of my latest victim: Erica, perhaps one of the most eager girls I've had the pleasure of eating.
Ericamelted has an encounter with AlucardsSpirit's Jack the Plant and it goes rather rapidly into her final moments as she realizes just what Jack can do!
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poserhorror Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
maybe a cool picture-story :-)
SlingBlade87 Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2017  Professional Writer
hey if you want to turn this into a collaboration then I would highly welcome it.
poserhorror Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
cool :-) let me read it again and translate (in german) - than I write to you ;-) maybe we have a cool story together - your story and some of my pictures if you like ;-) 
SlingBlade87 Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2017  Professional Writer
Sounds like a good deal.

If you're up for it I'm certain Erica would enjoy another series in whatever form it takes.
poserhorror Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
SlingBlade87 Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2017  Professional Writer
Yes indeed.

That's who is referenced here.

It's one of a few different stories I've either done or am planning to do with her as the featured lady.
poserhorror Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Love ericamelted - have a cool poserfigure for her and make some stories with her - greeting from me to her above you ;-) 
SlingBlade87 Featured By Owner Jul 24, 2017  Professional Writer
Well, if you think it possible then here's another chance for one.
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