It was another wonderful, sunny day. People were walking about the shopping district, looking at the different storefronts. One store called Jasmine Intimates was having a big sale on some of their more sensual lingerie.
Much of the shop was hidden from the outside, but the display window had a pair of lovely mannequins modeling some more conservative pieces, and even those were quite sexy. A few women walked in and out of the building as they looked at the colorful sale sign. It was about as risqué as it could get and still be publicly allowable.
The mannequins caught Denise's attention. The busty, pretty young high school teacher had heard about Jasmine Intimates, but had never been inside before. As she looked at the mannequins, she couldn't help but imagine what the sexy lingerie would look like on her.
Denise finally wrenched her gaze from the mannequins, pushed open the glass door and walked inside.
The store's walls were lined with bras, panties, stockings, and other such garments. In the middle of the room was another mannequin wearing a half-transparent set of red lace lingerie, a sign next to her reading "Half-Off."
More traditional cotton panties and bras were up at the front of the store. However, the farther back they went, the smaller they got. Some were transparent, others had no crotch. At the very back were pieces that covered almost nothing.
A few women were walking around the store. One picked up a set of blue lingerie and walked through an open doorway in the back labeled "Dressing Rooms" and into a door beyond that.
Denise's eyes were wide as she went through the store, admiring the beautiful and sexy lingerie. She was walking back towards the middle of the store when the sales girl stopped her.
She was a busty blond woman with a low-cut top and miniskirt. "Welcome to Jasmine Intimates. Can I help you pick anything out?" She smiled warmly.
"Thank you, yes," said Denise as she pointed to the half-transparent set of red lace lingerie. "I'd love to try that on, please!"
The woman smiled. "Oh, yes. I think that would look lovely on you. Um, your size should be..." She looked over Denise's body. "This." She picked up a set of red lingerie on a nearby hanger. "Would you like to try it on?"
"I would love to!" Denise's eyes moved to the lingerie she was holding as she walked towards the dressing rooms and followed excitedly.
The clerk led Denise to the back room. It was brightly lit and lined with doors to smaller rooms, a few of them open. Each dressing room was 4x4, with a large mirror on the far wall and a lockable door. Hooks hung on the side walls for hanging clothes.
The woman then handed Denise the hanger. "Here you are." She giggled bubbly.
"Thank you!" Denise exclaimed as she walked into the dressing room, hung the lingerie on the hook, and then closed and locked the door.
Then she stood in front of the large mirror as she pulled her dress over her head and off her body. She stood there in her pink bra and panties and high heels, admiring herself for a moment before unhooking the bra and stepping out of the panties.
Denise took another long look in the mirror, wearing only her heels, admiring her hourglass figure, and imagining how sexy the lingerie would look on her.
As Denise stood there, the wooden floor split open beneath her feet. It swung open to the side and she was dropped down a steel chute. It curved and dropped her through a hatch into a 10x10 room with other hatches and a locked door. The room was lit by a round ceiling light. Her removed clothing didn't seem to make it with her, the hatch closing behind her.
She landed hard but luckily didn't seem to be hurt. She was more in total shock than anything.
"Hey!" She called out as she got to her feet. "What the hell? Where am I?"
The flood seemed to be padded. She was alone for a moment but then the door slid open. In walked two short men dressed in weird hazmat suits and gas masks. Each had some long tool in their hands. It looked like a metal pipe with a large red suction cup on one end and a hose on the other leading to their back.
The two moon men moved on either side of Denise as the door closed behind them. One of them raised his tool.
"Who... Who are you? What's going on? Ah! Stay away from me! What ARE those things?"
Denise backed away from them and against the back wall, a panicked expression on her face.
One of them spoke as he pointed the suction cup at Denise's head. "We are the Gromos, not that you will need to worry about that much longer."
The red cup shot off and covered Denise's face, blocking out the light. She gasped as the cup struck her face and instinctively put her hands up, clawing at the strange device as she felt a tube slide into her mouth. It then started to suck.
A change started to wash over Denise. Her skin started to become smooth and shiny. The strength in her arms soon started to fade. Her insides started to change as well, sloshing around with in her, and then found themselves sucked through the tube.
Her struggling started to slow down. Her arms dropped to her sides, hanging limply. Denise became very lightheaded very quickly.
Denise's body started to shrivel up, slowly deflating. Soon she felt herself leaving her body, her mind being sucked into the tube. She spun around as she was squeezed through the tube, and soon found herself being pushed into a small bulb on the Gromo's back. Despite it being made out of what looked like glass, it started to inflate as she was forced into it. Soon, it was all over.
Denise's body was lying on the ground, a latex husk of her former self leaking juices from her crotch. The suction cup detached and her lips were parted in an O shape. They moved to pick her up, but before they did, another woman slid through a hatch. The two turned and faced her.
The woman was wearing only a pair of panties. "What's going on?" She covered herself with her arms.
"No need to worry." The Gromo pointed his suction cup at the woman and fired, hitting her in the face. She struggled against it, moaning softly behind the cup. As her body started to deflate, the bulb next to Denise started to inflate.
All that was left of Denise's mind was inside that small bulb on the Gromo's back. She had no idea what had happened to her. The only thing she knew was that she wasn't the first or the last.
When the bulb next to Denise reached full size, they let the new woman drop. They packed up both her and Denise's bodies into boxes and took them away. They walked up to a machine and set the boxes down. Next, one of the Gromos pressed his suction cup against the machine. Denise started to spin as she was drained from the bulb and traveled down the pipes. She stopped only once she was in a large glass vial.
Denise's consciousness, now trapped inside the glass vial, was all that remained. Her body was now folded up and packed inside a box, and she may never see it again nor know where it was going or what might be done with it.
Denise could see other vials, some filled with the purple liquid while others were empty. She could almost make out a moaning face on the one next to her. Over the next few hours, the Gromos came and went, filling more vials and putting away more boxes.
At what was most likely night time, the space men started removing the vials, setting them carefully into fitted boxes. Denise was picked up and placed between two former women. The lid was then closed and she was trapped in darkness. She couldn't see anything, but she could feel herself sloshing around in her vial as they carried her away.
When they opened the box again, they were in a strange metal room unlike any she had seen before. It had a number of strange machines and hundreds of glass vials locked on shelves. Some of them where empty, but many were filled with the purple liquid women. Soon, they placed Denise on the shelf, locking her in place.
With no window or clock, it was hard to tell the passage of time, but it seemed Denise was there for days. Her captors would bring in more vials of women, or fill the ones already here from the bulbs on their backs.
Then one day, when the Gromos where not around, Denise felt herself vibrate and ripple within the glass tube. She was pressed against the bottom as the room shook. Then she felt herself flowing up before gravity was restored.
Not long after, the Gromos returned. They started picking vials off the shelves, about 20 of them. One by one, they were placed into another machine for a moment before being taken out of the room. Denise was left on the shelf to watch.
Denise was more and more confused with each step in the process. What was she now? Was she even alive? How was she still able to see and feel? Where was her body and why were so many of them in vials?
After a while, they returned. One of them wrapped his fingers around Denise and pulled her off the shelf. She was carried down a hallway and into another room. Laying on a table with a tube in its mouth was her former body, still flat.
She was then placed on a stand, the tube attached to the bottom of the vial. She then felt herself drain down the tube, pressed tight as she traveled, and slowly entered her latex body. Slowly, her body started to fill and retake its proper shape.
Denise gasped as she saw her body. She was bubbling with excitement inside her vial - but that was nothing compared to the excitement she experienced as she felt herself sliding down the tube and back into her body. She shuddered hard as the pleasure of what she was experienced overwhelmed her consciousness, almost making her pass out.
Soon, Denise completely drained into her body, filling it once more. Her breasts seemed to be larger than before and her skin was still made of latex. She found she could move once again. If she relaxed her mouth, her lips returned to an O shape.
The Gromo grabbed Denise and held her down. Metal clamps pressed against her strangely light body. He then started to test her reaction by pressing her hot pink nipples.
Her mind was filled with only thoughts of pleasure, of making others happy. She gasped as her nipples were pressed, but the sound that came out was more of a 'squeak'. She could feel them hardening, though, as impossible as it felt!
He squeezed Denise's breasts like balloons. There mass shifted around his fingers. Then he slid his hand down her belly and slipped a finger into her rubberized pussy. He slowly explored her inner walls.
The pleasure overwhelmed her mind and all of her senses, as she realized this was all she would ever be good for ever again, and that thought made her fill with pleasure even more.
The Gromo opened the clamps on Denise's legs. He then opened his pants and pulled out his gray cock, pressing it into her rubber hole.
Denise knew this was her purpose for being as her inflated body was pushed around his cock.
The space man gripped Denise's legs as he thrust harder into her. He picked up speed, only stopping once he filled her with his seed. Slowly, he pulled out of her.
Denise just lay there, filled with alien seed and her mind awash with pleasure... She could only hope for more experiences like this one!
The Gromo cleaned himself off and then shoved the tube back into Denise's mouth. It started to suck. She felt herself being pulled back into the vial as her body deflated, her strength slowly leaving her once again. Within a minute, she found herself back in her glass tube, only for her to be drained back into her body again.
The Gromo repeated the process over and over again, filling her head with lust.
With every repeated time, she lost a little bit more of Denise and became nothing more than the consciousness of an empty-headed inflatable fuck doll.
With Denise once again full, the space man pulled the tube from her mouth. He then opened all the clamps. "Doll, stand," he ordered.
In her state, she struggled mightily to obey his command but finally she managed to get to her inflated feet.
"Good doll." A euphoric effect went through Denise's mind. "Doll, kneel." He opened his pants and let his cock hang out. "Doll, suck."
Denise's knees bent easily as she fell to them, her inflatable mouth closing around his cock, her mind completely filled with the desire to please.
"Good doll." He placed his hand on the back of Denise's light head as she sucked on him. After a moment, he started to moan.
Mindlessly, Denise kept sucking, not even noticing when he started to moan.
The space man pressed Denise's head against his crotch as he filled her mouth with salty cum. Only once he was done did he let go. "Good doll." He rested for a moment. "Lay on the table, doll."
Denise knew nothing but mindless bliss and obedience as she laid on the table.
He placed the tube in Denise's open mouth. Once again, she was sucked out, leaving her empty body behind. This time, once she was fully in the glass cylinder, he folded up her husk of a body and placed it in a box. After putting it away, he took out another latex body and laid it on the table.
Denise was then removed and placed on a shelf. Another vial of purple goo was soon bought in and filled the love doll. She could only watch as the space man tested out this new dolly as well.
Denise knew what the new girl would be experiencing and she already missed those incredible sensations.
The space men had their way with a number of different living dolls of different sizes and colors. Once they were done, they deflated their victims, folded their bodies into boxes, and placed their vials on the shelf with Denise.
After they left, Denise started to bubble and dream. She imagined herself cleaning a strange room. The tools she used looked something like cleaning supplies from Earth, but they had an alien look to them.
The dream seemed so strange to her. She was an inflatable sex doll, that was her purpose. So why was she dreaming about cleaning?
The next few days blended together, or maybe they were weeks. Denise would be removed from the shelf and funneled into her body for the space men to use. They would fill and empty her again and again, before boxing her up and returning her to the shelf so they could use another. When they were done, she started to bubble again. Sometimes she would dream of cleaning, sometimes massaging alien creatures she had never seen before.
Her entire existence was starting to blur, the dreams she had were the only vestiges of humanity she had left.
Then one time, the Gromos once again filled Denise, as well as a number of other dolls. "Dolls, follow me." He led them into what looked like some kind of space age shower room. He pointed to the different stalls. "Enter them. One each." The dolls mindlessly obeyed, some faster than others, as they filed into the different stalls.
Denise understood and obeyed quickly. Inflatable sex dolls like her needed to be cleaned regularly after all.
Once they were in the doors closed on their own. Water sprayed them from all sides. Hoses moved like snakes and sprayed into Denise mouth, vagina, and anus. Once they were done, they pulled back and air rushed through the small chamber. Soon, she was dry and it stopped. Then the doors opened again.
"Come!" ordered the space man as he led them to a different door at the other end of the shower room. This was filled with tables and a few dolls were already standing by. "On the tables. Lay down."
Denise obediently laid down, feeling clean and refreshed, not even noticing that the doll she laid next to appeared to be the sales clerk from the store.
The sales clerk stood next to her. She grabbed the tube and put it into Denise's mouth, slowly sucking her out of her body once more. This time, she was sucked into a sleek glass cylinder with metal ends, watching herself deflate as she filled it.
The aperture on the top of the tube closed once it was full. The clerk removed the tube and folded up her empty body, setting it into a pink box. It was a bit larger than the normal ones and Denise's body only took up 2/3rds of it, her face on top. She then grabbed Denise's mind and set her in the remaining third. The lid to the box had a plastic window, allowing her to see outside of it.
The clerk then picked her up and carried her to what looked to be a shipping box, setting her down neatly next to other pink boxes containing the recently cleaned and deflated love dolls. Soon, another box was placed on top of her.
Denise was trying to wrap her mind around what was happening. What was different now than before? It was too much for her dolly mind to comprehend. She could feel the box move. Her own box held her tube tight in place, but she still sloshed around inside of it.
It was some time later once she was able to see the light again. A short alien lifted the box above her and carried it away. Soon, she was picked herself. The alien set her down on a shelf, sitting on an angle she was able to see the room. It looked to be a store of some kind. The shelves were filled with a number of different objects. Some looked like sex toys, some were blow up dolls, some had functions Denise could only guess.
It wasn't just former humans in those pink boxes, but what seemed to be deflated aliens as well. None of them looked to be Gromos. Each looking out of their plastic windows, their bodies next to their minds.
It dawned on the brainless sex doll that she was in a store and she was for sale. That someone might pay money for her and she had no idea who, or how they might use her...
The End?
Here is a role play session between me and
. I cleaned it up a little and
proof read it for me.
It's a love doll transformation story with the same aliens from Rachel's Day at the Beach.
Denise belongs to

It's a love doll transformation story with the same aliens from Rachel's Day at the Beach.

Rachel's Day at the BeachIt was a bright and sunny day, just the perfect conditions for swimming. Sarah knew just the spot and talked Rachel into going with her, as well as two other friends.
Sarah sat in the driver's seat. She had raven hair done up in a ponytail and dark skin. She was one of the shorter members of the group, and one of the cuter ones too, but was quite proud of her large breasts regardless.
The short-haired brunette in the passenger seat was named Jenifer. She was also quite busty herself
Rachel sat in the back and had long blond hair and light skin. Today, she needed to work on her tan.
Gwen, the tan woman sitting next to Rachel, had wavy lime-colored hair. She had quite a fetching pair of legs, which her miniskirt showed off.
"Sarah, you said this was a female-only nude beach, right?" Rachel asked.
Sarah giggled. "Yes, that's right.”
“Good. The last thing we need is a bunch of men perving on us the whole time.”
Sarah nodded in agreement. “We can get rid of those ann
Mature Content
Denise belongs to

PS: Thanks for the