“Hmm,” sighed the buxom blonde sitting on the bed before me. “This is the most boring shoot I've done in a long time.” she stretched languidly, crossing her legs over each other as she folded her arms and picked at the pillow besides her. “You sure you just want me to sit here like this?”
I smiled at her, looking over the top of my camera.
“Yes, don't worry, this is going to be your best shoot ever.”
She sighed, nodding.
“You keep saying that, but so far all you've done is have me dress up in this outfit and sit on the bed.”
“Not for much longer, I promise.”
I looked back into my camera, making sure it was centered on her. The most maddening thing about this entire shoot had been making sure that she didn't move from the bed. I'd doused it with pheromones earlier, not to affect her in anyway, just to get the subject of the shoot excited. The subject, not the beautiful woman sitting on the bed before me, had finally started to stir behind her. The massive black and yellow snake had begun to notice the pheromones, its forked tongue flicking into the air inquisitively as it uncoiled itself and made its way towards the bed.
I began to rapidly snap shots as the snake loomed closer and closer to the model, its head bobbing and weaving back and forth as it got a scent for the bountiful blonde sitting before it. The model for her part remained unaware and seemingly exasperated as I snapped pictures of what she thought was her own boredom. If she'd known just what it was I was photographing I think she'd have been a bit more excited but that would come soon enough. The snake loomed over her head, its jaws opening wide as it prepared to strike.
“Seriously,” the blonde grumbled. “Can we get this over wi—!?”
The black and yellow snake shot forwards in a flash, is mouth engulfing the model's head, her blonde hair and bored expression vanishing in an instant. The snake pulled her back, its jaws expanding over her shoulders and pinning her upper arms as her lower arms flailed helplessly, beating at the snake's head in an attempt to free herself. Her stifled shrieks and screams could be heard beneath the scales of the snake, muffled and shrill as I chuckled cruelly.
“Hope you're not still bored.” I remarked with dry humor as I continued to snap away.
The snake wrestled the flailing model down onto the sheets, working is jaws over her breasts, suckling and cupping them tightly before the beautifully shaped mounds vanished beneath the scales of the snake. I took the camera off its stand and clambered atop the bed, standing above the model as she flailed helplessly, taking shot after shot of her toned body sliding into the snake's mouth as it sucked her down. I actually had a moment of regret as the snake slipped down around her waist and hips, sliding down her slender legs.
It had all happened so fast, and she hadn't had much of a farewell. Perhaps the next time I conspired to this sort of photoshoot I'd arrange a partner to spice things up. As her thighs vanished down the snake's throat her cries began to die down, she must be running out of breath and soon the screams were silent altogether as her legs twitched and spasmed randomly. I kept shooting to the very end, watching as her legs disappeared and the soles of her feet rested in the snakes mouth as its jaws worked over the feet and sealed her away from my lens. She might have been bored, but I don't think she was boring and at the end I'd like to think it was incredibly exciting for everyone.

Hehe, thanks - covered more or less exactly my thoughts when I did this manip (aside from the pheromones, that was a mean little trick), good job 

Something from Shazycrit who let me write up a scene for his piece with polymodel
poserhorror was kind enough to do their own rendition of this scene