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The people are cannibals, they ate my friend and neighbors.
I hid and watched out of fear and fascination at their strange habits.
They tore them from limb from limb
ribbing the meat from the bones as they struggled to escape but failed.
They popped the bones from the their joints
the victims screamed in pain crying out to be freed,
but this was only the beginning they cut the arms and legs off.
Blood rushes out from the sides as the cannibals lick up it up like animals.
They now take the arms and legs and roast them over a pit of fire.
This scene makes me think of hell however I can smell the meat roast and sizzling over the flames.
The cannibal now eat to their hearts content but I see they leave out the brains.
I watched one after another, screams can be heard but are eventually silenced in the night.
the cannibals eat and eat I can see them cut open a torso to eat the entrails inside.
I now see the stab them with sticks and roast them over the fire like hotdogs,
some nibble on the soft tissue as it were a feast.
I watched in horror as the cannibals play with the bones like toys to an infant.
I almost gasped when I heard one of the cannibals say that he was still hungry.
I could feel my heart beat but I hope they don't as I stayed quite and prayed for assistance.
Finally, they leave but the question remains, What do I taste like?
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Submitted on
October 31, 2017
Mature Content


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