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I wake up, surrounded by hundreds of inmates. We’re all the same, all insignificant. My eyes remain closed, the sights around me are too terrible to behold. I stand in my own excretion, trapped in a box. No way out.

Most of us were born here, but a few were shipped in. We hear stories of how their friends died on their way here. Some of them talk about beautiful things: black starry skies and clear blue days, the warm sun beating down on their back as they shovel down a feast.

I give up thoughts of a better life, and remain in my own torturous existence. One day I may get away from here, as my parents did, as their parents did before them. They left a while ago now; I haven’t seen them since.

I’m comforted by the thought of seeing them again, although I don’t know where or when.

Ah! It looks like the stone-faced farm guards are taking some of the others away now: ‘Say hello to my parents for me!’ I shout, excited for them, finally released, finally free. I wake up Sarah, my cellmate.

‘They took another lot of them, we could be leaving soon!’ I whisper almost ecstatic. ‘Leave me alone.’ ‘But Sarah! I think it’ll be us next! We’re getting out of here!’

She started snoring within seconds; Fresh whip marks are all around her body, with more density on her huge empty udders. I looked around and the excitement drained from my system. I can’t wait to be out of this place; the smell, what I see, it makes me sick; but after years of living naked and getting milked with the constant retching, it becomes familiar, normal.

I often fidget, not wanting to rise, even for food. I feel weak.

The doors open at the far end the building to reveal guards bringing in our daily slop. I don’t know what’s in this mixture, but right now I don’t care – if I don’t eat it I will starve. The doors at the end of the room reopen. Within seconds my cage opens in front of me.

I look up just as the realisation hits home. We’re free! We’re going!

“Sarah, Sarah! Wake up, wake up, it’s our turn!” I practically scream at her, but she doesn’t react. When the guards arrive they prod her with a stick, and roll her over. She doesn’t wake. She’s not breathing.

‘No, she can’t have died! It’s our turn; wake up! We’ve been waiting so long. Come on!’ The guards calm me down by hitting me with a pole; I get the message.

Walking away on my all four, I consider my friend. She must have just given up, I feel her pain, but if she’d only hung on a little longer.

The gateway to my freedom gets more real with every step, I feel overwhelmed as I move towards the door. But they open to reveal something unexpected. There’s another room.

The main guard kicks my hard on my cunt, hurting me, to push me forward. I don’t resist. I am taken next to a table in the middle of the room and hung upside down from my feet apart.

A guard comes in to put an empty bucket beneath my dangling body. cuffs and restraints, as well as the steel collar are removed and my hands are tied behind my back with a plastic strapping cable band.

From another door, come other men in white coats. They were wearing gloves; I started to panic.

Tools are brought in and laid onto the table next to me, huge sharp knives lay shining, menacing, promising pain, reflecting my fear.

There’s a sharp sting in my throat. I’m free.
Reworded from a story written by Eloise Mahoney
I loved this short story, nice details and straight to the point! I appreciate the rewording!! :horns:
pigletmina Featured By Owner May 30, 2018  Hobbyist Artist
Thanks. I appreciate your interest and kind words :)
Always! :)
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