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A Fairytale Hanging

Once upon a time in a land far away there lived a queen and her four princesses. Queen Sara and her four princesses Adriana, Samantha, Vivian, and Vanesa were just and kind rulers of their kingdom and lived at peace in their castle. One night an evil queen named Jezebel launched a sudden sneak attack on the castle and concord it.

The next day the new queen Jezebel sent messengers throughout the land announcing that she was now queen and that there was to be a grand hanging of the previous queen and princesses. Three sort days later the day of the hanging had arrived. A very grand and large gallows had been erected in the courtyard of the castle. The gallows had five large el shaped beams each with a noose dangling from the end and one beam for each victim. Sticking out from the platform were five planks that would function as the trapdoors. This was so that there would be nothing hindering the crowds view of the hanging. If you drop someone from a trapdoor in the middle of the gallows the crowd would only be able to see the legs or the upper half of the victim. But with dropping them off the end of the gallows platform the crowd is able to see the full show.

The queen and princesses had been positioned on the gallows. Queen Jezebel had ordered that the queen and princesses be dressed in only bikinis or lingerie in order to make the hanging more fun. In the far right position on the gallows was princesses Vivian. She was wearing a silver string bikini and silver triangle top. She had long red hear and had slept with half the town both men and women. Next to her was her sister Adriana. Adriana wear a low-cut white bikini with a white triangle top. She was very pail and weak with long golden hear. In the place of honor right in the middle of the gallows stood queen Sara. Queen Sara looked so young she could have past for one of her doters. She was wearing a royal purple bikini bottom with rings connecting the bikini at the hips. The queen had long flowing blond hear and stood regally by her noose. Next to the queen stood her dotter Vanesa. She was the warrior of the family. She was wearing a red thong with a black rose lace overlay and matching bra. Finally on the far left stood Samantha also called Sam. She was a tomboy and was wearing a simple black thong and pushup bra. She had short blond hear.

Queen Jezebel walked on to the gallows stage wearing a black leather corset and bikini. The crowd loudly applauded her. She looked stunning and powerful as she walked toward Vivian. She placed the noose over Vivian's head and around her slender neck. Then she gave her a long and passionate kiss. Vivian was suddenly aroused. Jezebel whispered in Vivian's ear," I've herd that when an aroused young lade such as yourself is hung the sensations she experiences are so pleasurable they are almost unbearable." Vivian could barley taking any more she wanted to come so hard she wanted to hang. Jezebel stepped bake and put one hand on the leaver. "Are you ready" she said. "Yes" Vivian gasped. "Are you shore" said the queen. "Just pool the fucking lever" Vivian screamed! The queen pulled the lever and Vivian dropped only a couple of inches before the noose cot her. She immediately began to choke and wriggle.

Next the queen noosed Adriana who was now shaking uncontrollable in fear as she watched her sister struggling and gasping for air. The queen whispered in her ear "don't fight it just give in to the noose." With that she pulled the leaver and Adriana dropped only a short dissents. She managed to get out half of a terrified shriek before the noose cut it short. She weakly kicked the air and tried to reach the noose with her hands that were tied behind her back.

Jezebel then skipped queen Sara and noosed Vanesa the worrier. She said,"hopefully you fight this more than you fought me." Vanesa only glared at the queen. When the queen pooled the lever Vanesa dropped farther than her sisters but not far enough to brake her neck. Instead the drop only made the rope bite beep into her neck. She silently kicked and thrashed about with incredible force.

The queen noosed the last princesses. Sam expected the queen to whisper something in her ear like she had with her sisters instead the queen suddenly reached bake and pooled the leaver. Sam barely dropped at all. She hung still for a moment in shock at the sudden hanging. She had not prepared herself for it. Slowly Samantha began to dangle and dance.

Queen Sara looked to her left and right and saw her dotters struggling and choking at the ends of there nooses. Their faces now almost matched the color of her purple bikini. She would hang as regally as she could she decided. Jezebel came over and noosed her and said," I know that you are thinking that you will resist dancing the gallows jig but I have a way to inshore that you do." With that Jezebel pooled the leaver. The queen hung still refusing to struggle so Jezebel stepped out and placed both of her feet at the top of the queens noose and stood on it putting unbearable presser on the Sara's neck. Then Jezebel began to spin around on the rope as if she was pole dancing. Under the presser the queen began to writhe in agony. Her eyes were watering and looked like they were about to pop out of her head. Her tong was forced out of her gaping mouth. because of the incredible amount of presser from Jezebels wait Sara was unable to make any sound as she violently and descries fully writhed at the end of her noose.

After the queen and princesses were hung everyone in the crowd agreed that they would like their new queen Jezebel.
nick5617 Featured By Owner Dec 1, 2016
great story:) (Smile) 
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