Just Let Me Hang</b>
The rope slowly tightens around my neck
The pain built up inside slowly takes over
As the seconds pass,
My heart slowly breaks apart as I remember.
My bodies getting weaker,
And I'm giving up
I still hear the familiar whisper telling me to hang in there and to never let go
But how much longer can I hang here?
With the last bit of strength I struggle to live
To push the memories back
But I can feel another knife stab me in the back
As I slowly start to fall again,
I am tired of this pain
I'm sick of crying
So Please...Just Let Me Hang...
My body has gone numb
The memories are fading
My eyes slowly close
I can feel the final tears run down my face...
My breathing ends.
I am Finally...Free...
Here's another one,
I find this one a bit more suicidal
I still really love this poem, I wasnt feeling that down when I wrote it actually
But at times I do feel like hanging and letting the voices die.
For So long I tried to be there for my friends in school only to be stabbed in the back
With harsh comments, Ill be honest I hate myself and Im afraid to open up to people.
I am terrified to be hurt anymore, because I dont know how much more of this I can keep built up inside.
There are a couple of friends both online and in real life, who I really should thank.
They have helped me through so much, I just wanted to let you know. I wouldnt be here without you.
I would have given up long ago.
If your wondering who the familiar whisper is.
In my eyes its God, Im not that religious, but at one point I honestly thought about killing myself. I came to that point where I just couldnt take it anymore, and I had this feeling inside me telling me not to give up I could hear the voice so clearly. I knew exactly who it was.
But I also consider it as my friends, because they helped me as well as my family, but sometimes there are things I cant tell the ones I love. Thats why I think it was God who is trying to keep me up. And not let the rope be my last hope for freedom.
I hope you guys like it.
Sorry about all this depressed crap, guess Im just feeling really down.
Guess I just want to talk to someone, and Have a Hug. And be Loved.
Thanks guys.
You all mean a lot to me.

Please! Comment on this, words mean a lot to me.
Even if its in a Note. Or Messenger.
I honestly just need help and support.
In my case it was the feel of a hand gripping mine..the sight of a familiar smile
I had no idea you were so upset. I didn't even realise you had this much shit in your life to make you want to even think about this option. D|..
I am so sorry to hear about this, and to be honest I do not have any idea what you are going through, I couldn't even imagine.
I have never been that good with making people feel better, normally I would joke about it and help my friends to shrug it off. But in this situation I can't do that.
I have never been able to open up to my friends or family. So I DO understand about that atleast. There are so many things in life that I wish I have done and not told anyone. Life is strange like that, we all deal with things differently.
As for backstabbing bitches I know what that feels like. Mandy, all I can say is that you are better than them.
Although I haven't been a very close friend to you online, I know this much, you are a lovely person! And you can't let things like this make you give up.
The world needs more people like you.
I really hope you feel better soon and I hope this helped you ...
(Yeah I am crap at making people feel better <3. Sorry xDDD;;
Thannkk you Doozie!
This comment rocked, I joke around to C: and I love making people laugh best way to cure any emo-ness,
It wasin't anything to 'horrible' just School life was a living hell. having your own back stabbin bitches tell you your to ugly to have a bf really brought be down :C
But its kindof funny, I have like three people who go to diffrent highschools that want to go to my school and beat the shit out of EVERYONE LOL
But yeah, glad you understand me
Also thanks so much for the amaizng commments, you helped me out so much ;_;
And I miss talking to you (even if im talking to you now lol)
You've helped me a lot thankiies
Love you to!
And no your not! yo rock! <3
heh I miss talking to you too. WEMUSTSPEAKONMSNMORE XDDDDD!
Of course you can have a hug, Indy.
On the literary front - this a wonderful poem. Use of italics and boldface really brings out the feeling you are trying to convey, and imagery is awesome. I actually was a little spooked by the mental picture you created there - which means you did a good job.
I'm afraid to open up to people, too - my family at least. My friends I never had a problem with. I've done and said stupid things - if I had a nickel for every thing I've done without thinking, ever person I've hurt in my guilt, I'd probably be living in a penthouse in California right now with a Ferrari in my driveway.
Can't answer that question. All that you can do with this life and the time you've been given to make it harmony and solace - whether your comfort come in friends or...building a front door in your father's basement, you have to hold onto the moments of joy in your life, because when the final battle comes those moments are the only things that will keep you alive. And in time, those around you will come to see you as what you made yourself to be, and time will catch up to you...and you'll be happy again.
And don't apologize about all the "depressed crap" - everybody goes through it. Some more than others, because some of us (I know I am) like to hold onto every moment - good or bad. I don't know how long it'll take me to learn to let go, but I can promise you: I'll be there to help you with your life's little crappy idiosyncrasies. I promise.
I dunno about you, but I'm not ready to give up yet - not without taking a final stand. (But first, the journey has to be made.)
I'm up for the trip. (But you have to pack the snacks. I'll bring sodaaaaaaa.
JOEY ;0;
I think I was attacked with just about every hug
Thank you C:
Glad you like what I did with the text, I have fun playing around with it. LMFAO I know eh? and i'll live next door to you with my Mustang, and a Mini Cooper XD
And we can go party 8DD and have drinks and go to clubs becouse where so rich XDD
and buy random pointless shit
Thank you for all the comments, and incuraging me to stay around and not give up, I also agree with your God comment.
Yes I love to hold onto the good moments to sadly, I hold on to the bad DD8 I need to let go to them but I can't :C
Aww hehe okay XD
Thanks so much for talking to me and all thoses amazing words woah O:
If I could fav comments i'd fave the ones you give me and Dozzie 8D
I loove you!
and okay!
You're welcome for all that stuffeh I said....