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"Hy Steph! It's me Lizzie^^ Are you bored? Come join as at the old dorms, I'm hanging out with Dani and Kristin we're having our own small secret party^^ Come to my old room It'l be so much fun, Like the old days You'l loose your headXD" Said the message Stephanie Brooks got on her phone that evening. She was at home all alone and really bored stiff*~* So she thought:"What's the hell!" She tied her hair in a ponytail, dressed in tight leggings, light summer, but still fluffy sweater and put on high heels. Took a look in the mirror, liked what she saw there, blown herself a kiss and took off The old dorm was abandoned for a year or so, some accident or what not, but was still in a good shape and even had power supply, so it was used quite occasionally by students whatever. wanted to hangout staying below the radar. Stephy knew that the party itself was on the third floor in Lizzie's old room, from her junior year. Still, the light at the dorms entrance was turned on...
"So much for secrecy - thought Steph entering - Well... it would have been to spooky otherwise^^`
It was pretty spooky anyway:/ Most of the other lights were off or broken, so she walked through barely lit corridors with patches of pitch black darkness signifying sideways or open doors... She couldn't help but start to breath fast and heavy. Aside from darkness, the halls and corridors were in a pretty good shape, if you don't count for garbage, dust and occasional looted service closet or fire-fighting equipment stand...
Finally she came close. to her destination the last room in a side corridor of the third floor, the door was opened by a few inches and bright light and loud music came through. Stephy caught her breath, exiled and entered brightly coloured room saying"Greetings every..." First that entered her half blinded darkness of the corridor point of view was a general issue living room, and half naked girl lying on the table legs towards the door, watching the second one sitting before the table legs spread, her face between the first one's legs... "...body?!" Seeing That, Stephy momentarily flushed and wanted to turn around mumbling excuses, when she noticed the third girl sitting at the corner fingering herself as she watched... No not watched, she had no head to watch with... With that Steph's vision finally clicked in place and the brain caught up with what she saw. What she thought a decorations were parts of clothing and mainly blood stains. The body sitting before the table on the floor, Dani probably, was facing the door, but the head now clearly not attached to the rest of the body was showed between the legs of Kristin, judjing by the head propped on top of her chest... Paralysed from shock and fear, Stephy could only stand there hyperventilating. Suddenly the phone in her arms vibrated and looked at the screen "fun isn't it?" When she was about to scream someone behind her shouted "Catch" and she instinctively turned and caught the object flying at her with both hands, she saw a person in the hallway holding the bright lit phone, her friend's phone! then she looked at what she was holding in her hands, the dead eyes. of Lizzie staring back at her. She screamed and thrown the head behind over the shoulder, then after a moment she started after it picking. it back up as it rolled. then, mumbling apologies to her dead friend she made an attempt to brush the dust of the Lizzie's head... frozen for a few seconds as if asking herself "WHAT's the FUCK am I doing?!" and still holding it turned back to now shamelessly sniggering killer. It was a guy around 180sm half naked aside from cheap boots and overalls and all covered in blood stains closing in on her. When Stephy saw his face she recognised Lizzie's new boyfriend, Bob or what's'name, slowly showingly taking out an axe. Stephy started to back of over the floor made slippery from all the blood, "Damn now you chicks truly are dumb! First Liz, told me all about how you used to have fun here as I fucked her non-stop... Honestly I'd cut her head just for that! Then all of you coming here one by one, after only one mail.. no even bothering to call! They do say that "Friendchip is maggic":P Mind giving me a head?... or both?" said the killer with another snigger. Steph found herself in the corner, as the killer slowly closed in with the small steps, her already fast heart rate gone haywire, her head spinning from hyperventilation, fear making her squeeze even further in the corner, the only thoughts"no No NO I Don't wanna die!!!!" Her mind went blank, with sudden ferocious yell "NO!" She thrown first thing that came in her hands at her attacker... Yes Lizzie's head^^ The killer was caught by surprise, and the head butted him between the eyes with vengeance! Making his head violently jerk back and forcing him to stagger, feeling the opportunity Stephanie jumped to her feet and stopping. only to kick the assailant in the balls, she made her escape down the corridor... Her High heels echoed down the corridor, but not helping to flee "Damn inconvenience!" she thought, as she nearly fallen once or twice " Should've weared snickers`~`" she mumbled... Behind her a stream of incoherent swearwords started a chase... She wanted to call the police, but she dropped the phone when she was catching the Lizzie's head. Loosing some time on the steps, she bumped in the dormitory entrance door, which held fast, she hit the door with all her body weight once more, to no effect then remembered all the fuss the fire ispectors made a few years back cause of it opening inside, not outside as it must be... Exhilarated that she almost made it, she pulled the handle, and jumped outside. After inhaling the fresh air of the outside, she was about to start screaming for help as she run, when time stopped.
Chicken Run by m00zg
Everything started to spin up side down before her eyes, she tried to move to no avail and she saw someone run past her. After two or three full spins it suddenly stopped, and she saw a back of a runing figure who was strangely dressed like her... "fuck it is me!, my body that is..." as she thought this some of her seances returned and she felt arms holding her now separated head and an echoing voice jeered "Look at you go! Just LOOK AT YOU GO!!! just like a chicken!" After making some seven or nine steps Stephy's body finally stumbled and fallen, legs still trying to obey the last order they received, making the whole body jerk and twitch as if trying to do brake dance... Her leggings transparent from all the sweat soaking them, became even more so as her blader emptiet itself clearly showing the bright coloured. panties beneath. Stephy tried to scream but only gurgle and blood came from her mouth. The world spun again and an upside-down face came in to her slowly fading view... Her brain filled to the brim with oxygen due to a hyperventilation and pumped with adrenaline held far longer than it should have, and now started to shut down. She only saw the lips moving, but never heard the killer saying "Damn that was a close one, but I was lucky with that axe throw^^ Still, way to go Steph! Best fun I had in a while!!! Trust me I'l make a good use of that body of yours But here's a little something for you to see you off" Saying that he planted a long drawn out kiss, while still holding her head upside-down, and it was the last thing that Stephanie Brooks had ever felt.
I wanted the illustration to be in full colour. with fqr more details, maybe making it to be a picture story, or even a comic... Alas no time for now... I hope that at least the story can entertain you:D
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PerfectPrey4U Featured By Owner Jan 31, 2015
Oh wow!!!  So intense and absolutely amazing!!! :D
m00zg Featured By Owner Feb 1, 2015  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Thank's:D I hope I can get time to do it properly(I mean in colour and details;))
angel-shibari Featured By Owner Jan 31, 2015  Hobbyist Photographer
Wow, hat a gruesome picture you did with the narration (I am saying that as a compliment ;) ) I am really curious about the destiny of her body with the assassin, also we could use that head for something, after, all, the mouth will not oppose any kind of resistance now.
m00zg Featured By Owner Jan 31, 2015  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Well... I prefer to live those stories to the readers fantasy:) since i doubt i can do it better;)
Not to mention that i don't want to show up on the mod's radar:D
angel-shibari Featured By Owner Jan 31, 2015  Hobbyist Photographer
Yes, you are right, being too descriptive could annoy someone with a weak stomach, and after all, we have the deep-web for those proposes.

Don't stop creating your macabre works, you have a lot of fans hiding in the shadows ;)
m00zg Featured By Owner Feb 1, 2015  Hobbyist Digital Artist
And they keep afouly quiet and well hidden:P
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