Belladonna Marie Concherto's eyes flickered open, though at first it seemed so dark that she could be forgiven for thinking they were still closed. Gradually she began to pick out shapes around her the silhouettes of people some lying on the hard stone floor as she was, others standing looking around in an apparent state of confusion. What was going on, how did she end up in the place as her memories began to return she suddenly realized that's right, I'm dead!
She'd discovered her husband cheating on her with her sister, her own sister! Driven by a murderous rage fueled by a sense of betrayal and rejection she'd plotted her revenge and killed them both. Why had she taken the cattle prod into the bathroom! Perhaps she had wanted to die too, either way when it fell into the bath tub with her it was a moot point. It lay on the floor beside her now almost as though mocking her fate, as she reached for it she noticed her stocking clad legs and the lacy white hem of her skirt, the frilly apron that rested in her lap. What the hell she thought, I wasn't dressed as a maid when I died!
William J. Whitefield stood in the shadows, he was filled with an overpowering rage, how could they have killed him! Didn't they realize his work wasn't complete, the corrupt had to pay the price for their sins and the justice system had too many flaws and loopholes. Flaws and loopholes that he'd expertly exploited to get so many criminals acquitted in his time as a high court judge. However in spite of his ridiculously low conviction rate none of them ever re offended. This was largely down to the fact that he would track them down kidnap, torture and finally kill them. He was the first to admit it was a little extreme, however they all ended up regretting their offences, and he'd never had a recidivist.
His eyes fell on the maid as she stood up just a few yards away from him. He took in her Jet black hair cut in a severe bob, her blue eyes and full lips, the ample swell of her breasts, her flat stomach, pert buttocks and long shapely legs. I wonder what she did to end up here, he mused as he considered the best way to punish her for her crimes. Judge Whitefield, or Tormentor as he preferred to be called knew he was dead, they'd sent him to the chair for his crimes. Crimes! He laughed out loud ridding humanity of its sinners was no crime, but at least here in hell he'd still be able to punish the unworthy and the unjust!
Mammoth's huge frame staggered into the half light that filled the center of the room, the huge ape like creature caught the attention of all the rooms other occupants. He turned slowly growling to himself before roaring pounding his chest and charging off with a jolting gait back into the shadows. He was filled with fury and blood lust he wanted to smash, to kill, to destroy. He wanted revenge and he didn't know what for or against who nor did he care. Mammoth wanted to crush, to rend to devour any who stood before him.
Cleetus was hungry too, he'd found a human leg but the meat was a bit off, and although that made it tender it wasn't good eating. He'd been eyeing up the french maid and thinking to himself that she sure was one delicious looking piece of girl meat before the giant fella had caught his attention. Yup ol Cleetus T. Radley was hungry and that meant only one thing someone had to die, he rubbed his bloated stomach in anticipation.
"Yeah I 'no's yer in there wormy, I'ma gunna feed yer real soon!" He whispered to the tapeworm that had killed him "Damn we're a powerful hungry"
A booming disembodied voice filled the room its tone both powerful and persuasive, its words echoing in the dark stone vault.
"I am Marukka and you are mine, you are my toys for all eternity"
The velvety tone made it sound more like a promise than a threat though it was neither it was simply a statement of fact.
"However for one of you there is a way back, you will fight to the death for my amusement, though death here will give you no release" The voice laughed a hollow mocking sound in contrast to the warm tones "The winners of each round progress to the next along with the most entertaining loser, who I will judge as I see fit, perhaps the loser will also get a kill, or perhaps their death will entertain me, I know that might not sound fair, but your in hell so what did you expect" again the mocking laughter filled the room "The overall winner will face me in a fight to the death if they defeat me I will re-incarnate them" The chamber was filled with silence as the echoes faded away. Belladonna, Cleetus and Tormentor eyed each other as in the shadows Mammoth growled and shuffled.
"Well?" Came the voice again "What are you waiting for? Fight!"
My first attempt at "Thrill Kill" fan-fiction hope you like 

I will be following this closely!