The Experiment
The echo of Kirsten's heels resounded off the walls of the secret research lab buried deep beneath the frozen tundra, almost a mile above her the landscape of greenland was covered in several feet of snow and ice, though down here no one would guess at the ravages of nature above. She strode down the corridor purposfully, her white lab coat open and flapping about her like angel wings a slight look of annoyance on her face. Three hours had passed since her assistant had gone to the amphibian enviroment lab to bring her some samples and even though they had noticed a drop in the population it shouldn't take this long. The government funded research was slow and time consuming, but that was no excuse in her opinion for tardiness. Kirsten removed her lab coat and hung it on a hook by the door, punching in a security code the door hissed as it released. Raising her foot she stepped over the seal into the near tropical heat.
Looking around at its surroundings the toad gave a loud croak glancing over at the still prone state of the slightly smaller toad. The lower half of the human that had come in here was still jutting out of its jaws but had proved too large a meal and the toad had choked to death whilst the human had simply run out of oxygen deep inside its throat. With a blink of its huge eyes the giant toad leapt away. At four feet in height it was a fearsome sight to behold but it had so far remained unseen hiding deep in the lush swamp surroundings, but now it was out in the open as it looked around for something large enough to eat.
"Tracy!" she called out into the arbourium. The room was almost a hundred feet wide and nearly three hundred long a metal walkway sliced through the middle. All around lush vegetation sprouted, the ground below her pools of dark murky turgid water "Where are you?" her voice echoed back from the walls the room was silent except for the drip, drip of condensation. Kirsten glanced at her clothes, more suited to a boardroom than field work a white blouse and close fitting black skirt, both expensive and the damp air would no doubt ruin them. Cursing to herself she moved deeper into the chamber the only the sound that of her heels punctuating the silence.
Blinking the toad turned its head around wondering where the unusual sound had come from and with a leap propelled itself into the murky waters swimming back along to where it had just been. Only the two eyes were peeking out from the water and these were camouflaged perfectly to the murky colour as it waited thinking that no doubt it must be someone in search of the person from earlier but wondered if it would have time to remove the body first.
Kirsten walked slowly wondering where the hell Tracy had got to, yes it was a big room but there was only one walkway and everyone had been told not to stray off it, some of the pools in here where quite deep, a splash? She was sure she heard a splash somewhere up ahead had she fallen in, stupid girl, how had she ever got a job here. Kirsten increased her pace, the nylon of her stockings hissing together as she walked a sound her trainee knew mean't trouble.
Another tug took almost all of Tracey's corpse into the toad's mouth only a hand protruded out in the murky water and with the oxygen being expelled from its mouth at the same time it would probably look like someone was drowning to a passer by.
Kirsten saw the disturbance on the waters surface up ahead, and an instance later saw the hand. Stooping she picked up a discarded net they where used to catch the specimens but the poles they where attached to where rather substantial, she lean't over and put the pole under the fingers of the hand, and when they didn't grip she moved it back and forth, frustrated by the lack of response..."Dammit Tracy get hold of it!"... Kirsten couldn't swim and had no intention of leaping in after the girl, she pulled her radio phone from her belt and keyed the panic button, not noticing she had no signal, the damp atmosphere in here having shorted the system's relays, she stood on the edge of the walkway shifting from foot to foot in frustration
Noticing the other human so close the toad's powerful throat muscles contracted and the body quickly disappeared completety inside its stomach leaving no trace at all just a sudden splash as the hand was pulled under. Even though the girl was dead the toad couldnt shake the delightful taste she had left and here in front of it was a still living one which surely would taste even better it assumed floating over to the muddy ground below looking up at the woman on the walkway above.
Kirsten stared in surprise as Tracy's hand shot below the surface.. almost as though something had dragged her under, don't be ridiculous she thought to herself there's nothing in here that could do that. A chill shiver ran down her spine as though something was watching her, unconciously she stopped moving trying to hear any sound or hint that Tracy was still alive...drip, drip, drip, the only noise her eyes probed the waters surface as she ran a hand through her hair, the damp atmosphere already slicking it back against her scalp
Slowly the toad surfaced as first its large head broke through the water soon followed by the rest of its body the sounds of its webbed feet slapping against the dirt covered ground seemed to echo loudly. It let out a loud croak again bunching down on its legs readying itself to try and make the leap up to the walkway and with a grunt it propelled itself into midair.....
Kirsten stared wide eyed at the toad as it heaved itself out of the water, she'd never seen such a large specimen, well she thought now I know what happened to Tracy. A fleeting sense of remorse for her bad attitude towards her assistant flickered into Kirsten's mind, a moment later she realised the toad was trying to get onto the walkway. Worse still it was going to get between her and the door! She hesitated for another second and her moment was gone, the toad poised ready to leap, she turned and fled the opposite way deeper into the chamber, hoping to open the far door. Knowing that even if she could the lift most likely wouldn't work and even if that did she wouldn't last five minutes on the surface dressed as she was, but anything was better than just standing there waiting to be eaten.
With a loud clang the toad landed up on the walkway a slight creak was heard as the grilling below bulged due to the weight of the creature. It slowly turned itself around suprised at the direction the girl had chose to run towards and croaked loudly once again its annyonance. By the time it managed to amble around she had already made it some distance but unless she found shelter soon that wouldnt matter as the powerful legs of the toad sent it leaping after her.
Hearing a thud she glances back over her shoulder, almost breaking step and falling to the walkway or worse the mire below, the toad is up behind her and turning to face her. As she runs for her life, the tight lines of her skirt hamper her forcing her to take smaller strides, oh god its going to leap! Her eyes fill with fear as she realises she isn't going to make it to the door let alone have the opportunity to open it, Kirsten turns away from the beast and runs for all she's worth.
The first leap reduced the distance between them to only ten feet but, it took a little while for the toad to grip the steel flooring between its webbed toes letting the girl get away more as the next leap took him to only five feet away. Opening its mouth the long sticky pink tounge flew out trying to attach to any part of the human.
Kirsten stumbled as she felt something smack against her buttocks from behind, she tumbled forwards as she lost her balance only to find herself being pulled backwards, the toads tongue glued firmly to her skirt. Her hands fumbled with the fastening, as her legs scythed wildly the toad dragging her back to its waiting maw. Popping the studs and undoing the zip, she wriggled desperatly out of the skirt as she was drawn nearer and nearer the creatures mouth finally kicking free she clambered to her feet and ran, faster now without the skirt to hinder her.
Croaking again in frustration the toad tried to work the item of clothing free so it could try again. Even as it did the heat and flavour from the woman was splayed against the tongue's tastebuds and it swallowed the meagre item of clothing. Attempting to catch her again as the tounge flew out even though she was further away than she had been last time.
Ahead of her Kirsten sees the emergency door, the keypad glowing beside it her face shows a glipse of relief hope even as her fingers dance over the keypad entering her code..."Bleep"...the pad stays red, "oh no please no", once more she enters her code....."Bleep", the door remains locked, her legs tremble as a third time she inputs the code ...."Bleep"....."damn!" she hits the panel and the door in frustration, stopping and turning slowly as she hears the walkway creak behind her, her thighs brush together the material of her stockings hissing as she turns slowly to face the massive toad now less the ten feet from her. Her hands run down the sides of her blouse to the bare flesh of her hips as she trembles slightly watching it cover the last few feet.
The toad was under no confusion as to what the woman had tried to do and obviously had failed since she was still here and not through the steel door behind her. Finally settling itself the reptilian eyes appreciatively took in the fuller form of this meal she seemed far more appetising than the thin girl before her and opening its mouth let out a loud croak before shooting its tongue once again aiming higher than it had the last time.
Kirsten found herself pushed back against the metal of the door by the force of the tongues impact, it hit her dead center just below her breasts and very nearly covered her entire abdomen, its sticky moisture saturated her silk blouse soaking through to her skin almost instantly, inspite of herself she let out a shreik, leaning back farther extending her feet towards the toad she braced herself, determined not to be eaten without a fight.
The human was far easier to drag than the dead one he had pulled from between the other toad's jaws and it started to tug her forwards, but it had managed no more than a few swift pulls before the fabric tore and once again the toad was left with nothing but a sweet reminder of what this woman would taste like. The knee jerk reaction however had caused her to fall backwards as there was no more pull from infront as quickly the toad opened its mouth again and the tounge sprung forward this time landing on flesh.
Kirsten stumbled backwards against the escape door and came to rest sitting upright against it having had her blouse torn off. Before she could stand or react in anyway the toads tongue once more flicked out, this time striking her chest just below her neck, its slick sticky juices splattered over her face and breasts soaking her in the toads drool. Her heels still dug into the walkway Kirsten pushed away with her legs, her hands reaching up to the tongue to wrestle with it but becoming stuck to it as soon as she touched it, a look of horror crossed her face as she realised she must be about to meet the same fate as her assistant.
A loud gurgle came from the toads stomach as if to signify its intent. There was still a slight paunch from the girl earlier on but she had so far escaped the digestive fate that would doom her employer pulling with the powerful muscles of its throat the toad tugged the woman away and dragged her along headfirst,the slimy cavern of its mouth opening wider as she was pulled ever closer.
As Kirsten pitched forward her left shoe's heel became stuck in the walkway slowing her for an instance before her shoe was pulled from her foot. Her eyes flicked up and where held almost as though she was mesmerised by the mouth of the toad wide open to recieve its latest meal. She began to thrash wildly, trying to pull her arms from the oh so sticky tongue, her legs kicking out in desperation, her breath coming in ragged bursts, as with a look of absoulte dread she was pulled into the toads mouth. Her an expert on toads about to have the once in a lifetime experience of being a meal for one.
The toads slimy lips almost curved around in a smile as it dragged her wriggling form into its mouth. The tongue seperated itself from her chest. As it kept flicking it's large head back rolling the woman around trying to pull her kicking legs into its mouth with the rest of her and with one final flick the lips closed over a bare foot leaving only one nylon clad leg sticking out between its lips which was quickly sucked in as well the heeled shoe falling off as it pushed against the lips and fell to the ground leaving the woman completely inside of the toads mouth.
In the cramped, wet, darkness Kirsten writhed, pushing against the sealed lips, recoiling from the tongue which licked and probed her. Her feet pushing against her fleshy prison, she knew that once a toad had prey in its mouth it would never let go, instances had been recorded of them choking to death on food. With a chill realisation she acknowledged that this one had got her into its mouth and trembling in fear she knew it was just a matter of time before it swallowed her, sending her deep into its stomach, instinctivly her legs kicked out. Nobody knew better than her the fate that awaited her there.
The toad croaked in delight at the womans attempts to free herself which simply left more of her for its tounge to taste against but decided here might not be the safest place to be if someone were to come through the door now he would certainly never again get the chance to enjoy something as delectable as this and she did taste so good. It's tongue licking and probing every inch of her. Ambling around and leaping back the way it came. Feeling the woman bump against the roof of its mouth as it leapt only to bump back down again as it landed. Until it was back at its watery home and waded in before finally tilting its head back and tried to swallow hoping its powerful throat muscles would do the rest.
She feels herself throw around and for a second thinks the beast is trying to swallow her but failing, just for a second she dares to hope. If it can't swallow I might be found alive, if I can just survive. With a thud the toad comes to rest and Kirsten realises it's not over just yet. She feels more movement, this time the creatures tilted its head back, the throat opens around her....."oh god no!"...her saliva coated body is caught in the toads swallowing action and suck downwards headfirst she slithers easilly towards the stomach her legs once more kicking wildly
Mrrring in delight the toad lets out the loudest croak yet as it felt her slick body forced into the tight confines of its throat and passing down deeper enter the chamber of its stomach. The bulges in its skin visible as the struggling form of the woman came to her final resting place alongside the one she had come to look for. Lazilly the toad swam out into the water, turning over to let the reflected heat beam down onto the swollen form of its stomach.
Kirsten felt a massive wave of despair as she splashed into the stomach, something poked her in the back and reaching out she felt the face of her assistant. Tracy was already beginning to be digested her skin peeled off to Kirsten's touch, she recoiled shaking the dedad flesh from her hand. The juices coating Kirsten had begun a process that the acid in the stomach was already accelerating a tingle all over her body was soon replaced with a burning sensation as the digestive acid got to work on her, she thrashed and struggled but that only made it worse coating herself all over in the deadly thick acidic slime, her cries drew it into her lungs, and beside her Tracy was already dissolving, a sign of what was to come for Kirsten.
Her struggles began to fade as the thick hot soup of the toad's digestive juices did their work. The burning sensations faded as the acid destroyed her nerves. Slowly Kirsten lost the fight for life, finally surrendering and slipping beneath the churning soup.
Waiting until he could no longer hear anymore sounds coming from inside of his stomach the Toad once more flipped over. Her struggles had ceased, but he could feel his stomach churning her remains. His digestive acid sloughing the flesh from the unconcious girls bones. Still lazily floating along the swamp water as its large eyes grew heavy until it finally drifted off to sleep. The girls body being broken down, turned to a nourishing soup. Even the bones dissolved, until only the very largest remained. The toad didn't notice when there wasn't anymore movement inside of its stomach or even when it began to firm again once more drawing back tightly and reverting to its usual form. It would notice soon enough though, as soon as hunger drove it to hunt again.
Trouble in the lab, a vore tale, based upon a rp I had a while ago.

Ground=breaking science demands sacrifices. In this case, the meat on the researchers bones.

Can't make an omelette without.... eating it?

You know I love this story!
Glad you reposted it

I came across it purely by chance, its funny how we were chatting about a lab based collaboration and this turned up 

Another great story. 


This is crazy! I was just thinking about this story last night and how I thought it had been lost to time. WOW! What are the odds you'd post it here. What a weird universe we live in! Please post any others you have hiding out there.

That is weird, lol, I just happened to be looking through some old back up disks and came across these three stories from back in the day on the old Disturbed Things forum. I was chatting with Brianna (another friend from DT) the other day about the having Justine for lunch story and thought wow these need to get a repost. Isn't it funny how things work!

Hopefully you post more (perhaps some new adventures) very soon!

Bri was nagging me to write more too, and it is a lot less time consuming than pictures, so you never know 

Sweet deal! You two could always RP something spicy. That way you have most of it written out for you. 

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