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Somebody noted me the other day
"I like the poetry you do,
They're really quite interesting and you're handsome too,
Why do you call it dancing, is she still your muse?"

"Well hey there lady, I'm glad you do
Since I saw your picture I've been after you,
it's really just connecting. We didn't last, we're through.
I had to let her go after the last abuse.
She took me for granted and masked the truth
Now that I've got you here if I could ask of you
If you could just listen and act with couth
follow me and my story and at last deduce
my loyalty is unsurpassed no matter what I'm tasked to do
So give me a chance at last to elicit a laugh or two
And we might just be able to create a lasting June.

"Haha that sounds funner, what a bummer!?!?
Really?? that much of great start right into the summer?
I'm woman not a girl, plus I'm not much of a runner"

"Okay, thanks, I definitely appreciate that.
I don't know if you've seen him, but I've got a pretty cool cat.
So now that we're here yeah here goes my story..........................................
Part II of a series of adaptations of Notes exchanged between myself and other Deviants.

The inspiration of this was the Part I collab w #fleetadmiralcrunch 
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Submitted on
June 14, 2017


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