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Dancing Doe Last Dance

Once there was an Indian tribe called the black foot that lived in the hills surrounding the town of Tombstone. Tombstone and the black foot were at war with each other. It had started as a struggle over land that eventual became an alout war.

Tombstone with their superior weapons would have won long ago if it hadn't of been for the chiefs doter Dancing Doe. Dancing Doe was her father's only child and and would be chief after him. Dancing Doe did have one half sister named Laffing Brook. Laffing Brook was determined to use the war to get rid of her sister so she could roul the tribe.

One of the things that made Dancing Doe so powerful was how afraid the white man was of her. Whenever she would carry out a rade Dancing Doe would do something very unusual for an Indian. Instead of scalping her victims she would hang them. People say that this odd behavior came from back before the war when Tombstone hung Wendy the bar made. On the day of the hanging Dancing Doe saw the crowd and was wondering what the white man found so exciting about a hanging. When the noose was fitted title around Wendy's neck the crowd went silent Dancing Does hart beat with excitement. She couldn't help but notice how attractive Wendy was in her skimpy outfit. Suddenly the stool was removed and Dancing Doe was suddenly aroused as Wendy danced the gallows jig. She loved everything about the hanging from the purple panicked face to the helpless struggling of the victim.

One day it all ended when Dancing Does half sister betrayed her and told the white man were her hideout was. They raided the hideout and captured Dancing Doe alive. She was sentenced to be hung by the neck from the gallows in the middle of Tombstone.

The morning of her hanging Dancing Doe was stripped to her tan underwear and lead out through a huge crowd to the gallows. Dancing Doe stepped up on her stool and the noose was slipped over her head and jerked title around her neck. She winst and ckoked slightly. She like Wendy looked beautiful on the gallows. Her exposed slender figure and glossy dark skin aroused more than a few cowboys and cowgirls in the crowd. At that moment Dancing Doe herd a crool familiar leaf from the front row it was Leafing Brook. She called out dance for us Dancing Doe. The whole crowd leafed and began to chant mack her dance over and over. Suddenly the hangman kicked the stool. The crowd cheered. Dancing Doe only feel a few inches before the rope cot her. She hung still for a moment and then began to dance. She struggled and kicked violently as the gallows creeked and the rope groaned. She was choking loudly and her rarified face was turning purple.Her neck was stretched by the rope that was digging deep into her neck. Her legs thrashed about and her bound hands tribe to reach around the the noose. While the crowd enjoyed the last dance of Dancing Doe Leafing Brook simply smiled as she watched her sisters eyes roll back into her head. The dance diminished into spasms. With one violent last spasm and loud choking sound Dancing Does body stopped dancing. Everyone agreed that Dancing Does last dance had been her best one.
hangingwoman Featured By Owner Oct 11, 2017
This store was inspired by jameycakeshottys Old west art.
jameycakeshotty Featured By Owner Oct 10, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
This is a great story! You have captured the essence of the image with words perfectly! Nice one hey!
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