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Generic Commercial

Bob: Hi Charlie!

Charlie (sad): Oh, hi Bob.

Bob: What's wrong Charlie? You look kinda down.

Charlie: Oh, it's just that I have <name of problem> and I don't know what to do about it.

Bob: Have you tried <name of product or service>?

Charlie: <name of product or service>?

Bob: Yes, <name of product or service>! They can <selling point 1>, <selling point 2>, and they can even <selling point 3>.

Charlie: That sounds great, but what about <potential problem>?

Bob: Oh no, <name of product or service> isn't like those other brands. Hey, where are you going?

Charlie: Can't talk Bob. I've got to get some of <name of product or service>

<Bob and Charlie laugh>
I hear a lot of radio commercials as I drive back and forth to work and eventually I realized that a lot of them use the exact same script.

Remember: <name of product or service>. It's the brand you can trust!
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TheEmmjay Featured By Owner Sep 23, 2017
<Generic comment indicating approval>
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Sep 13, 2017  Hobbyist Writer
yeah you missed the <could result in death> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect> <awful side effect>
hojojitsu Featured By Owner Sep 13, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Including, but not limited to <the opposite of the condition you're trying to treat> and (paradoxically) <worsening of the condition you're trying to treat> 
hermit55 Featured By Owner Jul 31, 2018
A few years back I was briefly on anti-depressants and in the disclaimer leaflet it said "May cause suicidal impulses."  I laughed and then thought "At last I have the energy to do what I've wanted to do for years!" 
Actually, If I ever did top myself I have the perfect T-shirt to wear.  It says "I used to be an optimist but then my prescription ran out."
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Sep 14, 2017  Hobbyist Writer
greent64 Featured By Owner Sep 24, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
you guys are funny :D
Mr-Timeshadow Featured By Owner Sep 12, 2017
And remember to use Ubik only as directed!
Avulpanther Featured By Owner Sep 12, 2017
<name of product or service> may cause <potential side effect>, <potential side effect>, or <potential side effect>. Be sure to consult your doctor before taking <name of product or service>.
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Submitted on
September 12, 2017


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