It worked so far. The plan had not gone off perfectly but then what plan ever did? The security guards went to where he figured they would. Jack had always been, or at least his gene donor was, good at figuring out the other guys moves. Little Jack was happy to see the trait was adequately transferred to him. The security had assumed they took the freight elevator and suit clad goons ran down several floors only to find it empty. Then they figured that somehow Jack and Cassie had gotten off on another floor. Since they were tired of running up and down stairs they took the elevator. That was when Cassie pulled the plug on the entire casino. The security goons remained in the elevator, now, stuck between floors.
Jack grabbed Cassie by the hand and squeezed hard as he led her down to the parking garage. As they reached the door she stopped and almost pulled his arm out of the socket. Jack exclaimed in response, “what! Geez! Will you give me a warning next time before you do that?" She pulled him back and slung her arms around his neck and began kissing him. When Little Jack tried to catch his breath he noted, “course you don’t have to warn me about that you know. In fact…”
“Hey, hey,” he said pushing himself away. Then he changed his mind and kissed her some more. Finally duty called, “we got to get out of here first. Then we can celebrate.”
Before she could finish the sentence the door to the parking garage swung open. The pair of hands that grabbed little Jack was quick. They pulled him into the parking lot and slammed him up against a brick wall. Little Jack relaxed, only a little, when he saw who the hands belonged too, “Hi Jack.”
Cassie grabbed Big Jack’s arm and shook him, “Colonel! Do you mind letting him go! He rescued me! He…”
Little Jack quickly straightened his jacket out, “watch the threads will you. Look it’s not like we planned on her getting kidnapped or anything. Besides I just did… Hey!” It suddenly occurred to Little Jack, “how did you know where to find us?”
Cassie groaned, “Colonel, do you even realize what you just called yourself?”
Little Jack slid away from his older counterpart and put his arm over Cassie’s shoulder, “you already know.”
Looking into the boy’s eyes Big Jack could see the weak spot now. He used it, “oh yes. Me and Sarah eloped here too. Tell me kid, does the Chapel of Love still have that funny looking fountain out back with the…”
As the girl stomped back towards the door Little Jack got in his big counterparts face, “you just had to go and tell her didn’t you? Well I know one or two secrets about you buddy boy!”
“Uh guys,” came a nervous and cracking voice. Both Jack’s looked towards the door that Cassie was backing out of, with her hands raised, “I don’t think Mom’s going to get the chance.”
Both Jacks simultaneously slapped their foreheads, “doh!!!”