
Escalator Euf

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One day me and my friend Sarah went to the mall we went on the escalator and Sarah was wearing extremely baggy sweats that day they honestly looked like they’d fall down if someone so much as tapped them so when we got to the top I started walking off the elevator then I hear Sarah grunting and I ask what’s wrong Sarah then I heard a loud ripping sound it was Sarah’s sweatpants and Sarah stood there in a black shirt and her red panties with big white polka dots and everyone around started laughing at her then her face got as red as her panties so I took her to buy a pair of pants that actually fit

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UltimateFemReferance's avatar
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eufNeum's avatar

Would have loved to see

Sacron22's avatar

So, what lesson, if any, did Sarah learn?

Beautifulgirlsgalore's avatar

Not to wear extremely baggy clothes

Sacron22's avatar

Limits her fashion choices a bit.