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Dear god. Let this end. Give me rest. Not now. I know it won't, but just give me a sign that it will ever end. Lt. Jones is a master of this. I know that. She knows how to keep her victims alive. Because then she can torture us real bad and push us to the maximum limit. I remember how one of her soldiers tortured a girl so bad her heart stopped. They gave her CPR for twenty minutes before they brought her back to life. By the way, I think no torture can overcome dying and then being brought back to life for the torture to continue. Such screams as they carried her back to the interrogation room......Then Lt. Jones tortured and hanged the poor soldier for an hour in from of the others to "teah them a lesson". The poor girl was then hanged to an inch of her life before they went back to torture their victim. 

Hanging here by my arms spread wide isn't the worst part. The worst part is the rope around my neck that almost stop all air if I relax my arms too much. They lower me down so my feet touch the ground, and then hoist me back up until I almost pass out from pain and lack of air. I hear no voices. I sense no presence. No laughing or anything. Just repeating the process over and over again. Worst thing? This isn't the torture. This is just keeping me in custody......

I was so afraid when they captured Utu. She knows everything, and Emma, Lt. Jones that is, makes the girls talk. I've witnessed this several times. They talk! Finally I got so scared I tried to run away. I tried to act normal, pack my computer and leave without anyone noticing. I got all the way out. The relief! Oh my god! The relief of having escaped. Then I turned around the corner, and all blood in my body froze to ice. They were standing by my car, four of them, looking at me and smiling. Sgt. Neville just smiled and asked " Hi Ina . Shall you drive or should I? You know where". I cried. I almost vomitted on the street. Then they grabbed me, tore of all my clothes in the middle of the street, tied my hands and feet and threw me inside the locker room of my car. They drove me here in my own car. Oh god. They blindfolded me and carried into this room I think. As I was raised to my toes in my present positions I heard a familiar voice: "Hi Ina. So nice to see you again. Missed me?". I shouldn't be surprised, but the realisation that Emma was in charge was like being punched hard in the stomach. "Emma.....I...". Lightning and pain hit my bode and head out of nowhere. "Now Ina, you see: We don't want to hear all your crap in a long time. Therefore we make sure you stay silent. You may have something to tell us. But that will a long time until you get to speak again. Remember, you are not here to give us information. You are a piece of meat who betrayed us. And we've been given this piece of meat for our amusement. And we will enjoy this, for a long time....". She  caress my body as I hang there while talking. "Emma....I.....please.....". I shiver from fear and pain , and I know we haven't even started yet. "Now you just shut up" Emma says softly while putting the rope around my neck and thighten it. Raising it to the level when I still can breathe, but with some effort. "When I want you to speak you'll speak, until then we make sure you don't". All of a sudden I feel something in my mouth. A ball gag. They're going to silence me. I don't even.....oh my's not a ball..... it's a giant dildo. They push it down my throat. The sickness is overwhelming. I gurgle, I try to spit, scream, whatever...oh sweet lord, thank god, they're pulling it out. Someone clamps my jaw and I hear Emmas voice: "Now you listen This thing is going down your mouth. You relax and take it with gratitude. If you keep on acting like a stupid virgin we'll just get a larger one, and then a larger one, and so on. What do you choose? The one that goes in your throat or the one that goes deep, deep down your throat?". I nod in silence and I know she's smiling. They hold my head and pushes it into my mouth. I try the best I can to breathe through my nose as it goes down. The nausea is so hard. I concentrate and I take it. "That's a good girl", Emma says. "Now you just relax and prepare for your grand tour into my world". Then they all leave I think. I hear their steps and laughter disappear and a door slam. Then silence. And darkness. Can't see. Can hardly breathe with the rope around my neck and that....thing....down my throat. Arms spread up and tied. Feet tied together. Hanging by my neck and hands. Oh sweet god....what are they going to do with me....? Then they start hoisting and lowering me.....she calls it containment....and I know the treatment has begun.....

Time makes no sense. How long do I hang here? I have no idea. When you can hardly breathe, all you concentrate on is getting those small sipps of air. Suddenly I hear footsteps. Being blindfolded is horrible. The door opens. They sound in a good mood, talking about their weekends and small talking. I try to speak. Beg. Scream. Whatever. But no sound escapes my throat. My god. They just treat me as a piece of meat. Talking about everyday thongs and laughing . They untie my feet. I dare not kick, just try to be still. Never ever do something to anger them. Never!  Then they tie a rope around each of my ankles and......oh my god, they lift my feet behind my back. The release of the rope around my neck is wonderful and.....NO, NO, NO.... don't cut the rope on my arms! They cut the rope around my arms! Please! I'll strangle to death! They tie my hands behind my back. The strangulation is so intense! Are they going to hang m like this? "Now just relax Ina. If you're gonna twitch like some dumbass well just leave you here for half an yæhlur. You wouldn't believe the feeling of a three point hanging. Relax you stupid birch. Best is yet to come" I try to stay still. God! Can't breathe........Oh thank god. They lower the rope around my neck. They're just gonna hang me uppside down. "Now be a good girl Ina". The voice is so familiar. "Were giving you some rest". They laugh? What is......oh please yes.....they're removing the....thing....from my throat! "Now you be a good girl. If you vomit on the floor, we'll throat fuck you with it until you pass out. Can you hold it?" I try to nod. The nausea as they remove it is so intense, but I keep whatever is inside me. I swallow as I'm hanging upside down. And swallow. I do not puke. "That's a good girl. Told you girls; Ina is one tough bitch. Here! Have something to drink". Oh god yes....finally.... Ggggkhhh....they lower my head into a bucket of water. Water in my mouth. My nose. Everywhere. My lungs. I try to cough it up, but I only draw more water inside. They hold my head. Oh god..I'm drowning...Then they lift me up. I spit, gurgle, coughs, get the water out.... please......oh god.....they lower me back into the water.....hold my head.....This time I'm prepared. Hold my breath. I can do it. They hold me under water. I hold my breath. I'm doing fin.....OUCH...OH SHIT...I get an electric shock on my breasts...I gasp in pain ..water everywhere....nose..... ears...throat... Please let me up! panic.....OUCH..... another more.. I'm drowning.... I'm....going black....can't....panic....plea...They hoist me up. I try to get rid of the water inside me in every possible way. They lower me back down. Each time for a longer time. I swear. Please can't stand it any longer. Can't stand it any long.....

The world is tuning back on. I see dizzy figures around me, but somehow they're standing upside down. After a while I realize that I'm still hanging by my feet. They've removed the blindfold. I suddenly realize I'm not breathing.....I try to cough and what feels like hundreds of litres comes out of my lungs. I puke. I cough. I weeze. After a while I'm able to draw some air into my lungs. "Told you so. Ina's a tough bitch. The others said I killed you, but I know her. She can take a lot. Right Ina?" Emma lifts my head backwards bending my back. "Please Emma...... don't...... please....stop. I cry and stutter while trying to breathe. "You don't have to do this.....just finish don't have to....". "Of course I have to". She smiles at me and strike me gently on my cheek. "You know I have to. But god news Ina. You made it through phase one. You'll get some rest now. Now lower her down girls". They lower me down, tie my feet together and lifts me up. I'm carried through the corridors and finally put on the floor in a small room. "Now rest Ina. Tomorrow will be soo cool". They laugh and shut the door. I'm alone. Tied. Still coughing and feeling sick. What will happen next....? Please dear more.....just hang it slow.....but just hang me and finish me. Please....
Poor Ina. A mole given in by poor Utu during her story from "The Resistance". This is what happens to her. Apparently I'm still far more sadistic than I thought before I started writing stories. Thank god they are all 18+. I have videotapes on VHS where they tell me this. Unfortunately one littl cute puppie was harmed during the process as I stepped lightly on his feet while walking around and thinking out her story. He's all fine now. Ina om the other hand is not so great, but she consented to join this story. I'm pretty sure she says that on that VHS tape.....

Let me know if you like it. As always I'm dead nervous that people will hate it.....
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anyone2016 Featured By Owner 7 hours ago  Hobbyist Photographer
Love it!!!!
x--M--x Featured By Owner 22 hours ago  New Deviant Professional General Artist
Hmmm... so arousing! Very fast pase. Wanna keep reading... and all the delicious torments she is suffering... yum!
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migoz2 Featured By Owner 3 hours ago  New Deviant Hobbyist Writer
I do hope so........
('Una' - Freudian slip?!)
montycrusto Featured By Owner 23 hours ago   Traditional Artist
:wow: good job, very intense :clap:
migoz2 Featured By Owner 23 hours ago  New Deviant Hobbyist Writer
Several things I want to say here, Utu.
Firstly, this is really powerful! Very well written.
Secondly, NOBODY has a VHS player anymore, so your protestations about age and consent are worthless.....
Third, I am actually shocked about your puppy torture, and should really be reporting you to DA. (But I won't, because I hope you are going to continue with Ina's story.......)
utugirl Featured By Owner Edited 14 hours ago
Thank you. Sure my dad s VHS player in the attic. Will copy them to hard disk. The puppy incident was an accident. Ina is still alive There is s part 2 inside my head ☺️
migoz2 Featured By Owner 14 hours ago  New Deviant Hobbyist Writer
I'm sure you have better things to be doing than messing around with VHS tapes and a hard disk. (Like thinking about what happens next to Ina!)
I'll let you off about the cute little puppy accident incident.
Kufru Featured By Owner 1 day ago
You created an intense atmosphere by telling the story from the victim's point of view, you can relate to her anguish almost as if you were there. Nicely done.
x--M--x Featured By Owner 22 hours ago  New Deviant Professional General Artist
Hear hear! 👍
utugirl Featured By Owner 1 day ago
Thank you very much ❤️
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