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This is (magical) fantasy - do not try at home. I hope you enjoy the story!


Sensation returned.

I was still hanging by my neck, but I felt at peace. There was no pressure from my body to breath. I let myself dangle.

I was in a different room - identical in size to the previous one, but otherwise completely different. It was dimly lit by candles. The walls, floor and ceiling were clad in a deep red marble with a black vein. This appeared to move in the flickering light.

A woman was in the place where previously the gatekeeper had stood. She had mid-tone skin, long dark hair and almond eyes. She was wearing a simple dress, sleeveless and cut just above the knee. It was made of the same black silky material as the gatekeeper's clothes and my original bodysuit.

She noticed my eyes glancing around the room and untied the end of the rope from the cleat in the wall, lowering me to the ground. She removed the noose from my neck, and unbound my wrists behind my back.

I had been lowered into the center of a pentacle inscribed in silver.

I rubbed my throat. "Thank you," I said. "Where are we?"

"Follow me," she replied, and left the room. I stepped after her.


We entered into a very dimly lit corridor, even darker than the previous room. Here the colors were reversed: black marble with a red vein, absorbing the little light there was. I was aware of pillars passing either side as we walked, but I could not see the walls or roof. Occasionally the vague outlines of people were visible, on their own journeys along the hallway.

I stayed close to my guide.


At last we reached the end of the long corridor. This was more brightly lit, showing large double-doors made of a similar dark metal to the ring I still wore. Two huge figures guarded the entrance: eight foot tall. Above the waist they were large muscular women, below the waist, they had long serpent bodies, stretching maybe thirty feet behind and around themselves. Each held a huge halberd made of the dark metal.

"The Lady has summoned this one," my guide said.

The guards did not respond, but the doors opened in front of us.


I entered a throne-room. On either side of the central throne were four seats, each occupied by a tall woman of a different ethnicity. They were dressed in identical long black dresses. These were very different to my guide's: elegantly cut, reaching to the floor, and embroidered in silver thread.

On a raised dais in the middle was a silver throne, inscribed in runes made of ruby. On it sat the Lady.

She was even taller than her companions - maybe seven foot high if she had stood. She had a stunning austere beauty, with finely cut features on an emotionless face. Her skin was dark, with an almost grey tone. She wore a long silver dress, made of a sheer material that clung to her curves. Her hair was a river of shining silver flowing down her back. Her eyes glowed lilac, and seemed to pierce my soul.

"You will serve me," the Lady said. It was not a question.

I stood in silence, while she stared at me. I wanted to look away from her imposing beauty, but I could not break her unblinking gaze.

"Your world is populous and pristine," she said. I thought that Earth is many things, but pristine it is not! The Lady seemed to read my thoughts. "It is untouched by divinity." I thought of the religious conflict we experienced, but maybe the Lady meant a different kind of divinity.

"Come forward and receive my gift," she commanded. Nervously, I stepped onto the dais, standing directly in front of her. The black ring got much hotter, burning my finger. She leaned forwards and kissed me lightly on the lips.

It was as if I had received a terrible electronic shock. I was flung backwards. My muscles spasmed as I lay on the ground. I could not breath. My heart raced, pounding so fast I thought it would explode. My ring finger felt as if it was literally on fire.

I slowly recovered, and sat upright. Concerned, I checked my finger: the ring had gone, replaced by a faint circular scar.

The Lady turned to one of the women sitting on her left. "Train this one for her mission."

The woman stood and bowed. "As my Lady commands," she said.


I followed my teacher along the endless corridor. My eyes had now adjusted to the dim light. The corridor was maybe fifty feet wide, with two rows of parallel columns reaching upwards to a high vaulted ceiling. Intermittently, there were doors on either side. Occasionally we passed other people, women individually or in pairs, dressed simply like my original guide.

At last we turned into one of the side-rooms.


In this new room was the first male I'd seen in this strange realm. He appeared mixed race: part East Asian, part Caucasian, if these terms meant anything here, with cropped black hair. He stood naked, covering his crotch with his hands. He pushed himself into the corner, trying to maximize his distance from the noose hanging in the middle of the room, with a stool positioned underneath it.

"Reach out with your mind," my teacher instructed. "Touch his mind, feel its layers. Descend into its core. What do you sense?"

"Fear. Regret. Frustration. Loss. Shame," I said.

"Good. At the core are the base emotions. Now explore the upper levels of his mind."

This was harder, a complex swirl. But I kept concentrating, and slowly clarity came. "I sense he is frightened of the noose. He is worried what we will do to him. He longs to leave: both this room and this place."

"Good. Now remove your clothes."

I slipped out of the leotard. I felt uncomfortable naked, especially in this unfamiliar female form. But I tried to stand confidently, to contrast with his embarrassed nudity.

"Now feel his desire. Feel his power flowing to you. Reach into his core and increase this desire," my teacher said.

I could feel energy flowing from him into me. I reached into his mind's core, and felt his growing lust as his eyes slid over my naked body. I touched his mind with mine, stroking it, encouraging this passion. This crowded out his other emotions, and his cock swelled in parallel. I felt the stream of power increasing. He started to wank, unable to control himself.

"Good. Sexual energy will give you power. Now manipulate the upper level of his mind. Make him place the noose around his neck."

His upper mind was a vortex, overwhelmed by his base lust. I touched his core, and reduced his attraction to me, sufficient to stop his frenzied wanking. This gave him more self-control, and his upper mind became more stable. I explored how to touch and manipulate it to give more complex commands. I found that it was better to attract him to the action, via a gentle suggestion, rather than a strong direct order.

He stepped forward as I had instructed, then climbed onto the stool. With more direction from me, he lifted the noose over his head, and tightened it around his neck.

"Good. Now make him step off the stool."

I encouraged him on, feeding his mind with images of the sexual ecstasy he'd experience as he danced in the noose. But now his mind fought back.

"This is the limit of your power. You can compel someone to almost any action, but you cannot cause them to directly harm themselves," my teacher said. "Let him climb down."

His hands shook as he freed himself from the noose. He jumped off the stool, and hurried back to the corner.

"Now you have some power, you can use this to change your form. Imagine your new shape, then let your power flow over your body."

I was tempted to try my natural form, but instead I thought of the gatekeeper's body. I let my power flow as instructed, and felt myself change shape. Looking down, I saw a male body, and experienced some relief at returning to my original gender. But I kept experimenting, trying a variety of male and female forms.

"You can use this ability to create clothes, as needed to complete your mission."

I tried again, imagining the gatekeeper in jeans and t-shirt. It worked. Then I switched back to my first female form, wearing a floaty yellow summer dress. (This realm needed color!).

"Good. Now use your new skills to bring him to climax. This will extract the maximum energy from him. But do not climax yourself - your first time must be saved for a special circumstance, as I will explain later."

Well - I could just instruct him to wank until he came. But was this a test? Why was there a noose in this room if it was not to be used?

I wondered about the limits of my power to create clothes. Could I create them next to me? I focused my mind and tried.

I stood naked in my female body, my foot touching a pile of rubber and leather bindings on the floor. My teacher raised her eyebrows in interest.

"Help me dress," I said to him, touching his mind lightly.

He held my hips, keeping me steady as I slipped each leg into a rubber body suit. He rested his head on my shoulder in stupefied adoration while I did this. Then he held the arms of the suit as I wriggled my hands into them. He pulled the rubber hood over my head - inside was a gag that filled my mouth. He zipped me into the suit, completely encasing me in tight shiny black rubber, apart from two small air-holes at my nose.

I gave him more instructions with my mind, and he lifted a triangular leather shape from the ground. I put my arms behind my back, and I let him ease them into the arm-binder. He secured it tightly.

In my blindness, he guided to the stool, and held me steady as I stepped up. He climbed onto the stool himself. I bowed my head slightly, as he lowered the noose over me. I instructed him to secure it as the gatekeeper had before - snug, with the knot by my right ear.

He jumped down, and picked up the remaining bindings. He secured the leather straps around my ankles, my thighs, my waist, and my chest, pulling the arm-binder tight to my back. Finally he removed the slack from the rope, tying it to a cleat in the wall.

I savored the sensation of being tightly enclosed and bound. But I still felt nervous. My mouth was dry, and I struggled to swallow due to the gag. Could I hurt myself, or would my teacher save me? But surely, the worst that could happen is I would wake from this strange dream.

Push! I commanded. He placed his fingers on my arse-cheeks, and as he built the pressure they sank into my rubber-covered flesh. I instinctively arched my back, trying to balance on the stool.

I slipped and the noose caught me. My body responded immediately, struggling helplessly at the bindings. But all I could manage was a snakelike wriggle as I fought for air.

I touched his lower mind, letting his base emotions free. He started wanking, his lust inflamed by my shapely form struggling in its cocoon, his passions acting as a savage release to his underlying fear.

I realized I could use his eyes to see me, so I experienced my breathless noose-dancing from inside and out. The sight excited me, but I restrained my growing pleasure to avoid my own orgasm. I saw my movements become weaker as the inevitable asphyxiation overcame my fight.

I was near the end as he climaxed. His cum arched across the room, spraying my rubber-bound form. I felt a huge jolt of power hit me, tensing my body. Then I relaxed into darkness.

But this was different to before... I retained consciousness, floating disembodied in the void.


"Good." I heard my teacher's words form directly in my mind. "You cannot be harmed by non-magical forces - at most you will enter stasis like this. Now for your final lesson. You can teleport to any place you have previously visited, and you can use this to leave stasis. Use your power to open a hole in the void, then flow your essence through it, and teleport next to me."

I did as instructed, and was momentarily overwhelmed as the sensations of a body returned in an instant. I was back to my female form, and had dressed myself in a long-black dress like my teacher.

I picked up my discarded red leotard off the floor, and threw it to the young man. He put it on, to cover his nudity. The leotard stretched across his body, being too small for his size. His cock and balls were framed by the tight lycra, a damp spot marking the last of his cum. He slid down the wall to the floor, exhausted, and wrapped his arms around his legs. The energy no longer flowed from him.

"Follow me," my teacher instructed. We left him alone in the room .


My teacher and I stood in front of the Lady.

"She has demonstrated sufficient aptitude and affinity for her mission," my teacher said.

I bowed my head, and asked, "How may I serve my Lady?"


To be continued.
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