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Nuala kicked frantically as the noose constricted around her neck. Her jerking body did nothing to relieve the choking noose but instead only tightened it further cutting of what little air she had been able to draw in. As her rasping breath was silenced, the panic in her chest rose. She knew this would hurt, but even in her wildest dreams, she had never thought that the pain could be this intense. She was going to die. She kicked furiously, desperate to find purchase, her feet peddling a short distance over the platform. Laura swooped around over the crowd, gathered to watch Nuala die, dust continuing to fall from her onto the people below. Michael’s mouth had dropped open when he saw the fairy and he stood there watching as she flitted around over the heads of the crowd. 

Nuala swung back and forth her frantic kicks now beginning to slow. She was now taking on a slow turning motion and her face was becoming redder as the lack of fresh air began to show. She could not believe that this was actually happening. It was all to quick. Her breasts heaved desperately trying to draw in air through the grip of the noose. 

The enchanted fairy dust continued to fall on the gathered crowd and the demonic spell began to crack. But it would be too late for Nuala who was fading fast now.

A man at the back, one of the first to be sprinkled with the dust, cried out “What the….?” 

Then a second voice, the voice of a woman was heard “What have we done?”

Another man pointed to Michael and shouted “He is the devil, get him!”

And then a woman cried out “Someone cut her down, she’s dying”

Somewhere far away, Nuala heard the voices from the crowd, but her mind was dull and her ears were buzzing. She was dying. The edges of her vision were beginning to darken and her head was pounding as the blood tried to escape past the constriction of the noose. But another sensation was warming her. She had moistened below and as her legs continued to peddle the motion was rubbing her sex in a most enjoyable way. It was distracting and she began to forget the crowd watching her and focused on her growing arousal. She continued to turn and twist in the noose her kicks and jerks becoming weaker and less co-ordinated. Her face had now turned a deep red and her mouth soundlessly mouth words that would never be heard.

As more people became aware of what had been allowed to transpire, the crowd began to surge forward towards the platform. The barriers toppled and one man brandished a knife ready to cut the rope from which Nuala hung. The mayor, now awoken from the spell, pulled a small key from his tunic and held it out as he joined the throng surging towards what was now, surely only, Nuala’s body.

Nuala’s vision had faded to a small hole through which she could vaguely see the crowd moving towards her, but she was nearing her climax as her legs now moved slowly as they rubbed her sex together. Through the rope she was vaguely aware of a low rumble. She found the vibrations to be very pleasant and push her ever closer to her growing orgasm. The crowd also felt the tremor and was halted mid step. The Witch Finder General stepped forward to the front of the platform and his head contorted to accommodate an unnaturally wide mouth that released a deafening roar. A long rolling explosion boiled up from where he now stood, roaring. Clouds of flaming smoke billowed up around him and his body grew and expanded to his natural demonic size. As his true form was revealed from the flames, long horns sprouted from his forehead and terrifying demon wings from his shoulders. The crowd, horrified by the apparition, pressed back again away from the platform, all thoughts of trying to save Nuala vanquished. Screams erupted from the crowd as they retreated, the only thing they wanted to do now was to distance themselves from the new danger.

Through the deafening roar, the demon spoke “This Witch dies today! None of you can stop me. She will join me in eternal damnation.”

Murmurs now ran through the crowd who were too scared to approach the platform. This sound was added to the roar still coming from the demon standing guard on the platform, protecting his prize. No one made a move, they were frozen in place with fear watching, waiting for something to happen. Out of nowhere the two wisps from the previous night, appeared and darted over the heads of the terrified crowd towards the noose supporting Nuala’s body. Too small to be of interest to the demon, he ignored them and continued to stand guard over his prey. Laura, knew it was probably too late but she still looked around desperately trying to see how she could help. As the wisps collided with the rope there was a tiny pop, which was drowned out by the roar from the demon, and a flash of light as some of the rope’s fibres were severed. As she watched them it came to her. She zoomed over towards the demon and began swooping around his head. The demon roared and raised a hand to swat at Laura. Round and round the wisps flew smashing into the rope as they slowly cut the fibres. Nuala’s body, still swinging a little from her kicking now turned in the noose, her legs now just making small movements back and forth. Her face had turned blue and her eyes bulged. Her fingers continued to flexing and straining at the cuffs. As the wisps now worked at severing the rope Laura kept the demon occupied as she swooped backwards and forwards, He was large and powerful but Laura was fast and playful, diving between his horns and avoiding his flailing arms. 

The vibrations that the wisps were creating in the noose passed though into Nuala’s body and were enough to send her over the edge. Without warning Nuala’s body gave a massive spasm as her last orgasm hit. She arched her back and her entire body tensed as she came hard. One of her vivid pink heels came off as her body tensed, clattered across the platform and toppled over the edge onto the stone plaza. Nuala relaxed and her body hung limply in the noose not moving. A small trickle of urine ran down Nuala’s left leg.

Several things then happened in quick succession. 

Firstly the demon, still flailing his arms trying to catch the annoying small creature darting around its head, noticed his prey relax. He roared, raising its fists into the air in triumph. No longer worrying about the tiny fairy. As he roared the clouds of fiery smoke, still billowing around him, erupted more fiercely. Once they had totally engulfed his form it sucked back into the ground from where it had erupted and vanished along with the demon.

As the ground ceased its shaking the whips finally completed their slow methodical cutting of the rope and Nuala’s body dropped to the platform. Laura swooped down over her friend fairy dust still falling in her wake, fairy dust that contained her preyers and worst fears. The dust settled on Nuala’s body. The mayor rushed forwards, the small key still in his outstretched hand. As he reached the platform he dropped the key and began tugging on the severed noose coils trying to loosen it. 

The rest of the towns folk moved forward and gathered around to see if it was too late. The mayor pressed his finger to Nuala’s to feel for a pulse. Laura crossed her tiny fingers preying it was not too late. Long seconds passed as he searched, moving his fingers occasionally. He turned to the gathered crowd and closing his eyes, he slowly, grimly shook his head.

A single tear escaped Laura’s eye and slowly rolled down to the tip of her nose nose before breaking free and falling. Time slowed as the tear drop slowly descended. It splashed onto Nuala’s cheek and mingled with the enchanted fairy dust already coating her body. 


Nuala drew in a sharp intake of breath….

If you like my work please consider a donation to help fund more props. 

Add a Comment:
gechol Featured By Owner Oct 7, 2018
I love the story :)
you are very talented
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Oct 9, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
NualaTawse Featured By Owner Oct 11, 2017
Thank you it has been fabulous and I survived too thanks to my heroine Laura... Aka curryoriley :-)
bourr Featured By Owner Sep 20, 2017
nuala are save ?
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Sep 21, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
This time, yes
Vazarush Featured By Owner Sep 17, 2017  Hobbyist Artist
Well done on multiple levels.  Enjoying the story line you are weaving!
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Sep 19, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Thank you. I love getting feedback. 

I had intended this to be the end of the story, however, if you have a rough outline of how the story could continue, I'd happily consider it.
FritzS42 Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2017
Lovely and intense.
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Thank you for you comment. I think I'm getting better.... But I'm not entirely sure
mariuszebo Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Thank you. I found this a difficult ending to write
roddy9uk Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2017

Where would the world be without fairy-dust and redeeming tears?  
TwistedTitanium Featured By Owner Sep 16, 2017  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Glad you liked it
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September 15, 2017
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