The light that falls on the surface of a geometry can be both reflected and transmitted. A surface can also emit light.
The Base layer constitutes the first layer of the shader.
We will use the physical model Physically based rendering Metallicity / Roughness.
The property Metallicity specifies whether the surface is dielectric or conductive. Dielectric surfaces (0.00) reflect light diffusely (e.g. paper). The conductive surfaces (1.00) reflect light specularly (e.g. mirror).
The property Base Color specifies the color reflected by a surface. The light that is not reflected is absorbed.
In addition to a color, we can use a diffuse map.
The property Translucency Weight defines translucency: percentage of light transmitted diffusely through a dielectric surface. For example, a 0.40 value indicates that 40 percent of the light will be transmitted and 60 percent will be reflected.
Note: The property Thin Walled specifies whether a surface is hollow (On) or solid (Off). This property will affect the application of translucency.
The property Base Color Effect specifies whether the light absorbed by a surface is transmitted (Scatter & Transmit) or not (Scatter Only) by it. This property does not change the color of the transmitted light, only its intensity.
The property Translucency Color specifies the color of the transmitted light.
The geometry: reflects the yellow color, in the areas where the light reaches its surface; transmits the color red; shows the orange color where red emerges next to yellow.
Note: Physically, the diffuse reflection is due to the fact that part of the transmitted light is scattered by the internal structure of an object. What it brings, that part of the scattered light re-emerges its surface. If a material is very dense (Translucency Weight = 0.00), the transmission distance will be negligible. If it is less dense, we will have to configure its final appearance through the properties of section Volume.
The dielectric surfaces do not reflect light only diffusely, but also specularly. This may be due to its internal composition (e.g. plastic) or the different layers that make it up (e.g. fruit).
The property Glossy Layered Weight allows us to deactivate (0.00) or activate (1.00) the specular reflection of the dielectric surfaces, whose internal composition contains both diffuse and specular components.
The property Glossy Color specifies the color of specular reflection. Except for some metals (like bronze, gold or copper), we must use the color white.
The property Glossy Color Effect is similar to the property Base Color Effect.
The property Glossy Reflectivity specifies the percentage of reflected specular light.
The property Glossy Roughness specifies the percentage of roughness of the surface. Rough surfaces reflect light more in certain directions than in others. This gives them a blurred appearance or glossy.
The property Refraction Index specifies the speed of light in a medium different than vacuum (e.g., 0.00: air, 1.31: water, 1.44: skin, 1.52: crystal, 2.42: diamond, etc.). The speed of light through a medium changes its direction. That's why we observe phenomena like a pencil apparently split inside a glass of water.
The property Refraction Weight defines refraction: percentage of light transmitted specularly through a dielectric surface. For example, the 0.40 value indicates that 40 percent of the light will be transmitted and 60 percent will be reflected. A 1.00 value obtains a completely transparent surface!
Note: The property Thin Walled specifies whether a surface is hollow (On) or solid (Off). This property will affect the application of refraction.
If we click on button Share Glossy Inputs, other properties will appear like Refraction Color, which allows us to specify the color of the transmitted light.
Bump maps and Normal maps allow the simulation of complex surfaces, by modifying the normals of their surfaces.
The example shows a bump map created with a Photoshop filter. Notice, how each gray value is interpreted with a different relief.
The layer Metallic Flakes constitutes the second layer of the shader.
The property Metallic Flakes Weight allows us to deactivate (0.00) or activate (1.00) the layer on the base layer.
The Property Metallic Flakes Size specifies the size of the fleaks.
The layer Top Coat constitutes the third layer of the shader.
As we have seen previously, the dielectric surfaces do not reflect light only diffusely, but also specularly. And this may be due, to the different layers that make it up.
The property Top Coat Weight allows us to deactivate (0.00) or activate (1.00) the specular reflection of the dielectric surfaces, when said reflection is due to a transparent top layer (e.g., fruit, varnished wood, moist skin, etc.). Being a transparent layer, part of the light will be reflected and part of the light will be transmitted to the base layer. Where again, it will be reflected or transmitted.
The property Top Coat Color specifies the color of specular reflection.
The property Top Coat Color Effect is similar to the property Glossy Color Effect.
The property Top Coat Roughness specifies the percentage of roughness of the surface.
The property Top Coat Layering Mode specifies the equation (Reflectivity, Weighted and Fresnel) used, when calculating the part of the light that is reflected on the surface and the part of the light that is transmitted to the base layer.
The property Top Coat Bump allows us to use a bump map on the transparent layer.
The property Thin Walled specifies whether a surface is hollow (On) or solid (Off). This property will affect the application of translucency and refraction.
The translucent and transparent solid surfaces can both absorb and disperse part of the transmitted light.
Absorption coefficient
For a given distance, we call absorption coefficient, the percentage of light transmitted through a surface that will be absorbed each time the light travels that distance.
If we assign the white color to property Translucency Color, the following example will absorb the next percentages of the transmitted white color, once the light has traveled one centimeter: 0.27% 0.81% 0.90%.
Note: Bear in mind, that the property Transmitted Color shows the resulting color once the absorption has already taken place: (0.73 + 0.27) (0.19 + 0.81) (0.10 + 0.90)
If after traveling a centimeter, the geometry ends, we can see the color assigned to property Transmitted Color. If the geometry does not finish, the light will continue to absorb. In the case that the geometry is sufficiently thick, the light can be completely absorbed.
Scattering coefficient
The internal structure of the translucent materials, brings with it that part of the transmitted light is dispersed. The light can be scattered towards the light emitting source (subsurface scattering) or in the opposite direction.
For a given distance, We call the dispersion coefficient, the percentage of light transmitted through a surface that will be dispersed after traveling that distance.
In the following example, once the light has traveled 0.5 cm, 50 percent of the light will scatter towards the light emitting source and the other 50 percent will disperse in the opposite direction.
As a consequence of this: the surface will lose part of its transparency (since part of the transmitted light is now scattered in the direction of the light-emitting source); and the surface will acquire a diffuse appearance (due to the part of the light that will reemerge next to the light already reflected).
The geometry reflects red color. However, we see an orange color due to the transmitted green light that is scattered in the direction of the light source.
An example of fog. A transparent surface with refractive index one (air), plus a little scattering.
In addition to reflecting and transmitting light, surfaces can also emit light. We denominate mesh lights to the emitting surfaces of light.
The property Emission Color specifies the color emitted by a surface.
The property Emission Temperature specifies the temperature of the light, in Kelvin degrees. Low temperatures get warm scenes (e.g., candlelight: 1500K, incandescent: 2680K, halogen: 3000K, etc.). High temperatures get cold scenes (e.g., 4200K, daylight noon: 5500K, daylight: 6500K, blue sky: 8000K, etc.).
The property Two Sided Light specifies, If the surface emits light by one side (Off) or both sides (On).
The property Luminance specifies the luminous intensity of light travelling in a given direction.
The Property Luminance Units specifies the power unit of the light. The candela per square meter (cd/m^2) is the derived luminance unit of the International System of Units.
The property Cutout Opacity specifies the opacity level of a surface.
The displacement maps allow the creation of complex surfaces, by the actual modification of the surface to which they are applied.
The following example, applies a displacement map to a surface: