“Come on young lady, let’s get you going,"
”Holding out her hand, the executioner helped Paula to mount the stairs but it was obvious that Paula was excited by the attention. “Please will you play with me?” she asked as they reached the top. As she looked over towards the other side of the road from where the gallows were erected Paula could see that the group of boys who were gathered there had grown somewhat. She could see that one of them was openly playing with himself and she felt suddenly terribly excited by the fact that he was so excited to watch her.
The executioner pulled the noose over Paula’s head. She could feel it rubbing against her skin but, rather than frighten her, Paula realised that she was excited by the idea; that this woman was going to kill her, that she would very soon be dead.
Her breasts felt suddenly so hard and she could see that her nipples were sticking out a bit. She wanted to suck on them. At night, when she felt that way, she would often look at pictures of other girls and wonder what it would be like to touch them. She would lift her breasts up to her lips and gently suckle herself, pretending that she was a baby and that her mummy was feeding her but with her hands tied she couldn’t lift them and whilst she bent her head a little, her tongue unconsciously protruding a little as she imagined licking herself, she realised that it was impossible to reach them. The very frustration of not being able to suck herself, however, oddly only added to her excitement and she could feel the wetness between her legs getting stickier.
“You like licking your titties sweetie?” the executioner asked as she watched Paula’s head look down at herself, her fingers even then twitching a little. The girl’s vagina had obviously had a discharge and it was leaking out of the crotch of her knickers. Rubbing her finger over the wetness that dribbled onto the girl’s thigh she lifted it to her nipples and began to gently rub each of them in turn, whilst using her other hand she pushed her fingers into her and managed to use her thumb to massage her clitoris.
She could feel that the Paula was only a little away from her climax even as she withdrew her fingers and kicked at the stool the girl was standing on. “Sorry Sweetie, in a hurry” she said nastily and watched as the girl realised what had happened. For a second Paula screamed but the sound was cut off as the noose bit into her neck and the look of pleasure which had been there was replaced by the pain that seemed to shoot through her entire body.
As her neck jarred against the rope, it felt as if her whole body jerked. The pain was indescribable and yet her nipples seemed even harder as if she was still excited by the idea.
“Does that hurt then Sweetie,” The executioner mocked.
Paula felt herself swinging, her neck seemingly and literally throttled by the noose as it bit into her. Almost despite herself her legs began to kick wildly. She realised that she must be no more than a few inches of so above the ground and tried to stretch out her legs to feel it but starved of oxygen, her brain seemed confused and instead her legs opened widely, instinctively; exposing the crotch of her panties. Paula realised that the execitioner must be able to see how excited she was whilst, in the distance, she could see that several of he boys were coming at the sight of her. It made Paula even more aroused. She wanted to rub herself, desperately to touch herself but instead her fingers arched outwards in a mixture of arousal and pain.
She couldn’t breathe properly, her breath gasping now, rattling and she could hear herself gurgling as the rope closed even tighter around her neck. Her chest felt as if it was on fire and she swung desperately to try to reach up towards the noose, a tiny amount of air entering her lungs but as her feet dropped again the rope only pulled more tightly against her. Her Vagina seemed to ache, as if there was something inside her, a sort of warmth which seemed to be spreading throughout her body.
The Girl who was second in line watched Paula’s struggles with horror. Slipping her panties off, she handed them to David. She could feel her legs trembling as she stood there but realised that there was nothing she could do. She wanted to run but instead, apparently patiently, she just waited as David tied her own hands as he had Paula’s.
“There you go,” he said but he could see how frightened the girl was becoming as she watched the remains of Paulas life ebb out in front of her. Looking over at the back of the truck he could also see that Paula was nearly finished, her legs jerking spasmodically now; whilst even as he watched she began to piss herself where she had lost control of her bladder.
He spotted a small trickle of piss escaping the next girl as well. It was running down her thighs.
“Oh God, I’m peeing myself. I’m scared,” the girl said. “She looked round at him and at the girl standing behind her in some sort of hope that someone might be able to help her but the girl behind her was already getting undressed for her own turn and didn’t seem to notice. “Please I don’t want to die. Please don’t kill me,” she begged. “If you let me go, I’ll suck you, suck your cock” she said to David. “Please I want to suck you,” she repeated as if it was relevant.
David could indeed feel his cock harden at the very prospect, the skirted hem of his lace chemise rising more even as he looked at the girl but there were too many people there even to pretend that he might let the girl go. He reached into the box at the end of the truck and took something out. He began to unfold it as the girl’s pee became a sort of torrent. He could smell her now, the scent of her.
“I’ll bag you,” he announced and without asking her he finally unfolded the small leather sack he had retrieved from the truck and pulled it over the girls head and began to tie it off around her neck. She would in any event ultimately die just because of the bag but long before she ran out of air but long before they would already have hung her.
“Please no, not that, please not that, the girl cried out. “I want to see things, to be alive. Please I don’t want to die,” she shouted but beneath the muffling of the bag her voice was drowned out and it sounded as if she was just mumbling.
“Come on, you have to be calm,” he said. “There’s nothing you can do about it, he tried to say but he could see that the girl had flipped. It happened sometimes. Rarely but sometimes, that a girl was so worked up there was nothing you could. A few years ago they would simply have shot her but now the law required that even if the girl could not be hung she had to be executed in as near a way as possible.
He could hear the girl retching into the bag, it literally expanding where she had been sick into it.
Quickly he severed the tag that was holding it in place and pulled it off of her head. She was covered in sick and it began to run down onto her breasts. As it did so she vomited again down the front of his chemise, whilst he could see that she was peeing herself uncontrollably. He picked up her execution warrant, read that she was called Samantha.
“There. there; come on now Sam, you can’t be a baby now. Its your turn.” He said simply but he could see that it was too late.
The girl stared wildly at him. She could still see Paula’s body jerking; realised that the poor cow wasn’t even dead yet but to save time, the executioner had already retrieved a knife from the table next to the gallows to prod her with to see if she was still alive. She pushed it into her thigh. It was a part of the governments cut backs. The costs of executing so many women were even more than they had have anticipated and so they now used this type of mobile unit which could be set up quickly on the side of the road, whilst it was vital that each girl was “seen to” as quickly as possible.
Paula spasmed horribly as the executioner prodded her and Samantha tried to vomit again but couldn’t. Her stomach lurched as she imagined what it was like to be killed as Paula had been but David acted. Turning her quickly around so that she was facing away from him, he forced her down onto her knees and retrieved his short garrotting tool from his bag and pulled it tight around her throat. If anything, she seemed only surprised but he pulled harder and harder and she began to go limp, the thin cord cutting into her neck slightly as he held her. Very soon she just hung there. She was already dead.
“I am not going to be garotted by that,” the third girl said spitefully looking over at David.

Bravo.....I really loved this story. ;)