"Welcome to the NooseChalet. Please, follow me" young maid said.
"Hi. You are not too young to work here?" Martha asked very interested with age of the maid.
"No, madam. I turned 18 a month ago. My parents gave me a written permission to work here so I can earn money for my studies" young maid answered.
Young girl leaded Martha through the big hall to the reception desk. Red-haired woman in her 30's stood behind it.
"You can leave us now" receptionist said looking at the maid.
"My name is Caroline Green. I have booked a room, around two weeks ago" Martha said. Caroline Green was her fake undercover name.
"Oh! Mrs. Green how good to see you. Reservation for Valentine's Night, VIP room, platinum party package, payment in advance. Everything is correct. Please, sign here" Receptionist said, pointing at the empty space in the guestbook.
Martha took the lying pen and signed with full fake name.
"Room 7 and here's the key. Models will come in 15 minutes and the party will start at midnight" Receptionist said, handing Martha the key.
"Thank you. I would like to talk to that maid" Martha said taking the key and leaving five $100 bills on the reception desk.
Receptionist looked very suspiciously at Martha.
"I will need her as my room service" Martha answered honestly.
"Ok, she can help you but only for an hour" Receptionist said quickly pushing $500 into her pocket.
Martha smiled and nodded. She left the reception and headed straight for the young maid. Martha gently grabbed her hand and whispered in her ear, "This time you will come with me" as she pulled her to the room number seven. Martha knew the chalet well, she was a frequent visitor. This was just one of the perfect places for searching and recruiting young students for her Hanging Academy.
When they both entered the best bedroom in the building. Young maiden was completely surprised and at the same time delighted with the decor of the room even though she worked here for a very short time, she was not in this room yet. Incomparably rich and beautiful compared to the rest of the rooms in which she cleaned up. Six feet from the bed, a rope with a tied classical noose hung high, the other end of which was firmly tied to the selling beam. Martha took off her coat, cap, scarf, gloves and shoes. Leaving them on the hanger standing by the door. Now Martha was wearing nothing more than a small dark red breast bra nipple covers in the shape of hearts and dark red lace panties. She had an an angelic face and straight dark red hair that reached to her shoulders. Martha took great care of her body, which was evidenced by a super flat and slightly muscled belly, well-carved butt and shapely legs. The results of many hours spent at the gym and healthy eating. When the maid turned around and saw Martha, she just managed to say "wow", when she was stunned by her sight. Martha quickly took her hands and led her into the huge bed where the two sat down.
"I'm Martha Claus. What's your name?" Martha asked with a friendly smile.
"My name is Elise" maid said.
"Very nice to meet you, Elise. Tell me from when you work here?" Martha asked.
"Wait a second. At the reception you introduced yourself as Caroline Green" Elise said very suspicious.
"Well, yes. Me as almost all guests here use fake names, just for privacy" Martha explained.
"Ok, good to know. I'm working here like two or three weeks, why are you asking?" Elise asked.
"Curiosity. Tell me, did your parents really agreed to let you work here?" Martha asked.
"Honestly, I forged their signature and they have no idea that I am here. They think think I'm sleeping at my friend's house tonight" Elise said.
"You see, we all have secrets" Martha said and they both laughed.
"Why are lying to your parents?" Martha asked surprised.
"I come from a poor family. My parents can not afford my studies. My best friends Amy got me and my girlfriend Jenny two jobs here. Me, Jenny and Amy grew up together" Elise said.
"Tell me more about them. How does your girlfriend look like?" Martha asked.
When Martha found out that Elise had a girlfriend, she moved a little farther away from her. She knew from experience that such a close distance could lead to very naughty activities.
"Jenny is two years older, about 51 kg, blond hair, blue eyes, 5 feet 6 inches, fit body and way too confident and imperious. She is working here as a photographer" Elise said.
"I already like her" Martha said and laughed.
"Well, poor Amy... One and a half month ago she died in the noose, here in NooseChalet. All we know is that she played some kind of game with one of our guest, she loosed" Elise said with sadness in her voice.
"I'm really sorry about your friend" Martha said and she put her hand on Elise's shoulder.
"Maybe you can tell me something about yourself?" Elise asked timidly.
"Sure. What do you want to know?" Martha asked.
"How old are you? Where do you work? What are you doing here?" Elise asked.
"I'm 26 years old. Five years ago I took over an auction company from my retiring parents. I saved some money and found several generous sponsors. Then, with their support, I started building the first ever Hanging Academy. Privately, I'm in love with noose themes, I love gambling for the highest bids and I love to do super-risky and stupid things. I'm addicted, I can't help it" Martha said and she laughed loudly.
Someone knocked on the door and a second later three girls entered the room, two were dressed in underwear and the third was holding an camera and wearing an identical outfit like Elise. Suddenly, she got up quickly from the bed.
"Jenny?! What are you doing here?" Elise asked surprised looking at the blonde girl in the maid outfit.
"I'm working here, you silly" said a girl who looked identical as Jenny from Elise's description.
"You two ladies, you can go and you have my permission to take the night free" Martha said to the two girls wearing lingerie.
Both quickly bowed, said "thank you" and left the bedroom.
"You two, sit on the bed and I will explain everything" Caroline said in a hurry.
"Wait. Hold on for a second. Elise, what is going on here?" Jenny asked surprised.
"I'll explain from the beginning" Martha said.
"I know you will, even right now" Jenny said.
"My name is Martha Claus. I'm here to offer you, two places in my Hanging Academy" Martha calmly explained.
"Where?" Jenny quickly asked.
"In my Hanging Academy. A place where you will become hang-girls and learn how to properly be hanged but mostly hang other girls for money in TV shows, public/private clubs or parties, you name it" Martha said.
"Do you mean hanging them to death?" Elise asked.
"Not always, not every hanging ends fatally. C'mon sit down with me" Martha said.
Jenny trusted Martha enough to sit on the bed. Elise had no problem with that and eagerly sat down next to her girlfriend. Martha sat comfortably in the middle of the bed, three feet from them.
"How much does it cost to join your Academy?" Jenny asked.
"Joining my Academy is free, thanks to the generous support of many sponsors. However, when you complete the training and find a job, you will be required to transfer ten percent of your monthly salary to the Academy for two years" Martha said.
"How much does an hang-girl earn monthly? Elise asked.
"It will depend on your activity. I'm sure that not less than $150k per month" Martha said.
At that moment, Jenny's and Elise's jaws dropped.
"I wish that you both could see your faces and those hilarious maid outfits" Martha said laughing.
Jenny knelt on the bed and took her maid outfit over her head and threw it far into the corner. Elise did the same a moment later. Now both of them were wearing only underwear and black knee high lace socks.
"I hate this outfit, I work here as a photographer, not a maid. No offense, honey" Jenny said looking apologetically at Elise.
"Have you both ever seen a woman hang? I mean with your own eyes" Martha asked.
"No, never" Elise said.
"Several times, mostly I took pictures of them" Jenny said.
"I must confess to you that I love playing games and taking high risk. What will you say for a quick game?" Martha said with growing excitation.
"What kind of game do you mean?" Elise asked.
"Rock-paper-scissors game" Martha said.
"Agreed, but we're playing against you" Jenny said.
"We choose reward after the results" Elise said.
"Deal" Martha said.
"Great! When we can start?" Jenny asked.
"Show your hand on "three". Get ready. One, two, three!" Elise said starting the countdown.
Each girl hid her hand behind own back, at the "three" mark, each of them showed formed sign. Jenny and Elise showed the paper. Martha showed the stone.
"Fuck!" Martha exclaimed.
Jenny and Elise began to applaud and celebrate. They hugged and kissed passionately. Martha felt growing excitement.
"Dear Martha, now you are going hang yourself as our Hanging Valentine. However, I'm not saying that we will cut off the rope. You will have to earn it by satisfying us with your possible last noose show" Jenny said with devious smile and twinkle in her eyes.
Martha saw the twinkle in Jenny's eyes, she had seen it before. She knew it meant nothing good, at least for Martha. She began to fear that it might be her last show in the noose, which made her even more excited.
"I'm very sorry, Martha. I hope you will not mind if we could examine your body thoroughly after you lose consciousness" Elise said with similar smile and twinkle as her girlfriend.
"Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck! Oh Fuck!" Martha though to herself, "these two horny cunts are going to let me die in the noose" Martha continued thinking as her excitement grow, "this time I went to far. Fuck it, I'm going to tease those cunts even more" She though to herself.
"I will be honored to satisfy your curiosity with my body. However, there is something I need to make sure" Martha said staying calm.
"What's the matter?" Jenny asked.
"If you will enjoy my show, don't let my body hang for longer than four minutes, ok? I do not want to turn into a vegetable" Martha explained.
"It is fully understandable. You have our word" Elise promised.
Jenny nodded to Elise and they both grabbed Martha's hands and the pulled her in the direction of the ready and waiting noose and Martha didn't resist at all. Elise quickly brought a chair and set it right under the noose in the meantime Jenny picked up the cuffs from the table.
"Under my bed there is a bag and inside it my testament and $200k in cash. If you let me die tonight, leave the testament on the bed and take the cash, ok?" Martha said knowing the risk but she couldn't resist it.
"Do you have a death wish? Don't tempt us" Jenny said.
"I can't help it. I'm addicted" Martha said.
"Maybe you subconsciously want us to let you die in the noose?" Elise asked.
"You have no idea how much this thought is turning me on" Martha said and her lower belly exploded with excitement.
"Martha, you stupid cunt" Martha thought to herself.
Elise and Jenny helped Martha with standing on the chair as she quickly noosed herself. She leaved the noose knot next to her right ear, taking care to not leave any hairs between her neck and rope. When the noose was ready Elise asked Martha, to move her hands behind her back so she could put handcuffs to Martha's wrists. She squeezed them very tightly. In that moment Martha was ready for her show.
"Did I tell you there is a bag filled with cash under my bed? $200k in cash" Martha said.
"Yes, you did" Jenny said with greed and lust for watching her die.
"Martha, one more thing. You do not mind that we take care of ourselves by watching you?" Elise asked.
"I would be offended if you did not ask" Martha said.
"Thanks" Elise said.
At the same time, Jenny and Elizabeth quickly sat on the edge of the bed. Put their fingers under their panties and began to masturbate.
"Two last things. First, if you want to join my Academy you need to let me live. Second, I know because of who, Amy loosed her neck and that girl is joining my Academy. Enjoy the show" Martha said.
As soon as she said it, she jumped off the chair and pushed it far away behind her. Martha dropped a few inches, roughly stopped as the rope bit deeply into her neck, she made a loud groan.
* 0-15 seconds *
Martha started to kick wildly, she did not know if it was her last dance in the noose but she wanted to give the best show ever. She had a huge supply of strength and steam. "They won't let me die tonight, they want to take revenge for Amy" Martha thought, trying to smile despite the pain. She continued to kick as hard and strong as she could. She felt how her toes scratched the rug beneath her. Martha knew that if she even slipped half an inch lower, she could stand on her tiptoes but didn't want to. Hands cuffed behind her back tried to break free but without success. She knew that no one had ever won against cuffs or the noose. However, she continued her show and threw her arms in all directions, spreading the metallic sound on purpose. Her head leaned to the left and face turned light red. Martha tried to catch her breath but the noose was just too tight. For every attempt to inhale, she made very loud wheezing noise as her chest with belly was raising and collapsing.
* 15 - 30 seconds *
Martha lost about a third of her reserve of strength and steam. With such strong kicking her oxygen reserve was also reduced. However, she did not give up and continued to try to maintain the same wildness and strength of kicking. Her arms were still strong and she continued throwing them behind her back in all possible directions, what continued spreading the metallic sound. "If I rationally spread the reserve of strength and steam, I could fight for longer" Martha thought to herself, "Fuck this! I'm going all in" she thought after a moment. She made another very loud wheezing noise. This time Martha desperately tried to suck some air through the noose clenched around her neck but it only made her belly sucked unnaturally inside. This effort caused her tongue to slip out of her mouth. She quickly began to drool on her boobs. This time her face turned red.
Jenny and Elise moaned in pleasure still masturbating and enjoying every single second of the show.
* 30 - 40 seconds*
This time Martha lost more than a half of her strength, steam and oxygen reserve. She kept kicking maybe not so strongly and wildly as before but she didn't give up. Martha felt how her legs slowly and inevitably fill up with lead. Unsurprisingly steam also ended up. Her arms no longer waved so desperately. Martha's lungs began to burn slightly, signaling the demand for air. For the last time she made a desperate attempt to suck in even a little air, without success. Because of that Martha's tongue slipped even further from her mouth. Which made her drool even more. Now Martha's whole juggs were wet with her own saliva, which slowly started dripping further down, on her belly.
Meanwhile, Elise first reached climax. She leaned back, moaning and breathing loudly. She took a few deep breaths after a moment. Elise, moving slowly, sat very closely behind Jenny. "Let me do this" Elise whispered into Jenny's ear and she kissed and licked her neck. Elise moistened her fingers in own mouth and slipped them under Jenny's panties. Jenny moaned loudly demanding more. "What are we... doing... with her?" Jenny asked, pausing for moaning.
* 40 - 50 seconds*
"I can hear you, you little horny sluts" Martha though to herself, "Stay focused Martha, stay focused, you were in much worse troubles before" again Martha though to herself. Burning pain in her lungs increased rapidly, with every next second it was more unbearable. Martha's face and body expression showed that she felt unimaginable pain. "I'm done. This was my best show ever. Now just pass out and leave the pain behind me" Martha simply though as she focused on kicking for as long as possible. Somehow she found the last strengths and vapors of oxygen giving her least chance to wildly kick for few last times. Then her legs filled with lead and passed into a movement similar to those made by the ballerinas as she started to scratching the carpet below her with her toes. Martha's arms also ran out of steam and simply hung motionless behind her back. Her face turned dark red. Saliva dripped along belly core right into her belly button.
"Maybe we should let her die in the noose? She gave the impression that she wanted it so bad. Do you remember how she mentioned about cash twice?" Elizabeth whispered into Jenny's ear as she increased the speed of rubbing in her girlfriend's panties. "Yes... I mean, no... she was... testing... us..." Jenny said taking even longer pauses between words. "Let's decide after you cum or Martha loses consciousness" Elise whispered. "Ok... faster..." Jenny loudly moaned.
* 50 - 55 seconds*
Martha was still conscious but not for long. Completely exhausted and without strength for the smallest kick she began to lose consciousness. Darkness obscured her eyes, wild fire raged in her lungs, legs and arms filled with lead. She passed out with her last loud groan. Martha finally gave up after 55 seconds of furious fight against the noose.
"Yes.. Yes... Yeeeeeeees" Jenny screamed, finally reaching climax and her moan mixed with Martha's last groan. Elise gently slipped out from behind her girlfriend, kissing her, she got out of bed and went over to Martha's hanging body. When she approached her, Martha's body began to have twitches and spasms. Her legs made gentle forwards swings, her arms were shaking, restoring the metallic sound. Muscles on Martha's belly were flexing and relaxing. Her body was still fighting to extract the last particles of precious oxygen from the furthest parts of her body.
Elise raised both hands and placed them on Martha's still wet boobs. She squeezed them roughly and played with them for a longer moment. After that she strongly pushed them up, tightening the skin and looking for scars after breast enlargement surgery, there were no scars. Then Jenny came up to her. She also sharply treated Martha's breasts for some time.
"Did you think Martha's breasts are fake?" Jenny asked amused.
"Well, yes" Elise answered.
"Her body is fully natural and she is working out a lot, look here" Jenny said.
She started drawing lines on Martha's belly. Showing the early outline of a four pack while Martha's belly kept flexing and relaxing. Then Jenny put her hands on Martha's hips and began to pressure on the belly button area with her thumbs. When Elise continued to play brutally with Martha's breasts.
"Elise, honey, I'm very sorry but I'm to curious" Jenny said.
As she said that she grabbed Martha's panties on her hips and pulled them down.
"OMG. She is still so wet. I think she had to have one of the strongest orgasms in her life. Could I put.." Jenny tried to ask.
"Consider yourself as single if you only dare to touch Martha's pussy" Elise said angered.
"I'm sorry, you are right, That would be too much" Jenny said apologetically and carelessly returned Martha's lace panties to the previous position.
Not whole three minutes after Martha passed out, and her twitches and spasms began to fade, Jenny and Elise quickly cut off and lowering Martha's unconscious body to the floor. Elise took off the noose from her neck and Jenny started to strongly slam her face shouting at her to wake up. After a few seconds of fear, Martha began to suck in air loudly, until after a while she went into loud and deep breathing.
"Welcome back, Martha" Jenny and Elise said in the same time.
"What the fuck took you so long" Martha said coughing and trying to laugh.
"I'm really sorry but we let your body hang as long as possible, until your twitches began to fade" Elise said.
"You two, horny cunts!" Martha shouted amused, gently touching her neck.
"Elise was having a lot of fun with your boobs for like two minutes, by the way she though your boobs are fake" Jenny said amused and calmed that Martha is ok.
"However, I feel that my panties are in a different position than I left them. Could you explain me this?" Martha said not even being surprised and quickly fixing position of her panties.
"Well, Jenny tried to have some fun there but somehow she quickly changed her mind, we just watched" Elise said also amused.
"Good to know" Martha answered.
"Do you feel ok?" Jenny asked.
"Considering that I wasn't breathing for almost four minutes, yeah, I feel great" Martha said still coughing.
"Can you tell us when your Hanging Academy begins?" Elise asked.
"On the first day of April. On the desk there is a sheet of paper and a pen, write me your email addresses and cell numbers, I will contact you" Martha said.
"Better do it right away" Jenny said.
Jenny and Elise got up and did what Martha asked for.
"Done" Elise said.
"Great! Now we are going to Valentine's Night Hanging Party. Let's go" Martha said, taking her bag from under the bed.
All three left the bedroom and spent together one of the best nights in their lives.