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Text by ArthurGarvin
Illustrations by Gallows-Girl-Amy

The Meeting at the Stone Wall

The birds sang beautifully in the trees as the dueling participants arrived for their deadly encounter. The dueling ground was a beautiful park with lush green grass, and cherry trees and flowers at their peak bloom.

Nearby was a weathered, old stone wall and arch that had been there for as long as anyone could remember. No one knows when or why the stone wall had been built. The grounds on both sides of the wall were just as beautiful and charming to visit, but the wall existed nevertheless, just as a barrier between the Steampunks and Goths had seemingly always existed.

Standing under the stone arch was an elegant lady of noble bearing dressed in the finery of an aristocrat except for her dark, round eyeglasses and the Luger slung in a leather shoulder holster worn on the outside of her dress. Her clothing showed no indication of her being either Steampunk or Goth. Lady Grace, Duchess of Xavier, had been chosen by the duelists to provide the swords and referee the duel.

Angela and her second, Artemis, approached from the left end of the stone wall at the same time Secretia and her second, Penny, approached from the right end, and they met at the arch in the middle where Lady Grace waited for them. Neither dueling party said a word to each other when they met, and there was a palpable tension in the air. Even the birds stopped singing as the two duelists met face-to-face. After a moment of silence that seemed to last for eternity, Grace broke the tension by welcoming each participant.

“Angela, Secretia, and seconds...” Grace nodded to each in turn. “I see we’re all present, so let’s begin. Here are the swords for your inspection.”

Both dueling parties inspected the light swords and found them to be identical and satisfactory. They also discussed and agreed upon the ground where the duel was to take place, and random lots were drawn to determine the location of the en-garde standing position for each duelist.

“The rules are the same as we discussed the other day,” Grace continued. “You shall begin by saluting and then adopting the en-garde position. Once I give the command, you may fight by any means you wish as long as you receive no outside help and use no weapon other than these swords. The duel ends when one duelist has been killed or concedes defeat. Understood?”

Angela and Secretia silently nodded their heads while staring daggers at each other.

“Now go back to your respective ends of the stone wall and get ready,” Grace commanded. “Remove your tops to prove you’re not wearing armor and to reduce the risk of infection from a sword pushing cloth into a wound.”

The dueling parties separated and went to their ends of the stone wall.

A Gentle Touch Before the Violence

Angela and Artemis had an intimate rapport with each other, so no words needed to be spoken as Artemis began to remove Angela’s black lace corset and green brocade chemise. Angela felt comforted by the feel of Artemis’ skilled fingers untying the laces on the back of her corset and loosening them enough so the interlocking busk in front could be separated. Angela felt a huge sense of relief at her ability to breathe again as the corset was loosened and removed, and her shapely breasts jiggled as they sprung free of their fashionable constraints. Angela savored the sensation of the warm spring breeze lightly caressing the soft skin of her exposed upper body.

When Artemis turned to face Angela, she looked into Angela’s brown eyes and saw the beauty and promise of youth. A warm glow came over Artemis as she recalled holding Angela in her arms last night. That was the first time they had shared a bed together, and they had made love with unrestrained passion and caring. Now, the warmth in Angela’s eyes has been replaced with a cold, hard edge as Angela began to prepare herself mentally for the cruel work that lay before her.

Artemis smiled nervously as she lightly caressed the strand of soft brown hair hanging down the left side of Angela’s face. Artemis was only a few years older than Angela, but she felt an almost motherly love towards her idealistic young leader as she tenderly placed her hand on the key hanging from Angela’s necklace, and Angela responded by resting her hand on the identical key hanging from Artemis’ necklace.

“I’ll be fighting for you and the other Steampunks, Mother Artemis,” Angela said with a mischievous grin that belied the nervousness she felt.

“Bah! You know I hate being called that!” Artemis said with a warm smile. “Now, go kill the bitch!”

Angela turned and walked with fierce determination towards the designated spot where she would face her opponent as Artemis checked the readiness of her rifle for the umpteenth time before looking over at the two Goth women through narrowed eyes of suspicion.

01.2 Angela 2 - Angie Redux by ArthurGarvin

As Angela walked towards her en-garde position, she reviewed the dueling strategy she and Artemis had developed earlier. Angela knew she was much stronger than Secretia, but fencing was a contest of skill rather than strength, and Secretia had about the same level of skill, according to Angela’s informant in the Goth camp who had actually seen Secretia practicing for the duel.

Secretia’s control of her gang was tenuous, and she seemed to be a little intimidated by Penny’s persistently domineering and aggressive behavior, so Angela hoped she could intimidate Secretia by a series of overtly aggressive attacks early in the duel. On the other hand, Secretia’s anger over the death of her mother was so strong she may be more aggressive than she had been in the past, and if that turns out to be the case, Angela will try to manipulate Secretia into making mistakes by getting her to act impulsively out of anger.

A Second-rate Second

As soon as Secretia and Penny reached their end of the stone wall, Penny poured herself a generous goblet of claret and savored the drink as she admired the beautiful park landscape.

“This isn’t a picnic! Put down that goblet and help me take off my top!” Secretia commanded.

Secretia would have been even more angry at Penny had she known Penny was drinking the most expensive Bordeaux claret available from Secretia’s wine cellar. Penny had appropriated the bottle and transferred its contents to an ordinary wine jug to hide her theft of the rare and valuable wine.

Penny burped absentmindedly as she stepped behind Secretia to unfasten and remove Secretia’s black top followed by her red-and-white-striped bra, and Secretia’s shapely breasts sprang free as the bra came off.

Secretia turned to face Penny squarely. “Now, be ready to fend off any betrayal by Angela or her second.”

“Yes, Ma’am!” Penny replied as she picked up her pistol and hefted it with less-than-ideal enthusiasm.

01.3 Goth Portrait 2 by ArthurGarvin

Secretia wished she could do away with Penny because she couldn’t be trusted, but that wasn’t practical because the rank-and-file Goths were convinced they couldn’t survive the ongoing gang war without Penny’s exceptional fighting skills.

Secretia glanced over at the other side and saw the warm affection Angela and her second were showing each other. That made Secretia feel a pang of loneliness, but she quickly dismissed that feeling and forced herself to concentrate on the advice her world-class fencing coach had given her as she walked towards her en-garde position.

En Garde!

Angela and Secretia took up their respective en-garde positions, and their seconds stood next to the stone wall with guns in hand and ready for any trouble. Lady Grace positioned herself on the opposite side of the duelists, so she had a good view of both the duelists and their seconds, and she drew her Luger from its shoulder holster, so she would be ready to instantly deliver her verdict in case of a transgression by either party.

Grace commanded the two duelists to salute, so Angela and Secretia turned to face Grace and saluted her by smartly raising their swords and then lowering them. Then the two duelists turned and saluted each other, and Angela was heartened when she saw Secretia’s lust for revenge hadn’t prevented Secretia from doing the honorable thing of saluting her.

“En garde!”

Angela and Secretia adopted the en-garde stance.


Both duelists confirmed they were ready with a show of more confidence than they felt in the pit of their stomachs.


And the duel began!

02 - En Garde by ArthurGarvin

Excalib Featured By Owner Oct 3, 2018  Hobbyist Writer
"there was a palpable tension in the air. Even the birds stopped singing as the two duelists met face-to-face."
Somehow, I get the feeling this is going to end badly! xD
ArthurGarvin Featured By Owner Oct 3, 2018
Good call!  LOL
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