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Here’s an alternative outcome for the duel between Angela and Secretia that was originally shown in Falling Blossoms: Part 3 and Part 4. There’s no story text below, just wonderful pictures by Gallows-Girl-Amy.

02 - En Garde by ArthurGarvin

03a - The First Misstep by ArthurGarvin

11 - Alternate Ending - Deep Penetration by ArthurGarvin

12 - Alternate Ending - Angela Invictus - correcte by ArthurGarvin

The name of the Goth lady, Secretia, is also the name of a flower: purple secretia, which also goes by the politically-incorrect name of “wandering jew” or the tongue-tying name of “tradescantia pallida”. In fact, the lipstick worn by the Goth lady is the same color as purple secretia flowers. We originally wanted Secretia to lie dead among purple secretia flowers (Secretia among secretia), but secretia flowers weren’t available as a Poser resource, so other purple flowers were used to approximate that visual effect.
This is the last post planned for the "Falling Blossoms" picture story. I’m glad everyone who commented enjoyed the project!

Here are links to all of the story posts.
Falling Blossoms: Prelude
Falling Blossoms: Part 1
Falling Blossoms: Part 2
Falling Blossoms: Part 3
Falling Blossoms: Part 4
Falling Blossoms: Part 5 (Finale)
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October 9, 2018
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