Wheel of Fortune
This story based on Pool Party from susancoquin.deviantart.com/
There is once again a party around the hanging pool, but just watching voluntary girls hang themselves has become boring, and so the host of the party had a new idea. He granted his very expensive automobile as the first prize for that deadly game.
And this time it's by the guest to hang themselves. Here are the rules: Everyone, who want to win the expensive automobile had to send his girlfriend or wife to turn the wheel of fortune. That wheel has 12 segments. Four of them are marked with a noose.
If the wheel stops on the market segment, the woman has to drop their closes and must hang themselves. Is the wheel stops on an unmarked segment, that girl is still on the run, and the next one in the row has to turn the wheel, until three of the girls have chosen to die. For all the others in the row the chance to win or lose the game is gone. This goes on until all the three are selected. If the last one in the row has turned the wheel to an unmarked field, the first in the row has to turn the wheel a second time, and so it goes on.
And then, with the girls, that have to go through, it goes on in that way: Every hook on the hanging tree is now equipped with a switch, that started a stop-clock, that will started when the full weight of the girl is hanging on the hook. And then there are liquid-sensors mounted underneath the girl’s hanging positions, that will stop the clock, when they girl will finally empty her bladder the last time. If that girl will not pee, because it was going to the toilet before and not has filled up her bladder again before hanging, it will be disqualified. And the winner is the boyfriend or husband of that girl, that lasted the longest time until it lost the control over her body.
So, if she started to pee, just from the shock of facing her fate, she will loose the game, if she died quickly, from breaking her neck, because she made a big jump, she probably will loose too, but if she hanged herself very carefully, that she has to suffer for a very long time, and this will entertain the crowd very well, she will win the car for her man or boyfriend, if the othere one will not last some longer or have been disqualified.
As if the guest’s girls never thought to hang themselves before this party started, they will accept thrir fate in a very different way. Some of them are not really sure, that they want to „win“ the game and needed to be forced by their boyfriend to turn the wheel of fortune. Some other just refused to play that game, and leave her boyfriend alone. Some other do really like the thrill of that the game and the danger, to die from it, and hurry to the wheel of fortune, to be the first turning the wheel.
Most of them are very happy, as the wheel stopped on an unmarked field, that means they have to go back to the end of the line, and so the chance to turn the wheel on a marked field when she needs to turn the wheel another time, will decrease. But there are also very brave girls, that easily will accept theur fate. Those girls gave assigned, that they are unhappy, not to be chosen to play the final game. I'm not sure, that this is not only an attitude, and not that, they have in their thoughts for real.
One of the not so brave girls started to cry heavily, as the wheel stopped on the market position and needed some help from her boyfriend, to accept her fate, getting naked and go over to the hanging tree, but she was heavily crying. She also needed some help, to climb the stairs onto the stool.
The second one saw themselve as a winner and was thinking that she will be strong enough to survive for the longest time, she was still smiling while she dropped her dress and went to the hanging tree with a real winning face with a bad grin, expecting a very unique experience, even if she will hgave no time to remember this. It looks like, she really was one, that wanted to die in that way and wanted to entertain the crowd.
The third one just lost conciseness as the wheel stopped on the market position. Her boyfriend carried her over to the hanging place, undressed her and make her waking up with a huge kiss of goodbye. Then he guided her on the stool, where she finally took the noose around her neck. But everyone has seen, that she still had thoughts where she asked herself: Why me? What have I done, that I have to die now? Is there still a way, to get me out here? The worst part, she will observe the fight against the death of the other two until its her turn, having this noose around her neck, standing naked and being observed waiting by all of her friends.
Now it's time for the hanging session: Big applause from the crowd to all of the three brave girls, that now will die soon.
Everyone of the three have to introduce herself, had to answer some question about her life and how deep the love to her boyfriend/husband is, that she accepted to kill herself now, just to win the first prize for her beloved. They also had to declare, that to go through is her own chioce, she realy wanted to do this, and accepted to die now, being processed after her death, and eaten than by the other guests.
Then it's time for the first girl, that one, who is still crying. She just dropped from the stool, knowing her life has ended now. It doesn't look, if she really wanted to do this. But she has given up any resistance and finally has accepted her fate.
She is dangling around for only a few minutes until she lost control over her body and so the clock stopped from her peeing. There are still teardrops running down her dedicated body.
The second girl watched her suffering, and shouted out loud, that this was indeed not a very good show and she will truly win that game. She is laughing over the first girl, while watching her, losing her life. And everyone recognized, that the first girl has heard her laughing for sure, while she was giving up her life.
Then she took an elegant step from that stool for hanging herself. In the moment, where she dropped into the nood, that makes her impossible to breath anymore and also stopped the blood flow to her brain, she recognized, that this game is much more painful as she expected, she also felt her heavy beating heart in her chest and the intense pressure in the lungs, so the bed grin in her face just disappeared. However she did a good job, and managed to hold herself alive for a very long time by not moving too much. She also had pumped a lot of oxygen into the blood from taking big deep breaths and the laughing, while she was waiting for the first girls death.
The clock continues to run after she finally stopped moving, time goes by but nothing happened. Everyone see, that she really has gone now. She has forgotten that she was going to toilet just before the game started, and her bladder was still empty, as she was hanging herself, so she will become disqualified.
She also missed the chance to fill up her bladder with water, because there was a nurse with the right equipment to do so. But to do this in front of all her friends was nothing she was thinking about.
I think, this had been a scene, many liked to see. For that preparation, there was a gynecological stool placed next to the hanging tree. And all the three where advised, to make use of that, if she has been chosen to play that final game, in sorrow to be disqualified from not being able to pee and so to stop the clock in the moment of being done.
And now it's time For the last one. Her boyfriend is helping her to close the handcuffs behind her backside. Then he kissed her on her buttock the last time. She closed her eyes and slipped more from the stool than taking a step. She felt down until the noose will stop her breathing. She opened her mouth widely, but it's too late to get some air. She is deeply shocked from the pain and throw her legs up, that her knees just touches her belly. In this moment she lost control over the sphincter of her bladder, and she started to pee just by mistake. She is still living as she heard from the crowd: Oh, gosh! She lost! Look, the clock has stopped, unbelievable! And she is still alive, and able to watch the boyfriend of the first girl taken big jump, knowing that he is the winner of that beautiful expensive car. While her boyfriend is shouting: You stupid girl, why don't you control your peeing not just that only time?
Then the winner went over to the hanging tree, climbed on in that little step to hug his dead girlfriend and gave her a last kiss, while she is still hanging there. What a shame, she never will feel his caresses again.
Some later, the winner holds the key and the papers of his car in his hand, while the dead bodies of the two loosing girls were removed from the hanging tree. Only the winning girl is still on display, she is decorated as being the lucky winner.
He is looking to the key, while he is holding it in his hand and sdtated tho think about his dead girlfriend. Now recognized, what he has lost now. He saw, that he has lost much more, than that, what he has won now. He understood, that this expansive automobile is nothing, compared to that he just has given away. And he felt guilty, to send his beloved girlfriend to die. So he dumped the car key into the pool, went over to the hanging tree, climbed on a stool, next to his beloved, arranged the noose around his neck, took a last deep breath, jumped and is at last hanging next to his girlfriend, while his manhood has become stiff. As his hands when not fixed to his bedside, he tried to touch the body of his girlfriend, while he was waiting for his end.
In the meantime the host of that party brought his car back in the garage. Still thinking about new ideas for the next party.