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Sissy Sinclair in Rope-A-Dope

By CharliemonsterUK

Disclaimer: This story contains adult themes including sex, fantasy violence and hanging.  It is not suitable for the faint of heart, easily offended or those who cannot differentiate between fantasy and reality.  Fair Warning has been given, so to the undaunted I say, “Welcome to the dark side.”

Sissy felt butterflies in her stomach as she stole out of the house.  Her parents, fixated on the television, failed to notice her slipping out out of the back door.  The early summer evening was heavy with the scent of jasmine and the promise of excitement.  Her thoughts were all of the rakish young biker she had met at the fresher's fair last week.  Her father had warned her against Mitch, saying he was trouble and no good would come of her infatuation as he put it.  Why did he have to be some damned judgemental?   He didn't know Mitch like she did.  He was a deep sensitive man, sizzling with passion and deeply into her.  Hadn't he told her last night, he would be with her as long as she lived?

Sissy cut a pretty picture in her light summer dress and light blue stilettos, her honey blonde hair cut in long bob that framed her cheerful young features.  She hurried along the summer streets towards her forbidden tryst, imaging her future with the handsome Mitch.  The young man lived in an old coaching inn which had been converted to apartments.  There was an old stable across the yard where he kept his bike and Sissy could hear the thudding beat of rock music coming from the shadowed building.

She entered and found him polishing his beloved Bonnie and singing along to a some cheesy standard about a drunken rock star crashing his car on the way to a gig.  She smiled fondly and shook her head indulgently.  As she entered the makeshift garage a large tortoiseshell cat prowled lazily past her, lightly brushing her calves.  

He looked up, his eyes hungry with passion, “Hey, Baby.  C'mere” his voice was rich and deep with a Tennesee drawl.

She blushed and smiled coquettishly at him as he rose to wrap his arms around her.  Soon they were locked in a passionate embrace, his tongue probing between her soft cherry lips.   She had been determined to wait until the right moment before surrendering, but her body shuddered at his touch, fired with passion.  She could feel the firm bulge in his pants through the light cotton of her dress.

She felt a warm moist sensation as her body urged to feel him deep inside.  He looked at her a crooked smile playing on his lips, “I'd say it's time, honey, wouldn't you?”

She realised with sudden shock his words weren't directed at her.  She felt soft hands stroking her back and neck.  She looked down with a mixture of shock and excitement to see delicate female hands tracing their way down her body and over her breasts.  Soft lips kissed her neck and she heard the newcomer give a warm throaty chuckle, “Why sure, Baby, hey
Blondie, why don't you get down on your knees like a good little girl?”

Sissy's mind was racing, this sure as hell wasn't what she expected.  Here she was with the man she loved and some strange woman.  Mitch was unzipping his pants and pulling out his erect cock.  She should be out of here, right now, what kind of girl did he take her for?  The truth was, she realised, she clearly was the kind of girl who was turned on by the whole situation.  

Turning she smiled at the pretty raven haired girl behind her, “O-okay,” she stammered.  The other girl caressed her chin and kissed her long and tender.  Sissy could feel a warm trickle of juices down her thigh. Damn she was horny.  She lingered to gaze at the statuesque woman with the short black feather cut bob.  She was dressed in grey daisy dukes, baseball boots and a cut off white tank top emblazoned with a black and red tribal design.  

She gently, but firmly pushed the young blonde to her knees in front of the man.  Sissy gulped slightly at the sight of the man's engorged member.  She had never so much as touched a dick before and now she was going to wrap her lips around it.  She could feel the other woman's warm breath in her ear as she whispered, “Don't worry, Princess, I won't let him take your virginity.  This doesn't count,” she chuckled.

With a brief intake of breath, Sissy kissed the exposed tip of Mitch's dick and licked it experimentally.  She liked the salty taste of his precum and the feeling of his warm flesh on her mouth.  Tentatively she eased her lips over the head and a little way down the shaft.  It felt good and from the man's moans of pleasure she could tell he was enjoying it.  This wasn't so bad, she thought, I could get used to this.   As she built up a rhythm she began to revel in the experience and speculate on whether her man would be as attentive to her needs.

The other woman was running her hands through Sissy's hair and gently guiding her, adding to the pleasure of the moment.  Suddenly, everything changed.

“Show-time!” the woman whispered throatily in her ear and held her head in a vice-like grip.  Suddenly Mitch was thrusting his cock deep into her throat.  She felt her stomach heave as she started to gag.  The head of the man's cock forced its way deeper and deeper.  Her mouth and nose began for flood with phlegm and bright spots appeared before her eyes as she struggled to breath.  As her face began to flush first red, he pulled away as she choked and retched on the fluid flooding her mouth.  

The others were laughing at her obvious distress.  As she tried to wipe away the snot and drool with the back of her hand, the woman grabbed her by the hair and pulled her head back.  “Okay, Bitch, back to work!” she sneered.

Once again Mitch's was fucking her throat.  Despite the terror of the situation she found it easier to accommodate his dick as her throat was stretched and lubricated.  After a few minutes of relentless  pounding again the relief of fresh air. “Get her up, Bex!” growled Mitch.

Sissy's legs were shaking as the Bex pulled her roughly to her feet.  She led her to a stone bench fringed with ivy.  She was sobbing and her knees buckled as she the other girl dragged her, “N-no, please, I want to go...”

“Please let me go?” she said in a small frightened voice.

“You want to go?  You sure about that?”


“She wants to go, Mitch” said Bex smiling.

“The go, she must,” he responded.  Looking Sissy in the eye, “Remember, Babe, you asked to go.”

She looked at him puzzled as she got to her feet. “Th-thank you,” she stammered.  

Hearing a soft footstep behind her she turned, but not quick enough.  Bex had grabbed her arms.  She saw Mitch pull a short length of rope from his pocket.  As he moved quickly to bind her wrists, he spoke softly and passionately, “All that before?  Well that was just an appetiser.  Hell, sure it was fun, but you know what, Bex is woman enough for me.  Anything else I get is just candy between meals.  But there's one thing we both enjoy that we need to find playmates for.”  

He knelt in front of her and bound her ankles together with a second length of rope.  Bex moved slowly around the terrified blonde, stroking her tear-stained cheeks and kissing her tenderly on the mouth.  She reached up to the low rafters and pulled at something, “We love a good hanging,” she purred.  A hempen noose fell from the rafters and dangled slowly in front of the terrified blonde's face.  “Like the man said,” she paused for effect, a cruel smile on her face. “Time to go.”

Sissy struggled vainly against her assailants as they manoeuvred her into position under the noose.  Mitch held her in a firm grip, whilst Bex looped the rope over her head and tightened it around her soft white neck.  She then reached down and began to stroke Sissy's moist pussy, while Mitch squeeze and stroked her firm buttocks.  

“Shoulda let me fuck her, Bex.  Now she'll never know what it feels like.”  he whispered.  
She felt one of his hands leave her as he reached for the end of the rope.

“You know the rules, Lover-Boy,” laughed the raven-haired beauty, “You don't fuck nobody but me.”

“No, no please don't do this. Please don't kill me.  I don't wanna die.  Oh shit, oh shit oh, shit! Grlk”  The rope cut into her throat as he hoisted her up onto the balls of her feet.  A wave of nausea and panic shot through her as she realised there was no mercy in her captor's faces.  She fought for breath, teetering on her toes to gulp precious air into her heaving lungs.

“Any last words?”  Mitch took a firm grip on the tail of the noose.

“You fucking bastard, I loved you!” she choked in fear and rage.

He shrugged, “That's what they all say.”  And with that, he heaved on the rope, hauling her a good foot and a half off the ground.

The pain of the rope cutting into her neck was unbearable and she felt it slowly crushing her windpipe as the noose contracted under her weight.  Her legs thrashed wildly for purchase that just wasn't there.  The blood was pounding in her head, an incessant, violent drumbeat.  Her face face reddened, embossed with engorged veins and her eyes bulged in terror.  Her throat rattled as she choked for breath, her tongue protruding.  Her hair danced around her and strings of spittle few as she thrashed about.  

Mitch reached for Bex, clearly aroused, but she stepped away playfully, “Later, Mitch.  I don't wanna miss this.” Sissy had never hated anybody, like she hated that sadistic bitch right now.  And she never would she thought bitterly.  

Through her tears and blurring vision, she saw the tortoiseshell cat sat gazing up at her in detached fascination.  Black spots grew larger before her eyes and she could feel a warm fuzzy sensation creeping over her body as her struggles grew weaker and weaker.  She became aware of warm fluid running down the inside of her legs and she thought she could hear rain clattering against the flagstones.  At last, merciful oblivion descended and she lost consciousness and shortly thereafter, Sissy died.

Mitch and Bex looked on in pleasure as the unfortunate girl's struggles subsided and were replaced by spasm wracking the dead girl's body.  A slow steady stream of piss ran down the girls legs and pooled on flagstones below her.  Bex laughed as the curious cat sniffed diffidently and the cooling puddle.

- Fin -
Gallows-Girl-Amy Featured By Owner Feb 15, 2014  Professional Digital Artist
Part one of a new story can be found here:… - Based on a random idea for a deadly game show.
Gallows-Girl-Amy Featured By Owner Feb 12, 2014  Professional Digital Artist
This story is somewhat inspired by Spookiie65's "The Cat" 

Spookiie65 Featured By Owner Feb 12, 2014
Great story! Glad you found insparation in one of my pictures :)
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