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Denise took a deep breath as she walked up the sidewalk towards the front doors of the HSB School.  It was her first day, and she really wanted to make a good impression.

She had only been teaching high school history for two years when she got the offer to come and teach at this school.  She had never heard of the school before, and they wanted her to be an art teacher – and Denise knew very little about art! But the promised salary was double what she had been making at her alma mater, so she figured ‘it’s art – how hard can it be? I’ll read the textbook and figure it out as I go!’  And so, here she was, walking through the door, dressed in a stylish white V-neck blouse, a navy skirt that stopped just above her knee, and matching 5 inch pumps.

She walked down the hall, and into the office; the young blonde woman at the front desk was also dressed stylishly, but also quite a bit more risqué: her pink top showed off plenty of cleavage, and as she stood up to greet Denise, the young teacher noticed how short the secretary’s skirt was – far shorter than anything she had ever been allowed to wear to teach, that was for sure!

“Hi,” the blonde smiled, “you must be the new art teacher! I’m Candy.”

“Denise, yes, I am.  How did you know?”

“Well you couldn’t be a student, silly, and there’s only one new teacher starting so I knew it must be you!”  She looked down at a piece of paper in front of her, then back up at the smiling Denise.  “Room 102 is yours.  You’re going to do great!”

“Wow, thank you, I hope so,” Denise replied, deciding it would be a bad idea at this point to mention her lack of art knowledge.  “What time does class start?”

As she finished, a bell rang.  “Right now!” Candy exclaimed.  “Have fun!”

Denise turned and headed out, thinking to herself that the girl was unusually young, attractive, and bubbly for a school secretary.  She certainly had never been told to ‘have fun’ before!  

She found the room easily enough and walked in.  The first thing she noticed was that the class was all boys – not a single girl!  The second thing was how quickly they all turned to look at her the moment she walked in.

“Good morning, Miss Denise,” they all chimed in together.

“Wow, good morning.  What a reception!” she exclaimed, as she found a drawer in the desk and slid her purse inside.  Then she turned to look at the blackboard, where someone had written:

“Miss Denise

Nude Art 101”

“Ha ha.  Very funny!”  The boys laughed; she glanced about, doing a quick estimate – there were about fifteen of them.  “I see that this class is all boys – aren’t there any girls here that like art?”

One of the boys, a tall, handsome, well-dressed one, stood up.  “There aren’t any girls here at all, not as students anyway.”

“This is an all-boys school?” Denise was shocked at this realization – there was nothing in the offer that mentioned that.  

There was more laughter.  The young man who had stood up, walked up to where she was standing and put his arm around her casually.  “Of course it is,” he replied.  “Why else would they call it the Hypnosis School for Boys?”

Denise turned to look up at him – he was a good six inches taller than her at least.  “Ohh…that’s what HSB stands for…”

“Not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, are we, sugar?” he chuckled.  “That’s going to make this really easy.”  He brought his hand to her face, and opened it: there was a glowing blue disc in his palm, maybe two or three inches across.

“What’s that…” the wide-eyed young brunette asked.

“You’ll see.  Just watch,” he smiled, as he gradually moved it closer to her upper body, just above the V-neck of her blouse.  Her astonished eyes followed it until she felt it make contact with her bare skin, and then, as it stuck in place, she let out a sudden ‘Ooooh…’

“So easy.”  He took a step back, as her expression belayed her complete and total bewilderment.

“I feel so…ooooh…what’s happening,” Denise moaned softly, her arms falling to her sides, her expression becoming vacant.  “My mind feels so…empty…”

“Good.”  The young man looked straight into her eyes, eyes that seemed to have nothing going on behind them.  “Take off your blouse.”

“I…” Denise started, as her hands moved up to the bottom of her blouse, slowly pulling it up and over her head.

“Good girl.  Give that to me.” She did as he commanded.  “Now take off your skirt.”

“I…must…obey…” she mouthed, her eyes locked in his gaze, as her hands obeyed again.  In a moment, her skirt was on the floor, and she was standing there in just her light pink bra and panties, as well as her heels.

“Good girl.  Now, lose the bra.”

Denise trembled for only an instant, as her hands went to her back, unhooking her bra and pulling it away, revealing her D-cup breasts to the fifteen excited young men.

“Good girl.  You’re almost there.  Take off your panties. Now.”

Her eyes still locked on his, Denise’s hands moved smoothly and quickly down to her remaining undergarment, pushing it down to the floor to join her skirt, and revealing her completely bare mound to her students.

“Perfect.  Now, sit up on your desk.  Give us a sexy pose.”

Mindlessly, Denise found herself obeying, sitting up on top of her desk and placing her hands in a seductive angle, her legs open and her heels dangling, her legs swinging back and forth slightly.

She wasn’t aware that the others had gotten up out of their seats and were standing around her, admiring her from all angles.

The tall, handsome, well-dressed young man smiled.  “Very good.  You are now our slave, Miss Denise!”

One of the other boys chimed in: “Now you just stay right there, and look pretty for us slave!”

Denise’s expression was completely blank.  Her voice was monotone as she mumbled, “This teacher is your slave…”


And so it was, that Denise discovered the real reason why she was offered the job, and why her lack of art knowledge wasn’t a consideration at all.  The class was, after all, ‘Nude Art 101’ and she would be their willing and hypnotized subject for the rest of the school year, and perhaps, their hypnotized teacher forever…
As his prize for finishing third in my Match Blue Blaze Art Contest,  :iconthe-mind-controller: gets a story based on an image in my favorites.  He chose his own:
The Taking Of Miss Denise by The-Mind-Controller

All characters are 18 or older.


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ClarkSavage Featured By Owner Mar 13, 2016
This was lots of fun. Your vivid writing style and the brevity of the story combine effectively.
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Mar 14, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Thanks! Going to read what you wrote soon :)
ClarkSavage Featured By Owner Mar 14, 2016
Switchman2002 Featured By Owner Feb 21, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Another excellent addition to the Denise Upton story library.  I loved the mind control element, and you extracted quite a lot out of one picture!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Feb 21, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Thanks, glad you enjoyed!
Rob66 Featured By Owner Feb 5, 2016
See? Now if you had attended one of my law presentations, this never would have happened (and, now that I think about it, maybe it's good that you didn't attend it - sort of a conflict of interest for me, I think).  Anyway, I begin all my presentations with that old TV commercial -- RIF (Reading is Fundamental) and tell people to read their contracts, including the fine print, and to ask questions if they don't understand something :)

But, since you didn't read it, I guess we have to move on from there which leads me to a question -- did any of the "students" ever make any art based on their Nude Art 101 model?  If I knew how to draw or use 3D art programs, I'd have had a lot of fun making pics to go along with this story! Much better than the usual "still life" drawings introductory art classes always started with. I like this school!

Another MC story I enjoyed.  Thanks!!!!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Feb 5, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
You're welcome!
russellcattle Featured By Owner May 17, 2015
It would not surprise me if they left several post-hypnotic suggestions with her before bringing her out of her trance.  She would be told that when she awakes, she would feel feel rested, relaxed, refreshed, and happy.  
She would not be able to explain why, but she really loved teaching her students.  
They were surprisingly mature for their age, and outside of class as well as during class, they treated her with politeness and respect, which she thought was so unusual for teenage boys.
Curia-DD Featured By Owner May 17, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
It wouldn't surprise me either :)
Denskne Featured By Owner Apr 23, 2015
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 24, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
Sacron22 Featured By Owner Apr 20, 2015
Well done.  Crisp, efficient prose.  Enough tension to keep the reader involved.  Then, you're out quickly.  Nice.  
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 20, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
Thanks! :)
Sacron22 Featured By Owner Apr 26, 2015
my pleasure.  some of your stories sing. 
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 26, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
Sing? ;)
Sacron22 Featured By Owner Apr 26, 2015
'Sing' = Good prose moves the reader like the melody to a good song.  Sing is sorta a metaphor, I guess. 
A bit obtuse, yes.  Oh, hell, I'll change it in the edits, okay? 
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 26, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
No worries, sometimes I just need things explained to me :)
Sacron22 Featured By Owner Apr 26, 2015
As do I.  Frequently.  Friends say I'm kinda space-y.  But I think...
What was I saying? 
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 26, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
I don't know lol
(1 Reply)
superman1764 Featured By Owner Apr 17, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
Love it!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 18, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
MarcusVorenus Featured By Owner Apr 14, 2015
Art teacher, posing mannequin.  What is the difference, really?
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 14, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
I guess not very much!!
If a good job is done here, perhaps additional duties as Sex Ed teacher will be assigned next semester.
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 14, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
Since I am under mind control, it's really up to them...:)
monicazee Featured By Owner Apr 14, 2015
I love your paint clear pictures, you are efficient with your words and the stories are always entertaining!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 14, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
Wow, thank you! That's one of the highest compliments I've ever gotten! :)
ForceMasterR Featured By Owner Apr 14, 2015  Hobbyist Digital Artist
I probably wouldn't have learned much in that school, but I sure would have liked to attend!!!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Apr 14, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
I bet :P
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