The man, who moonlighted as a kidnapper, sat at the bar of The Surfside Grill, a popular club located right on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico on the Southwest side of Florida. He had chosen the Surfside Grill as his hunting ground for a number of reasons – its good food, well-stocked bar and dance music, its popularity with the 21-30 crowd, and, most importantly to the kidnapper, the fact that the club was located at the bottom of a dark two-lane road that was a good half mile drive from the highway.
When inquisitive people asked what he did for a living, he never told the truth and simply explained that he was a travelling salesman who worked for an international conglomerate that sold a wide variety of products. In reality though, he made his living selling logistical services to businesses -- providing customers with, among other things, transportation services, warehousing facilities, packaging materials, and, occasionally, security. His real job made it easy for him to perform his second job because it gave him access to transportation, warehouses, and packaging materials. He was good at both jobs because he had a gift for getting people to like him. He also liked that he earned extra tax-free cash as a kidnapper.
This was the kidnapper’s third consecutive Friday at The Surfside Grill. Each time there he wore something different to slightly disguise his appearance – a false mustache, eye glasses, a wig, a suit and tie, casual attire. He seemed to be just one of many in the crowd. He ate, drank, danced occasionally and appeared to be watching a football game on one of the club’s large flat-screens, but, in reality, he was studying one of the club goers, a pretty blonde in her mid to late twenties. He took surreptitious pictures of her; he noted what she drank (a particular brand of Merlot); he noted that she usually arrived alone at the Club around 8:30 PM and left the club alone shortly before “last call’ at 2:00 A.M.; and he noted the car she drove (a modest blue car).
Tonight, the kidnapper, who wore no disguise this time, made sure that he arrived at The Surfside Grill by 8:00 P.M. He sat at the bar and nursed a glass of Merlot, watching the television and, from time to time, turning to check the parking lot. He suppressed a smile when he finally spotted her blue car pulling into the parking lot. He noted where she parked and watched her come into the bar area. She wore a white and purple sundress with white ankle strap sandals. He glanced lower at her feet and approved of her perfectly pedicured red toes. Her blonde hair hung a little below her shoulders and was accessorized with a hard plastic headband that complimented her sundress. He timed his call to the bartender perfectly as she approached. “Another Clos du Val Merlot, please,” he said aloud.
The blonde stepped up next to him. “Hey! That’s what I drink too,” she said with a lilt in her voice.
“You have fine taste then,” he replied. “It’s one of my favorites. I like its black cherry and blueberry flavoring. Haven’t found anything else close to it.” The bartender set the glass on the bar near him. “And bring another for the lady here too, please,” he told the bartender.
“You don’t have to do that,” she said.
He grinned at her. “I don’t have to do anything but die and pay taxes,” he joked. “But buying you a drink? I want to do that! If you’ll let me, that is.”
She smiled. “Sure. That’d be nice. Thanks.”
“My pleasure,” he replied as he held out his hand. “I’m Ken.”
She took his hand and he smiled at the physical contact. “I’m Aly. Nice to meet you, Ken. Do you come here often?”
He shook his head. “Just finishing up some work in the area. It's been a long week, so I came here to unwind before I fly home tomorrow morning.” Before he could say more, the bartender brought over the second glass of Merlot. He handed her the glass and then tipped his glass towards hers. “Cheers,” he said in a friendly tone.
“Cheers,” she repeated with a laugh as she touched her glass to his. “And thanks again for the drink.”
“You’re welcome.” He took a sip from his glass before looking over at her. “Say, I haven’t eaten yet, Aly, and I’m starving. Care to join me?”
“Okay, but only if we split the bill -- and you let me buy the next round of drinks,” she replied.
“Deal!” he answered. He pointed to an empty table across the lounge. “Let’s grab that table. It has a nice view of the water.”
She took her drink and head to the empty table while he paid the bar tab, said something to the bartender and gave him a generous tip. He watched her as Aly moved across the lounge. She had well-toned legs and his eyes were again drawn to her pretty red toes. He waited for her to sit and then he sat across from her. “It’s nice to be sitting,” he said. “I’m a sales rep for a large pharmaceutical company,” he lied. “I’ve been making the rounds to hospitals and medical centers in the area to drum up interest in a new antibiotic we’ll be rolling out as soon as we get our last government approval. I never realized how many medical facilities there are down here. What about you? What do you do?” he asked after taking a sip from his drink.
“I work for the U.S. Navy,” she answered.
He raised an eyebrow. “Really? That’s fascinating,” he said. “Tell me more.”
And so it went. They had dinner; they danced; they took a walk around the Club's harborside dock to enjoy the early spring air; they talked; they laughed; and they enjoyed a few more glasses of the Merlot.
At just after midnight, he excused himself to use the Men’s Room, but, instead of using the facilities, he continued past the restroom to an exit that led to the parking lot. Some people were milling around outside with cigarettes. When he was sure no one was paying attention to him, he then made his way towards Aly’s blue car. He knelt behind it as if to tie a shoe lace, but he actually took two tire valve caps from his pocket, each of which had small needle-like prongs driven into the caps. He quickly unscrewed the valve caps from the rear tires of the blue car and replaced them with the caps taken from his pocket. He heard a faint hiss as the air very slowly escaped from the two rear tires. Satisfied, he returned to the restaurant, went to the bathroom and returned to the table where Aly sat sipping her Merlot.
They paid the dinner bill and danced again for a good while before finally sitting at the table to finish their drinks. At 1:30 AM, just when the bartender was getting ready for ‘last call,’ he yawned and said to her, “I’ve really enjoyed tonight, Aly. Thank you. But it’s late and I have a flight out in the morning, so I should be going.”
She looked at the clock. “I think I’m going to head home too. I had a nice time too, Ken. Thanks.”
“I’ll walk you to your car,” he said. “Lead the way.”
He followed her out of the club and into the early spring Florida night air, again admiring the view of her from behind. When she reached her blue car and took her keys out, he smiled at her. “I’m really glad we met, Aly. Tonight was fun.” He leaned close and gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek. “Good night.”
“Good night, Ken. It was great meeting you too.” She climbed into the car, locked the door and turned the key in the ignition. She waved to him through the window and drove towards the parking lot exit.
The kidnapper watched her car go. He wasn’t concerned. He had done this before and knew she wouldn’t get far. He slowly walked across the parking lot to his van, waited another two minutes, and then followed her up the dark road that led to the highway.
As expected, he saw Aly’s car pulled over as far to the right as the narrow two-lane road would allow. She stood near the back of the blue car. He slowed down and pulled the van alongside her. He powered down the passenger side window. “Aly! What’s wrong with your car?” he asked.
She smiled as she saw his familiar face. “Of all the rotten luck! I have two flat tires. It’s too dark to see if I ran over something sharp or anything, but they’re both flat. I can even hear air coming from the back tires.” She looked frustrated as she said, “I was about to start walking back to the Club because there’s no cell signal here so I can’t even call for a tow truck. Must be a dead spot. I’m sure glad to see you again, Ken,” she smiled. “You’ll drive me back, won’t you?”
“Sure thing, but let me take a look. Maybe it’s not as bad as you think. Hold on a second and I’ll pull behind you so we’ll have a little light.” He put the van in reverse and parked it behind the blue car, leaving the engine running. A few seconds later, he was kneeling and checking out each rear tire of the car. “I definitely don’t see any nails or glass, but I can hear air leaking out of each tire. Weird.” He took off the valve cap from one of the tires feigned surprise. “The air stopped leaking.” He looked at the cap in his hand and examined it. “Look at this,” he said. “Someone swapped out your tire valve caps. This cap has a little pin in it that let the air out of your tire. Check the other one.”
Aly knelt down by the other rear tire and removed the valve cap. As soon as she did, the hissing air stopped. “Dammit,” she said. “Same thing over here. Who the heck would do that?”
“Probably some kid prank,” he answered with a shake of his head. “But at least you don’t have to buy new tires. You just need to fill them up again.”
“Great,” she said half-heartedly. “I’m still stuck here till I can get air for the tires.”
He smiled. “No you’re not! We can get them inflated and have you on your way in a few minutes,” he said.
She looked at him curiously. “How? You have an air pump with you?” She forced a laugh.
“Nope,” he replied. “Something even better! Canned air! I do a lot of driving when I make sales calls and learned the hard way that flats in the middle of nowhere suck. I also learned that you can buy these cans filled with compressed air that will fill a tire and let you go about fifty miles on it till you can get the tire filled properly. It even seals small holes if you drive over a nail or something. I never travel without a few cans.”
“That’s amazing!”
“They’re also perfect to help the occasional stranded damsel in distress,” he joked. “Come on. If we each use a can, you’ll be back on the road in a few minutes,” he said as he walked towards the rear of his van. She followed him. He opened the back of the van and pointed to a box labeled “Tire-Fix” which was strapped to the side of the van. “Grab a couple of those for me,” he said while pointing to the box.
Aly leaned over to reach for the cans and that was when the kidnapper pounced. He took a white cloth out of a plastic bag he had put in his pocket before leaving the van. He suddenly pressed the cloth over the blonde’s face with his right hand as his left hand wrapped around her torso. She immediately tried screaming and she struggled frantically, but he held her in place with the cloth covering her mouth and nose. She soon found herself feeling dizzy, then groggy and then her limbs felt heavier than ever before. “That’s it, Aly, just breathe it in and go to sleep,” he whispered into her ear as he held her. “Leave everything else to me.” A few second later, she stopped moving and was unconscious.
The kidnapper lifted her into his arms and gently placed her facedown in the back of the van on a small blue mat that covered most of its metal floor. He put the cloth back in the bag, grabbed two cans of the compressed air, and used them to inflate the rear tires of her car. After the tires were filled, he replaced the original valve caps, taking care to smudge any fingerprints. Next, he grabbed her purse from the front of the car. He left the car unlocked with the keys in the ignition.
He returned to the van, tossed Aly’s purse onto the passenger seat and climbed into the driver’s seat. A quick glance over his shoulder into the back of the van drew a smile from him as he saw the pretty blonde sleeping soundly just where he had left her. He put the van into “drive” and pulled away. The entire abduction had taken less than four minutes.
He knew from experience that the diluted chloroform he used would keep Aly out for about an hour so he drove carefully down the highway. Forty minutes later, he left the highway and, drove until he saw a dark building that was set back from the roadway. He pulled into its parking lot, switched off the headlights, and turned on the dome light for the cargo hold of the van. The kidnapper climbed into the back of the van and opened a toolbox. He grabbed five lengths of pre-cut rope from the toolbox and placed them on the mat beside the unconscious girl. He also tore off three strips of silver duct tape and stuck one end of each strip on the side of the van.
The kidnapper smiled as he ran his hands over Aly’s body, smoothing out her sundress and gliding his fingers over her bare legs. At last, he took the first piece of rope and used it to bind her ankles together, winding the rope around her ankles several times before making a cinch, pulling it snug and then knotting the ends of the rope so many times that it would be impossible for Aly to reach the knots once he was done tying her. He used the second rope, which was a little longer than the first, to bind her legs together just above her knees, once again circling the rope around and around her legs till they were secured like her ankles with a tight and snug cinch and a knot she would not be able to reach or undo once she regained consciousness.
Satisfied with how Aly’s ankles and legs were bound, the kidnapper moved to her hands. He took her hands in his, remembering how he had enjoyed shaking her hand briefly when they met hours earlier. He held her hands for a few seconds, admiring their softness, but then he got back to business and crossed her wrists behind her back. Using a third length of rope, he bound her wrists together and knotted the ends beyond the reach of her fingers. He then sat with his back to the wall of the van and spread his legs apart before pulling the unconscious girl a sitting position between his legs. Her back leaned against him as her head slumped forward. He held her around her waist and hugged her to him, enjoying the smell of her blonde hair for a few seconds as he moved his head close to hers. Then, he reached for the final length of rope and bound her upper arms to her body by wrapping the long piece of rope several times around her, carefully positioning the rope below her breasts. As he tied her, his hands occasionally brushed over her breasts, exciting him. He forced himself to finish the job at hand and made a tight knot behind her back before gently easing her facedown again on the mat.
Finally, he took the smallest of the pre-cut lengths of rope and, after folding her bound legs towards her back, he used the rope to tie her bound ankles to her bound wrists, putting her into an effective, but not too stringent, hogtie. He admired the bound blonde as she lay there and, once more, he caressed the side of her leg below the hem of the sundress.
As his hand glided back and forth along the side of her thigh, she stirred and uttered a moan. She felt herself waking like she did every morning for work but, when she tried to stretch her arms, she found that they wouldn’t move. Puzzled, she opened her eyes and tried again to move her arms and legs. She suddenly realized that she was bound hand and foot and that her ankles and wrists were tied to each other. She struggled to get free. But the ropes held. She realized that someone was stroking her leg and craned her head backwards to see her assailant. Her eyes widened as she saw him and remembered how he had grabbed her and smothered her when she was reaching into the back of the van.
“Ken!” she yelled. “What the fuck is going on? What the fuck are you doing?”
He grinned at her. “It’s not my real name, Aly, but you can continue using it if you like. As for what I’m doing, I’m kidnapping you,” he said as he stroked her leg again.
“This isn’t funny, asshole. Untie me and let me go! Right now!” She struggled and pulled at her bonds, but all she succeeded in doing was making herself tired and more uncomfortable.
“Just relax, Aly. I’m not going to hurt you. I’m just going to borrow you for a day or so. You’ll be back home soon enough if all goes as planned.” He let go of her leg and reached for her purse which was on the passenger seat of the van. He emptied its contents on the mat and grabbed her iPhone. He was happy to find that the phone was not password protected so he called up its camera feature and pointed the lens at her. “Smile, Aly,” he said as he snapped several pictures of her as she struggled and stared daggers at him. When he got a few shots to his liking, he opened up the gallery and browsed the photos. He held the phone so she could see and scrolled through the images. “Very photogenic, Aly. I may have to keep a few of these for after we part ways,” he told her as he brushed his hand over her leg again.
“You’re a bastard, Ken, or whatever the fuck your name is. You’re going to go to jail for this. They’ll find me and they’ll get you,” she threatened with venom in her tone.
“I don’t think so, Aly. You’re not the first girl I’ve kidnapped and I haven’t been caught yet. Now let’s see what else you have on this phone of yours.”He saw tears at the corners of her eyes as she finally started crying. “Please, Ken,” she said in a more subdued, calmer voice. “Please just untie me and let me go.”
“Shhhhh,” he said to her. “I know what I’m doing and I meant it when I said that I wasn’t going to hurt you.”
She rocked herself back and forth as she strained against the bindings before slumping in defeat. “You’re never going to get away with this. They’ll catch you. They’ll start looking for me and they’ll find me, Ken.”
“Aly? Who even knows you’re missing right now?” he asked. “No one. And we’re far from The Surfside Grill now. Even when they find your car with the keys still in it and looking none the worse for wear, where will anyone look?”
“They’ll find me, you bastard. They’ll find me and I hope you rot in prison!” she yelled at him.
He ran his fingers through her hair. “They won’t. And I think that’s enough talking for now, Aly,” he said as he suddenly gave her hair a sharp tug.
“Owwwww!” she yelped loudly, which gave him the opportunity he needed to push another white cloth inside her open mouth. He held her head still with one hand as he grabbed a piece of duct tape from the side of the van. He pressed the tape over her mouth to seal the cloth inside. He quickly added the other two strips of tape to her lips. She grunted into the gag and tried to yell curses at him, but found that she could only make muffled noises now. She pleaded with her eyes instead as she mewed into the gag.
The kidnapper ignored her as he sat with his back leaning against the wall of the van. “Perfect,” he said. “Thanks for having your phone contacts organized so nicely for me, Aly.” She looked at him curiously. “I’m going to send a text now to ‘Mom’ and ‘Dad’ with a few of those pictures we took with your phone along with a simple message warning them against calling the police or FBI and asking them to send an email to a secure email address I set up.” Her eyes opened wide as he typed on the keyboard of her iPhone and then pressed send. He closed her phone and powered it off.
As she watched him, he reached into the toolbox and took out a computer tablet that had an Internet air card attached to it. “This is a burner air card,” he explained as he showed her the device attached to the tablet. “It has a limited number of cellular minutes and then it’s dead. I bought a bunch of them last year in New York City. They were cheap and they’re untraceable now. Still, why take chances, right?” he asked. “I even make the air card’s IP address anonymous by using a program called Tor, which is a free system of software and servers around the world that allows for anonymous Internet traffic. In other words, untraceable emails. I opened a special account just for you, Aly. Once your parents email me, I will give them instructions for your ransom. Then, I get rid of the air card and never use that anonymous email account again.”
She looked at him quizzically, her body trying to relax in the bindings now that she knew she couldn’t get loose from them on her own. He took a tissue from the toolbox and wiped the remnants of her tears from her cheeks before moving a stray lock of her blonde hair away from her face and tucking it behind her ear. “I never ask for more than $15,000, which most families can come up with pretty easily. It’s also not so much money that they risk putting their loved ones’ lives in danger by involving the authorities.” He grinned at her. “But, because I had such a nice time with you at dinner tonight, I’m only going to ask Mom and Dad for $10,000 for your release.”
She cursed at him through the gag, prompting him to slap her on the backside lightly before he took the tablet to the front of the van. He set it on a console between the front seats so he would know immediately when her parents responded to his texted instructions. “It’s still the middle of the night, so we’ll give your folks time to wake up and check their phones for text messages. In the meantime, we’ll go for a nice drive to an abandoned warehouse where we’ll be spending our time together till the ransom is paid.” He reached under the driver’s seat and took out a blanket which he used to cover her. “When we get to the warehouse, I’ll let you stretch and give you some food and water. You can use the bathroom there too.” He climbed back behind the wheel and, before driving back to the highway, he looked at his hogtied captive. He gave he a wink and told her, “In the meantime, enjoy the ride.” He drove at a steady speed, occasionally glancing behind him at the captive girl who appeared to have fallen asleep. Once, when he looked back, he thought he saw her smiling as she slept.
Ninety minutes later . . .
The warehouse was a three-story high cinderblock structure with no windows other than four skylights. Built-in rack shelving along the walls were empty other than for the occasional empty brown cartons. Broken wooden pallets littered the floor. Six garage doors from a loading dock had been chained closed at the rear of the warehouse. The building’s weathered concrete floor was spalled and cracked. The warehouse looked as if it hadn’t been used for business in several years. The building was deserted except for a pretty blonde girl in her late twenties who was tied securely to a sturdy wooden chair while her kidnapper sat on a battered desk nearby swinging his legs back and forth as he touched the screen of his computer tablet.
As Ally struggled and strained against the ropes that bound her tightly to the chair, she recalled what happened after she woke from the ride in the back of the van. Upon arriving at the warehouse, her abductor had freed her from the hogtie but left her otherwise bound. He carried her over his shoulder, running his hands several times over her bare legs and thighs, but he never slipped them under her purple and white sundress. He awkwardly unlocked a door at the back of the warehouse after smacking her backside and warning her to hold still so he wouldn’t drop her as he fiddled with the key and lock.
Once inside, he carried her to a chair and desk in the center of the warehouse. Morning sunlight shone through the skylights. He removed her gag after warning her not to scream – not that anyone was nearby and would hear her – and then, as promised, he hand-fed her a Granola bar and let her sip bottled water through a straw. He opened one of the desk drawers and took out a pile of rope which he tossed on top of the desk. He fashioned one of the longer pieces into a noose and draped it over her head.
“What’s that for?" she asked. "What are you doing? Please don’t put that around my neck. I’ve been good. I didn’t scream,” she spoke with a fear-filled voice.
Her captor shook his head. “Relax, Aly. This is just a precaution. I’m going to untie you briefly so you can use the bathroom, but this will guaranty that once you’re done you’ll sit your pretty butt back in that chair.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “Deal?"
She grudgingly nodded her head. “It’s not like I have much choice, do I?”
He smiled at her. “No, I guess you don’t,” he said as he set about untying the ropes that had bound her since her abduction.
Now, twenty minutes after he had let her use the restroom, Aly was bound tightly to the chair. Her kidnapper had first retied her wrists behind her back before helping her sit with her bound wrists positioned behind the back of the chair. He then meticulously set about tying her up. He tied a second length of rope around her upper arms, not so tight as to bring her elbows together but tight enough to further restrict the movements of her arms. Once he was satisfied with how her arms and wrists were tied, he turned his attention to her feet and legs, grabbing four more pieces of the rope and tossing them to the floor near her chair.
He took the first bit of rope and used it to bind her ankles together. He took his time as he wound the rope neatly six times around her ankles before making three cinches to tighten the ropes and then knotting it. He checked the bindings and smiled as his eyes found their way again to her red-painted toes. She coughed as she saw him staring at her feet. He lifted his gaze and returned to business by running his fingers lightly up her bare legs before taking a longer second piece of rope and using it to tie her legs just below the knees. He wound this rope around her legs eight times before making the cinch and knot. He did the same thing with a third length of rope, binding her legs this time several inches above her knees. He enjoyed the feel of his fingers roaming over her soft skin so he decided to use the fourth rope to bind her thighs just under the hem of her sundress.
“One more to go and then I’ll know you’re not going to run off on me. Just do me a favor though, huh? Raise your legs for a minute or two so I can add this last rope to your thighs?”
Surprisingly, she did as he asked. When he looked at her curiously, she just shrugged her shoulders. He nodded and tied her thighs. He noticed how his heart beat faster as his hands and fingers applied this rope. For her part, Aly just closed her eyes and then lowered her legs once he’d made the fourth knot. He surveyed the ropework and frowned. “Still not secure enough for my liking, so . . .”
He picked up an extremely long length of rope and moved behind the chair. He began by folding the incredibly long piece of rope in half and draping it over her head. He pulled it around her waist and began winding it around her body and the back of the chair three times, effectively binding her to the seat. But he didn’t stop there. There was still a lot of rope left and he put it to good use by making a lattice of bindings around and between her nice-sized breasts, wrapping the rope above and below them and criss-crossing it between them. He finally tied the ends of the rope off around the back of her neck. “I don’t think you’ll be going anywhere anytime soon, Aly,” he said with satisfaction.
She tested the bindings by pulling her wrists, trying to spread her legs, and struggling to pull herself out of the chair. “Did you have to make it so tight?” she asked when she realized that she was inescapably bound to the chair.
He nodded. “I’ll cut you loose once mommy and daddy pay up,” he answered. “And speaking of that, let’s see if they got my text message and pictures.” He sat on the edge of the desk, swinging his legs back and forth as he checked the secure email account on the tablet. Aly watched him and saw him frown.
“Did they reply?” she asked hesitantly.
He slowly nodded. “They’re prepared to pay the ransom but they want proof that I haven’t hurt you.”
“Proof?” she queried.
“They must watch a lot of television,” he said with exasperation. “They want me to text them a picture of you holding today’s morning edition of the Tampa Bay Times. Only then will they send the money.”
She laughed at him. “They do watch a lot of TV but that’s how you’re going to get caught, Ken. Or whatever your name is. They’ll trace the money to whatever account you have my parents send it to and then you’ll end up in jail.”
He raised his voice when he replied. “You don’t know a thing about how I operate. I told you I’ve been at this awhile and I haven’t been caught yet. There are plenty of ways to send money anonymously and to make it so the transfer is untraceable. Google it once you’re home and you’ll see. But first things first. You’re not getting home till I get my money and your parents' demand is just making this take longer.”
“Sucks to be you, doesn’t it?” she laughed at him.
His eyes narrowed and a hint of anger crossed his face. “No, it sucks to be you,” he said as he reached into the desk drawer and took out two long pieces of cloth which he knotted together. “Because now I have to leave to get a fucking newspaper. And that means I have to gag you again.”
She shook her head vigorously. “No! Please! Don’t gag me! You said yourself that no one was nearby who could hear me. I don’t want to be gagged again!”
“Sorry, but I’m not taking any chances. And I’m tired of your wiseass comments anyway.” He moved behind her and, without any warning, pulled the knot that joined the two cloths into her mouth. He then tied the ends of the cloth behind her head. “Much better,” he said as he looked her over. “Much, much better.”
She glared at him and fought the bindings, but she could not get loose and her muffled threats through the gag could barely be heard.
“I’ll be back in less than an hour.” He chuckled. “Just sit tight while I’m gone!” He stepped out of the office, closed and locked the door behind him, and left the warehouse.
Aly heard the van start and drive away. She was alone in an abandoned warehouse. No one but she and her captor knew she was there. Dark thoughts began running through her mind. What if he doesn’t come back? What if someone worse comes into the warehouse while he was gone? What if he didn’t let her go after her parents paid the ransom? She began breathing hard and struggling again. She strained and pulled at the ropes, but they didn't budge. She tried yelling through the gag, but she could barely make any noise. She closed her eyes and tried again and again to get free but he had tied her too well. In the end, she slumped in the chair and relaxed as best she could, hoping her kidnapper would return and keep his word.
She must have dozed because when she opened her eyes, her abductor was back. “You were sleeping and you looked so peaceful that I didn’t want to wake you,” he said. “You even moaned and smiled in your sleep. Must have been some dream.” He chuckled as he stared at the bound and gagged girl.
She glared at him again and made more incoherent threats.
He ignored her and held up the newspaper. “Ready for your next photo op?” he said as he positioned the paper on her lap so the headline faced forward. He used her iPhone and snapped another picture of her which he immediately texted to her parents. “Hopefully, they check their text messages soon.”
Five minutes later, another email appeared on the tablet from Aly’s parents. “Oh for God’s sake,” he said. “Now they say that they’ll transfer the money, but only after they hear from you through FaceTime that you're all right.” He reached over and undid the gag. “I’ll hold the phone for you. Just tell them you’re okay and to pay me the money! Short and sweet, got it?”
“Yeah, I got it,” she said with anger.
As he held her iPhone, the call signal came through from her parents. He held the phone so they could only see Aly. She smiled despite being so securely tied as soon as she saw them on the phone's display screen. “Mom! Dad! Please pay him! He says he’ll let me go once you pay!”
She watched as her father and mother looked at each other, smiled, and then turned back to her. “Aly dear," said her mother, "We’ve already paid Ken.”
She looked puzzled. “You did?” she asked.
“Yes, honey. In fact,we hired Ken to kidnap you. He runs this service we found on the Internet. Fantasy Abductions Incorporated. You may think we’re clueless, but we’ve known for years that you like bondage and have kidnap fantasies, so we set this up for you. Happy Birthday, Aly.” Her father was grinning as he looked at her on the phone display.
Aly sat there speechless as she looked at her parents on the screen. They were trying hard nor to laugh. She then looked up at her kidnapper, who was also trying hard to stifle his own laughter. “Fantasy Abductions Incorporated?” she asked through her clenched teeth.
“’Fraid so,” he said. “It’s a pretty lucrative business to be honest.” Ken turned the phone to look at her parents. “Mr. and Mrs. Boucher, thank you for your business. I enjoyed this one more than most of my fantasy kidnappings. I’ll let Aly loose now and take her back to her car.”
“Thank you very much, Ken. We’ll post a nice review on your website!” said Aly’s mother.
“That’d be great. Thank you!” he said as he ended the FaceTime connection with her parents.
“So,” said Ken. “This is the tricky part. I’m going to untie you, but I hope you won’t hit me or anything once you’re free.”
“I should hit you, Ken. Or whatever your name really is."
"It actually is Ken,” he admitted.
“You really do this for a living?” she asked as he began undoing the ropes around her chest, occasionally letting his fingers wander for fleeting moments.
“More as a side business. It gives me some extra cash and, like you, I enjoy bondage games. Always have,” he answered.
She blushed. “I can’t believe my parents knew that about me!”
Ken nodded. “They knew all right. They told me all the things you liked and gave me ideas for how to handle your abduction.”
She blushed again. “So why did you enjoy this one more than your other jobs?” she asked as he began undoing the four ropes around her legs.
He paused and looked up at her. “Well, I really did enjoy dinner, and talking and dancing with you at The Surfside Grill. Oh! That reminds me. Your car’s in their parking lot. I slipped the bartender $20 to park it there after telling him where he would find it.”
She nodded, but she smiled. He smiled back. “So, will you be at The Surfside Grill again next Friday, Aly?” he asked.
She thought for a moment as he freed her legs. “That depends,” she answered.
He raised an eyebrow questioningly. “On?”
She grinned and her eyes twinkled with mischief. “Whether you're any good at tying a crotchrope too,” she said with a bright smile.
Notes: You REALLY can find anything on the Internet! For example, there are YouTube videos that show how to give someone a flat tire by fabricating a valve cap that lets air out of a tire. (It’s NOT a nice thing to do though, so DON’T do it for real!) You can also find ways, such as by using Tor software, to send untraceable emails. The Internet can also show you how to transfer money anonymously and so it can’t be traced once it’s sent. And finally, you can even find companies that provide fantasy kidnapping adventures to paying clients. Yes, you really CAN find anything on the Internet!
When and how did your mom find out (IF you want to tell me, of course). My mother knows I'm into bondage because each year since 2008 I've gone to a fetish convention and lectured about legal issues relating to the adult and fetish industry. She just shook her head the first time and said something like, "You went to law school to do THAT?"
As for your career, it sounds like you have the best of both worlds: You give legal aid to an under served group of people while getting to hang out with them. Well done!
I'm glad you enjoyed the story even if it had a spoiler before you did
And having her "captor" actually speak to the people who hired him made it seem more dire to Aly! At least that was what I was going for.
I've got a story planned for Wisp that hopefully will be a funny bondage style story. With the light heartedness that I'm trying to include.
it's really wonderful !
I hope my husband find such as these companies for fantasy kidnapping services
Always happy to fave for quality.
I assume these kidnapping companies would need the kidnappee's consent. If I was Aly I'd be furious at the parents for setting up something like that (and I'm a die-hard damsel.)
Of course, it worked out great for Aly and Ken.
Please keep the stories coming!
Thanks for faving this one!
LOL! And you should be careful about telling me that you imagined yourself in Aly's place because, after I write the next two stories I've got planned, it could easily be arranged for you to be a character in one of my stories (only if you'd like that though of course
But I can also be quite fond of smaller, more romantic scenes as well. Which would you feel more comfortable writing about?
I think it would be neat and interesting to do a story that contains both elements -- dark and romantic (which I like writing too from time to time).
I'm not afraid to try writing darker stuff as long as it's part of the plot and not the plot itself, if that makes sense.