6 years ago
It was just a normal day at Westbell High School... students and faculty all enjoyed their casual conversations, walking down the halls and gossiping and laughing about their experiences... all blissfully ignorant of the dark secrets that surrounded the building...
Students often transferred out of the school. It wasn't anything strange, really, Westbell wasn't by any means a particularly good school. The rules were strict and the slightest mistake could get you in trouble. Needless to say, many people would just give up on the stupid rules and leave... or, at least that's what many thought... but one innocent young girl would soon find the truth behind this school... it wasn't just any normal high school, oh no...
Sarah Herr, a gorgeous young brunette walked down the hall, flashing her regular, cute smile her friends and even the socially awkward students who undoubtedly crushed on her. There was something kind of adorable about them, the way they would stutter whenever trying to talk to her. She was always seen as a goody two-shoes. Everything she did was always right in line with the school rules, she was always very careful to avoid breaking these rules, even going so far as to measure her skirt with a ruler to ensure that it was at least a foot and a half long.
Today, Sarah was wearing an innocent-enough outfit. Her breasts were somewhat large, about C-cup. They were always a bit of a pain to cover up, she would usually use a white cloth to place under her shirts in order to keep her cleavage from showing in the opening of her black vest. After all, she wouldn't want to be written up for having exposed cleavage! Under the vest was a long-sleeve white shirt that ran down her arms' length. She also wore a crimson skirt with black shorts underneath, it was against school rules to wear skirts without proper-length shorts underneath. She wore black Mary Jane flats over her long white socks that came up to just below her skirt. Anyone would've thought that she, of all people, would be the last to get in trouble... and yet, that was just what was going to happen.
She had just turned into Mr. Herrick's Math class. She took her seat at the front of the class, crossing her legs and still flashing her sweet smile. Most students took seats as far away from the teachers as possible, but she had decided that would only make her seem suspicious. What she wasn't sure of, however, was that Mr. Herrick was a man determined to punish students, and Sarah was no exception. Her innocent demeanor would make her an absolutely perfect target.
"Good morning, Mr. Herrick!" she spoke in her usual, cheery manner.
"Good morning..." Mr. Herrick said, as grumpy as always. "You there!" He shouted, pointing in the back of the room in the direction of a boy with his head down on the desk. "Get out of the classroom, go to the office! You have detention!" The boy just frowned and complied and Sarah watched as the boy got up and walked out of the room with a frown on her own face.
"I'm sorry..." she said to him as he passed by. Having never had detention a day in her life, she couldn't imagine what it would be like... She could only imagine that it would be a horrible experience! Something she would never forget for the rest of her life... but little did she know, she was about to find out just what it was like...
Mr. Herrick shifted his gaze to sweet little Sarah... he had to catch her making a mistake at some point, nobody was perfect and he was going to find that one simple mistake... he looked up and down her sexy, model-like figure... analyzing every single article of her clothing... there was so little skin exposed and yet, something about her was seductive... there had to be something there... one mistake... even if he had to make it up himself... that's when he saw it, he noticed that the part of Sarah's shirt... no, it's not her shirt at all... it wasn't lined up properly with her shoulders to be a shirt... and that gave him an idea. "Wait! Before you leave, I have something to tell you." The boy turned around and hesitantly walked back to the teacher as the teacher whispered something into his ear. Sarah didn't try to figure out what was being said, eavesdropping would get her in trouble, after all. After Mr. Herrick finished speaking, the boy just smiled and said "Thank you, sir." He turned and walked back to his seat. This surprised Sarah as she had never seen Mr. Herrick, or any teacher for that matter, forgive a student for even such a minor thing as looking like he was asleep...
As the boy walked by her, however, he tripped over the corner of Sarah's desk and fell onto her. He blushed a little and stood up. "Uh.. s-sorry about that..." Sarah just smiled up at him. "It's okay, it was an accident!" But as the boy made his way back to his seat, Mr. Herrick suddenly spoke up again.
"Ms Herr... may I ask why you decide it was appropriate to wear such provocative clothes to school?" Sarah was confused by her teacher's words until she looked down and gasped in shock. The cloth was gone! Her cleavage was exposed completely!
"O-oh my gosh, Mr. Herrick! I-I'm so sorry, I-I could've sworn it was covered! I-I'll go to the bathroom real quickly and cover it with toilet paper or something!" She blushed, feeling humiliated as she placed her hands over her cleavage to cover it up as best as she could.
"There will be no need, Ms. Herr. You'll have detention... with me, after school." Those words made Sarah's heart drop and brought tears to her eyes.
"B-but, Mr. Herrick...! Please, I-I didn't mean-"
"No excuses, Ms. Herr! The rules are here for a reason, you're poisoning the minds of everyone around you with clothing like that! Detention! After school! Today!"
Sarah just looked down, ashamed now that she had forgotten such a simple thing... she was sure she had worn the cloth! She always made a note of it every day! How could this happen!? And now she had detention!? "Y-yes, Mr. Herrick... I-I'm sorry..." the poor girl was choked up now, she had no idea what she was going to do! How would her parents react? She was already breaking down crying in the middle of class, wiping her tears with her hands as they roll down her soft, delicate cheeks... What was going to happen after? Would she be kicked out of the school? Maybe that's why so many people don't return after getting detention once...
After several hours passed, it was finally time... school was over and poor Sarah was on her way back to Mr. Herrick's class... her heart was pounding with fear as she had no idea what was going to happen... she entered the room and Mr. Herrick was pleased to see that she had actually come.
"There you are, ms. Herr... and here I thought you wouldn't come, then you would have likely gotten suspended or even expelled..." He looked into Sarah's eyes, they were red as she had already started crying again.
"Please, Mr. Herrick, I'm sorry... Please let me explain!"
"No need, Ms. Herr, I understand. You're a teenager and people your age get more... hormonal..."
"Wh-what..? No, Mr. Herrick, I just-"
Mr. Herrick just smiles and stands up, gently wrapping his arm around the young girl's delicate shoulders as he sits down, gently lowering Sarah's soft, perfectly round ass onto his lap. This causes Sarah to blush in surprise, this was against the rules...!
"M-Mr. Herrick! I-It's against the rules for a student to sit in the lap of-"
"Of another student, yes, Ms. Herr... however, as you know, I am a teacher, so it is perfectly okay..."
Sarah began to feel a little uncomfortable, but didn't think much of it. "O-okay, I guess... b-but..."
The teacher just interrupted Sarah again. "No need, Ms. Herr... I know you want to deny it, but I know what's going on here... you're just trying to attract... attention..." With those words, the man gently placed his hand upon her chest, causing her to gasp in surprise.
"M-Mr. Herrick, please!" She immediately begins to push his hand off, but the teacher just returns his grip again. "Uh-uh, Ms. Herr... it's against the rules to push a teacher."
"B-but, Mr. Herrick, th-this is illegal..! A-a teacher can't do this to his student...! E-especially without consent...! I-I'm not giving you my consent...!" Sarah immediately regretted these words as they brought a smile to Mr. Herrick's face.
"Then you're expelled." These words sent shocks through sweet little Sarah's body, her eyes wide with horror. "And I'll have your consent soon enough..."
Present day
It was another normal day at Westbell High School. students and faculty all enjoyed their casual conversations, walking down the halls and gossiping and laughing about their experiences... all blissfully ignorant of the dark secrets that surrounded the building...
Class was about to start, and a mature woman sat at the desk of her own class room, watching as the students pile in one after another, analyzing every aspect of each individual's clothing and ensuring that they are all following the rules... It's not long before the one she had her eyes on finally shows up, his pants were always tight enough to stay perfectly along his waistline without being too tight to expose his lower regions... Every day, the boy followed the rules so flawlessly, but the teacher knew he could never be perfect... there had to be something about him... something about his body, despite his innocent clothing, there was always something about him that made her fantasize about what was underneath... The boy soon walked up to the front of the class and sat down in his normal seat in front of her desk with a bright, friendly smile.
"Good morning, Mrs. Herr!"
This was just an idea that popped into my head and I fell in love with it as soon as I came up with it! Perhaps I'll make an uncensored series to share all the details of what happens in the middle in the future!
I was considering doing this as a roleplay with one of my friends, but I decided I hadn't uploaded a story to my gallery in a long time and I liked this so much I wanted to share it with the world! <3
Edit: Thanks a lot to my good friend
, I now have cover art for this story! This was used with permission, of course, and he even went beyond the request and made an entire series, which I will upload separately!
Here are the links to the illustrations!
fav.me/d8sbpr2 - Entrance/Cover
fav.me/d8sbqa1 - Boy Called Up
fav.me/d8sbqmp - Whispering
fav.me/d8sbqs1 - Trip
fav.me/d8sbqx1 - "Detention"
I was considering doing this as a roleplay with one of my friends, but I decided I hadn't uploaded a story to my gallery in a long time and I liked this so much I wanted to share it with the world! <3
Edit: Thanks a lot to my good friend

Here are the links to the illustrations!
fav.me/d8sbpr2 - Entrance/Cover
fav.me/d8sbqa1 - Boy Called Up
fav.me/d8sbqmp - Whispering
fav.me/d8sbqs1 - Trip
fav.me/d8sbqx1 - "Detention"
Very awesome job!
I'd love to do a roleplay of something like that sometime in the future, but I know how busy you can be, and I am going to be as well. xP