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Birds of Prey
Episode 2 Belling the Cat

Story by L’Espion illustrated by the remarkable RenderPretender
[email protected]

Chapter 2 Pussy Whipping
They must think I’m an idiot.  Selina scrolled down the article in the online edition of the Gotham Guardian.  Egyptian Cat Goddess Prowls Gotham blared the headline.  

This is a setup if there ever was one.  It was especially suspicious as the exhibit of ancient Egyptian art featuring the cat goddess Bastet was not being held in the most likely venue, the Wayne Gallery, but in a converted warehouse near the waterfront called the Galerie des Art.  It had not existed until only a few weeks ago and that in itself made it rather doubtful.  Still, the exhibit was supposedly insured for over a quarter of a billion with the jewel-encrusted onyx statue of the goddess being valued at twenty-five million by itself.  

She clicked on the images section of the article.  Flicking through them, she stopped on the image of Bastet.  Her green eyes widened.  Damn!  I’ve got to have that.  

She had expected it to be black, but it shone with an almost translucent sheen that seemed to allow her to look into the heart of the stone.  Oh, I couldn’t sell that.  I’d have to keep it for myself; at least for a little while.  

She exited the web page and brought up a file she had stolen from the archives in the Gotham City Public Works Department.  A few years ago the city had digitalized all of the old building plans and she had made it her business to break into the Public Works Offices and download a copy for her personal use.  It took her only moments to bring up plans of the converted warehouse.    

Hmm.  Looks easy enough to get into.  Still there were bound to be updates and that means....  She hit a few keys that took her into the Public Works website.  A few more keystrokes activated a program she had installed when she had carried out her break-in.  It let her into the files detailing the recent changes that had been made to the building to complete its conversion into an art gallery.  

“Ah here we are,” she muttered.  “And what do you know?  The building is owned by Pyotr Enterprises.  No big surprise there.”

Pyotr Enterprises was one of Rozanov’s front companies.  No doubt it operated at a loss, but that hardly mattered since it was used to launder cash from a variety of illegal activities. So far as Selina was concerned that simply made it an even more desirable target.  However, she had no intention of going in blind.  She studied the upgraded plans carefully until she had them sufficiently memorized.  No doubt the building would have a modern security system, but she doubted that it was anything she couldn’t handle.  

There was the matter of Rozanov’s goons, but if they were anything like those at his house she wasn’t expecting too much trouble.  In the meantime, she had a smaller job lined up for the night.  Time for a nap.  She would strike at midnight and she knew from experience that the better rested she was the easier the job would be.

“You think she’ll go for it?” Rozanov asked.  

The tall bald man he was speaking to nodded.  In spite of the fact that all of Rozanov’s bodyguards were bigger than the bald man he was almost certainly the scariest individual Rozanov had ever encountered.  

It’s those damned glasses Rozanov thought.  They gave the man a most menacing appearance.  

The glasses in question were more like goggles, fitting the man’s skull tightly and they glowed with a reddish light as the lenses flickered, going through constant adjustments that changed the nature of the light reaching the man’s eyes.  

It’s just damned creepy, that’s what it is.  But Rozanov conveyed none of his sense of unease as he waited for an answer.

“Oh yes,” Philo Zeiss answered.  “She can’t resist a challenge.  She’d come even if you surrounded the building with the entire Gotham police force.”

“But surely she knows that the building will be guarded and that we we’ll be expecting her,” Rozanov objected.  

“Of course, but that bitch lives on the edge.  You see, to her the monetary gain from her crimes is secondary.  It’s the thrill she enjoys.  All we have to do is wait until she shows up.”

“You think she’ll come tonight?”

“Maybe,” Zeiss answered.  “The exhibition runs for a week.  She might wait until the last day.  But whenever she comes I’ll be waiting for her.”

You better be, Rozanov thought.  It cost me enough to get you out of prison.  I had to call in more than a  few favours to spring you.  

As if guessing his thoughts Zeiss turned his unsettling gaze on Rozanov.  “Don’t worry.  I’ll deal with the bitch.  Just remember that before I turn her over to you I get to spend a few hours with her first.”

“I don’t want her damaged,” Rozanov said.  “She’s no good to me if she’s so badly injured she can’t answer questions.”

Zeiss snorted.  “I know what you want.  But we’re not dealing with a normal criminal here.  I might have to bust her up a bit in order to take her prisoner.”

“All right,” Rozanov conceded.  “But try not to hurt her too badly, I want to do that myself.”

“Of course, Mr. Rozanov,” Zeiss smiled.  “She’ll still be able to walk and talk when I’m through with her.  However, she might be a bit sore.”

“Ah,” Rozanov smiled.  “I get your meaning.  In that case do whatever you want to her, just so she’s not too badly crippled.”

“Oh, I will, I will,” Zeiss replied.

Selina waited until the fifth day of the exhibition before making her move.  By now anyone watching for her would be so bored with the routine they would not be nearly as alert as they would have been the first few nights and when it came to breaking into heavily guarded buildings, the tendency for the guards to slack off always gave her an advantage.

As she had suspected the building was secured by multiple layers of security.  In fact there were so many that disarming all of them was probably impossible.  However, all electronic measures had a severe Achilles heel and that was that they all ran on electricity and that weakness was one she had found a way to deal with.  She studied her watch and waited as the seconds counted down.  Ten..., nine..., eight....

Ten blocks away there was an explosion in an electrical substation.  It shut down all of the power in the waterfront area.  From the top of a water tower she watched the Galerie des Art suddenly go dark.  A few lights came back on almost immediately, powered by the emergency electrical system, but she had a plan for that too.  The generator powering the system was located in the rear of the building and the exhaust outlet for the diesel generator poked up through the roof.  She swung down from the tower, leaped to the top of another building next to the Galerie, ran full speed across the roof and leaped across the gap to the roof of the Galerie.

She moved with such speed and fluid grace that anyone watching would have been hard put to keep track of her.  One second she was in one place and then she was gone, her dark clothing blending in with the shadows.  

On the roof of the Galerie she darted across the roof to the exhaust pipe, taking a heavily weighted object from her belt as she did so.  Reaching the pipe she dropped it into the opening and then darted back to the shadows and waited.  

What she was waiting for didn’t take long.  The exhaust now completely blocked, the engine sputtered and then died, taking with it the backup generator.  That left only a few battery operated systems and killed most of the electronic security measures.  

Simple enough, Selina thought.  And something that those who had installed the security system should have thought of.  She had a choice of two entrances into the museum.  One was through a large skylight, but even with most of the lights blacked out a single flashlight would illuminate her and so she chose the more circuitous route.  

She dashed to a square structure sitting on top of the Galerie.  She knew from the plans she had studied that it housed the heating and air-conditioning system, and she also knew that the ducts that were part of that system were large enough for her to fit into.  It took her only seconds to remove the access panel and then she was in.

She smiled to herself as she worked her way deeper into the building.  It always surprised her that the ductwork did not have its own security system, but it was an access point that many security firms completely overlooked.  

She finally reached the main exhibition hall.  The Galerie des Art was one of those buildings with all of its mechanics exposed.  Selina had visited it two days ago and knew that the large circular duct she was in was painted bright orange and intended to be part of the Galerie’s modern charm.  There were several of these huge ducts servicing the main hall and she was able to move through them until she reached an air intake she could remove to gain access to the room.  

This she did with silent skill and surveyed the area below her.  Not surprisingly the power failure had alerted the many security guards on duty.  There were at least a score of them in the room, most of them waving flashlights around and looking into every part of the room.  But they would all be useless if the next part of her plan worked.  

She took a baseball-sized object from her belt and hurled it into the space below her.  There was a loud bang and suddenly the hall was filled with thick smoke.  It was so dense that even Selina’s special lenses could not penetrate it.  But that did not matter, she knew where she was in the building and where her target was as well.  

Securing a line to the opening in the duct she dropped straight down twenty feet to the glass case that protected the statue of the cat goddess.  More by feel than anything else, she located the top of the case, cut through it using one of her diamond-tipped claws, and reached inside.  In a moment she had the statue, and slipping it into a cloth bag she secured it to her belt and then pulled herself hand over hand back to the duct.  

It was then that things began to go wrong.

From both ends of the duct lights shone toward her, illuminating her head and shoulders just as she pulled herself through the opening.  Immediately there were shouts from the guards holding the flashlights.  “She’s here.  She’s in the duct.”

Damn!  She hadn’t expected that.  Guards must have been sent into the ductwork almost as soon as the backup generator went down.  Her escape route was cut off.  Fighting her way through the ductwork was not an option.  She wouldn’t be able to take advantage of her superior agility and fighting skills and besides she didn’t know how many guards were in the duct.  

She couldn’t go down either.  The smoke was already beginning to clear and there were more guards below her than she cared to take on.  And she was also encumbered with the cat goddess statue.  However, there was another route.  Making sure that the bag holding the statue was securely tied to her belt, she gripped the opening in the duct with both hands and then swung into space.  With one smooth movement she turned her downward momentum into a swinging motion that curved her body up the side of the duct until her feet reached the top.  Although she couldn’t see what she was doing she knew that there had to be wires or struts supporting the duct.  She found one, hooked the back of her ankle around it, and pulled her body onto the top of the duct.  To the men closing in on her from either side it seemed as if she had suddenly vanished.  “Shit, she’s gone,” one of them yelled.  

Perched on top of the duct, the men on the floor of the room couldn’t see her either, but Selina knew she had only a few moments before they figured out what she had done.  Looking across the upper part of the hall her eyes took in a confusing maze of roof supports and ductwork.  It was perfectly designed for a cat and it offered her a way out.  Leaping from the duct she caught hold of one of the latticed metal roof beams with one hand and then immediately swung to the next.  “So long,” she shouted.  “Time to swing along.”

Damn it’s hard to think of original taunts, she thought as she swung from girder to girder until she reached a catwalk overlooking the middle the exhibition hall.  

How appropriate, she mused as she swung herself onto it and then sprinted toward the end.  She knew from the plans she had memorized that there would be a door at the end leading to a fairly large crawl space that contained electrical conduits and plumbing for the building’s sprinkler system.  It should almost be large enough for her to stand up in.  

She was proven right.  She pushed open the door and found herself in a room almost as large as the one below it.  X-shaped support girders ran down the length of it forming a sort of metallic hallway and thick electrical cables and PVC pipes were laid across the floor.  Below her was the false ceiling of the gallery.  It would not hold her weight, but she was careful to step only on the supporting struts to which the ceiling panels were attached.  

She ran down the length of the crawlspace, avoiding cables and pipes and until she reached a door at the end.  It was locked, but Selina had never met a standard lock she couldn’t pick in under thirty seconds and this one proved to be no exception.  Opening the door she found herself in another room, this one was less cluttered and had a higher ceiling.  To one side of the room was an elevator shaft.  Its doors were closed and it several boards had been tacked across, one bearing a sign that read: DANGER - DO NOT USE.  Several large electrical panels were set into the walls and it was lit by a four emergency lights that hung from the ceiling.  She had no need of her high-tech goggles to make out the menacing figure who was waiting for her.  

“Took you long enough to get here,” the dark-costumed figure said.  

“Philo Zeiss,” Selina said.  Of course, she should have expected someone like him.  She experienced a momentary twinge of fear as she recalled the first time she had run into him.  He had given her a severe beating on that occasion and he might have killed her had not members of a long-forgotten Egyptian cat-cult come to her rescue.  However, she had paid him back with interest during their next encounter.  He had hardly been able to lay a hand on her while she gave him a thorough lesson in the martial arts.  Her fear was quickly pushed away, replaced by a sense of exhilaration so intense she almost cried out at the joy of it.  This was what she lived for; the thrill of the chase and facing down those who sought to trap and defeat her.  

At the same time, however, she was cognizant of the fact that Zeiss was bigger and stronger than she was.  If he could catch her he could overwhelm her with brute strength.  But she wasn’t about to give up her prize and she was supremely confident in her fighting skills.  She had no fear that she would lose.  Even fighting on his chosen ground she was confident that she could defeat him.  It might result in a few bruises, but she had beaten him once and she could do it again.  And, of course she had her whip.  She loosed it from her belt at the same time as she removed the bag containing the Bastet statue from her belt.  It would only get in her way and she needed all of her strength, speed, and agility if she was to defeat Zeiss.  

“Let’s get this over with,” she said as she darted toward him, “I’ve got other places to be.”

“You’re not going anywhere, Catbitch,” Zeiss replied.  “Tonight your little game ends.”

Catwoman Confrontation

Zeiss met her head on.  As in their previous battles he moved with superhuman speed, but Selina’s whip moved much more quickly.  It cracked like a pistol shot as it snared Zeiss’s ankles.  Unable to stop his forward momentum he slammed face down on the rooftop, however, his enhanced reflexes prevented what in a normal human would have been a serious injury.  He landed rolling, taking most of the impact on his forearms and then leaping back to his feet all in a single motion.  

But Selina had seen this before.  The whip cracked again encircling his neck.  A quick jerk brought him to his knees and she was quick to take advantage of the opening, leaping forward and driving her foot into his chest.  Few others would have been able to block such a blow, but somehow Zeiss managed to get an arm up and deflect the strike enough that it struck his shoulder instead of his chest.  

“You bitch,” he snarled.  “I’ll shove that damned whip up your cunt.”  He attempted to grab the whip as Selina hauled it back for another strike.

“What’s the matter?  A bit choked up?” Selina taunted, snapping the whip free of Zeiss’s grip.  

Before he could answer she used the whip again.  This time one of the metal balls on the end of the whip struck Zeiss’s goggles, knocking them askew.  He staggered back as Selina leaped toward him.  His enhanced vision temporarily disabled, he was unable to do more than frantically attempt to block the attack that followed.  

He was still amazingly quick, and despite the fact that Selina rained blow after blow on him, he was able to block most of them, but a few got through and he was driven across the room.  One of her kicks caught Zeiss in the crotch with enough force to make him cry out in pain, but the potentially disabling blow failed to take him out, indicating that he had taken the precaution of armouring himself in that spot.  

“You’ve got balls, I’ll give you that,” she laughed as she danced away.  

Zeiss snarled.  He had managed to put his goggles back on and his retaliatory strike against her was more successful.  It caught her between the breasts, partially knocking the air out of her and leaving her gasping and off-balance.  He quickly followed it up with a number of blows that forced her steadily back while she tried to recover.  

He was lightning fast, his surgically enhanced reflexes giving him more speed than she had, but she had more skill, and a catlike sense of where each blow was coming from and she managed to take most of the blows on her arms and shoulders.  It gave her time to recover and she fought back with an attack of her own, dodging inside Zeiss’s longer reach to hammer him mercilessly in the ribs and abdomen.  He gasped in pain, staggered back, and gave Selina the opening to finish him off, a deadly strike with her foot to his throat.  But the blow never came.

Just as she was about to strike something crashed into her from behind and she was taken down by a uniformed body.  The attack was clumsy, but it did the job.  While Selina dealt with the guard who had tackled her Zeiss recovered and closed in.  He hit her with a barrage of punches just as she regained her feet and each one struck her like a sledgehammer.  She received a blow to the chest that was so painful she knew that he had probably cracked a rib.  Another stuck her in the midsection, once again driving the air from her lungs, and another caught her square on the chin.  For a moment all of the stars in the cosmos flashed before her eyes and then her legs buckled and she went down before her attacker.  

“Hold her,” she heard Zeiss say, and then something was clamped on her right wrist.  While she battled to regain her senses, her left wrist was also manacled and then her arms were pulled over her head and secured to an open girder just above her.  When she fully recovered she found herself standing on her tiptoes with most of her weight on her arms and Zeiss leering triumphantly down at her.

From behind her came the voice of the guard.  “I’ve got the cat statue, Mr. Zeiss.”  

“Good,” Zeiss replied without taking his eyes off Selina.  “Take it back to Rozanov and then leave me alone until I call for you.”

“Right, Mr. Zeiss,” the guard answered, as he scuttled back the way he had come.

Selina glared defiantly at her captor.  “You can’t hold me.  I’ll escape sooner or later.”

“Later will be just fine,” Zeiss sneered.  “I don’t care what you do after I’ve handed you over to Rozanov.  But for now you are mine and I’m going to teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget.”

“Take these off me and let’s finish this,” Selina demanded.  “Or are you too gutless to fight me fairly?”

“Why would I do that?” Zeiss chuckled.  “I’ve got you right where I want you.  Beating you up any more would leave you unable to appreciate what I am going to do to you.”

He picked up the multi-thonged whip from where Selina had dropped it.  “Interesting toy,” he commented as he hefted it.  “Now I’m going to use it on you.  I guess it will be something of an experience.  I doubt you’ve ever felt what it is like to have this thing used on your body.”

Selina swallowed, for once at a loss for words.  When used properly, her whip was a superb instrument, extending her reach, and capable of inflicting considerable pain.  She had never expected that her favourite weapon might be used against her.

Zeiss pulled back his arm and without further commentary let the whip fly.  For someone inexperienced in its use, he handled it expertly, no doubt an attribute of his bio-engineered body.  He used it well enough that the first blow sliced through the thin leather of Selina’s skin-tight costume, just below her breasts.  It struck with almost surgical precision and although her leather outfit provided a little protection against the blow, it still left a stinging welt on her velvet skin.  

“You bastard,” Selina shouted finding her voice.  “I’ll kill you for this.”

“Not so cocky now are you?” Zeiss taunted.  He flicked the whip again, this time striking her on the other side.  As with the first strike it opened several inches of her costume while doing very little damage to her.  It wasn’t until the fourth blow that she realized that Zeiss wasn’t really trying to do any real damage to her.  Instead he was undressing her, one stinging blow at a time.  

“Stop, you son-of-a-bitch,” Selina yelled, her voice filled with rage.  “You can’t do this.  Fight me damn you.”

“I have something much more satisfying in mind than simply beating you up,” Zeiss replied as he delivered still another strike.  This one completely sheered through the material below her collarbone and exposed her right breast.  This was enough for Zeiss to pause for a few seconds to admire his handiwork.  “Beautiful,” he muttered.  “And well worth the effort.  Just a few more strokes should do it.”

Pussy Whipped

He lashed her again and then again, shredding more of her costume with each blow until what was left of it hung on Selina’s body in rags.  She was almost naked to the waist and he had even managed to strip away much of the leather protecting her loins.  The only parts of her body untouched were her mask, gloves, and boots.  But he didn’t need to remove those to enjoy what he did next.

“You bastard,” Selina growled as he stepped toward her.  “I won’t forget this.”

“I’m hoping you won’t,” Zeiss replied as he pulled down the zipper on his tight fitting trousers.  “And in fact I’m sure you will remember it for as long as you live.”

“No,” Selina whimpered as Zeiss revealed his manhood.  “You can’t.”  It was hard to believe that her nighttime adventure had turned into such a horror show.  This was not how it was supposed to end.  She now faced her worst fear; rape at the hands of a man she both loathed and despised.  

As he moved toward her she summoned up what remained of her strength and pulled her taut body into the air.  She struck out, putting every ounce of strength into a kick that almost caught Zeiss off-guard.  At the last moment he stepped back, but her feet still caught him in the chest with enough force to knock him onto his backside.  

“God-damned bitch, I should have expected that.”  He moved forward with whirlwind speed and this time caught her legs, spread them, and moved between her thighs.  Then holding her close he tore away the few remaining fragments of her costume.  

“No, you can’t,” Selina panted, continuing to struggle even as he placed his hands on her buttocks and lifted her slightly.  

“Yes I can,” Zeiss replied.  Moving his hips forward he thrust into her with such force that he buried almost all of his shaft.  Unprepared for such a brutal attack, Selina screamed.

It wasn’t so much the pain, even though that was considerable.  It was the utter defeat and degradation that such an action represented.  No longer was she the proud and deviant Catwoman, but a helpless female subject to the whims of a brutal conqueror.  She would have rather suffered a thousand floggings than to be taken in such a way.  

Catwoman Humiliated

“So there is something you fear after all,” Zeiss commented as he pulled out of her slightly and then rammed his way back in again before beginning to rhythmically fuck her.  He stroked in and out of her, groaning in pleasure while Selina grunted in pain.  It was a humiliating and painful ordeal and Zeiss kept it up for what seemed like forever.  Selina was far from being a virgin, but her vagina was marvellously tight and it gripped Zeiss’s organ like a vise, affording him incredible pleasure.  “Tightest cunt I’ve ever had,” he grunted as he filled her up once more.  “You’re wasted as a cat-burglar, you should have been a five-thousand-dollar-a-night whore.”  He thrust into her again and then again, drawing out the experience for as long as possible before finally climaxing.  

“God you’re a great fuck,” Zeiss panted.  “I can’t let it go at just one.”

Selina hung, helpless and humiliated.  She could barely bring herself to look at Zeiss and when she did she gasped in dismay.

Another aspect of my bio-engineering,” Zeiss smirked.  Incredibly, he was already developing another full erection.  But this time he moved behind her.  “You bastard,” Selina moaned.  “I won’t let you do this.”

Zeiss’s answer was to clamp his hands over her breasts, squeezing them so hard that another cry escaped her lips.  “Incredible.  I’ve never felt tits so firm,” said.  “Let’s see how tight your ass is.  If it’s anything like your cunt it’s going to be a real challenge.”

“No,” Selina protested once more.  She struggled furiously as he moved his hand between the firm moons of her backside and attempted to insert a finger into her anus.  Selina moaned and tightened her muscles, forbidding him entry.

“You never give up do you?” Zeiss asked.  “That’s going to make this all the more pleasurable.  He increased the pressure, somehow forcing his way past her tense muscles until he managed to get the tip of his finger into her anus.  Then he slowly and painfully pushed his way inside even as Selina redoubled her efforts to fight him off.

“It’s not going to be easy to get in there,” he said stepping back.  “But maybe you’ve got something to help me out”

He picked up her belt and poked through the pouches.  “What’s this?” he asked, holding up a small container of petroleum jelly.  “Looks like you’re ready for anything.”

Selina hissed in anger.  She carried the lubricant to help with her burglaries.  It was cheap and convenient and not toxic as was the case with other lubricants she had used.  But she had never expected it to be used the way Zeiss obviously planned.

“Zeiss picked up her whip.  “Remember what I said I would do with this?  You didn’t seem to enjoy our first session very much.  Perhaps this will help.”

He smeared the handle of the whip with the lubricant and then moved behind her again.  Selina tried to twist her body so she could face him, Zeiss placed a hand on her shoulder steadying her, then he proceeded to probe with the whip handle between her thighs.

Selina squirmed, trying desperately to prevent Zeiss from carrying out his plan, but she only afforded him a little more amusement.  “You never quit do you?” he commented.  “It’s too bad Rozanov wants you so badly.  I’d really enjoy breaking you.”

His probing finally found what he was looking for.  Selina grunted in pain as he pushed the handle of her whip inside her.  It was longer and thicker than Zeiss had been, but with a bit of pushing and considerable panting from Selina he finally inserted most of it.  

Selina clamped her jaws to keep from screaming.  She was already sore from what Zeiss had done to her and even lubricated the whip-dildo was painfully large.  

“There,” Zeiss said approvingly.  “Now let’s see if I can keep it there.”  He wound the whip around her thigh, pulling it tight as he did so until he was sure that it would stay where it was.  

“You filthy bastard,” Selina moaned.  “I’ll get you for this if it’s the last thing I do.”  The words came out between clenched teeth as she fought to keep from screaming.  The unorthodox dildo was incredibly painful even with the lubricant.  

“What’s the matter. Catbitch?” Zeiss mocked.  “Don’t you enjoy being pussywhipped.  I know I do, and it’s going to get even better.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Selina could see Zeiss liberally smearing his shaft with the remainder of the petroleum jelly.  Her gut clenched as he moved behind her, but she was not quite finished.  Despite the pain every movement caused, she somehow managed to drive her legs straight back.  She caught Zeiss in his midsection, knocking the air out of him and doubling him up on his knees.  

“You little cunt,” Zeiss gasped as he pulled himself to his feet.  “You need another lesson.”  She couldn’t see what he was doing, but she could guess.  She heard the sounds as her removed his boots and then his trousers and she prepared for another backward strike.  But she never got the chance.

She almost passed out as Zeiss drove his fist into her kidneys.  The blow left her incapacitated and then she felt something being wrapped around her neck.  “No, nnggh!” she gurgled as Zeiss tightened his belt, cutting off the flow of blood to her brain.  For a second or so everything greyed out and she gasped like a beached fish.

Then she felt something else.  Using the belt to hold her in place, he moved into her, probing her backside once again, this time using his gleaming phallus.  Selina writhed in his grip in a last frantic effort to stop him, but she could barely breathe and her efforts were weak and uncoordinated.  Zeiss found what he was looking for and slowly and inexorably pushed into her tight anus.  

Choked and Chunked

The clenching of her buttocks and anus slowed him a little, but he was too strong and too well-lubricated to be kept out forever,  Selina whimpered as he opened her up and then cried out in sudden pain as with a quick movement of his hips he sank into her.  

He was far too large and she was far too tight for anal sex to be anything but painful, and Zeiss made little effort to be gentle.  Instead of penetrating her slowly and gradually, he pushed hard into her.  For the first time Selina screamed in defeat.  The ordeal went beyond any pain and humiliation she had ever received.  

“That’s better,” Zeiss said.  Keeping the belt tight with one hand, he used the other to fondle her breasts and give each of her nipples an excruciatingly painful twist.  The pain was as nothing, however, compared to the anguish that Selina was experiencing in her backside.  She tried to lift herself of his shaft, but her arms no longer had the strength to take her weight.  

“That’s it,” Zeiss crooned, his lips next to her ear.  “Keep fighting, it makes it all the more enjoyable.”  Zeiss was in no hurry.  Taking his time, he working his way deeper and deeper inside her until between the pain of the rape, and the tightening of the belt around her throat, Selina was close to fainting.  Her senses faded until she was only aware of what Zeiss was doing to her as a mild sensation.  

Dark spots danced before her eyes mixed with flashed of light and then an image began to form.  And image of a brooding and powerful dark-costumed figure.

Batman!  She said the name aloud and heard him answer.  “Yes, Catwoman, Batman.  Surrender to me.  Let me take you.”

“Yes,” she moaned.  She began to move her body in conjunction with the man who was thrusting into her, her loins tightening and her nipples hardening as she became fully aroused.  And then she went beyond that, panting as her desire increased, calling out as her lover penetrated her ever more fully and took her over the edge.

She cried out as an orgasm ripped through her and then she was taken by another and another until she suddenly went limp.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Zeiss said as he pulled out of her.  “It’s too bad we won’t have a chance to play this game again.  But now, pussycat, it’s time to deliver you to the Russian.  I expect he’ll find you every bit as entertaining as I have.”

Selina opened her eyes.  What had just happened?  A flush of shame wept over her as she realized that she had just experienced multiple orgasms while being raped.  Erotic asphyxia.  She had heard of it; a condition of intense arousal brought on by sexual stimulation while being deprived of oxygen.  Zeiss had brought it on purely by accident, but that did not alleviate the sense of shame she felt at succumbing to such stimulation.  

Zeiss had put on his trousers and boots once more while Selina reviewed her complete degradation.  Then he moved around in front of her and took out a small camera and photographed her.  “Just a picture for my bedside.  I’ve recorded the rest of this as well, from the fight to your defeat, to your complete humiliation.  It should be worth a few million hits on PornoTube.”

He suddenly drove his fist into her solar plexus driving the air from her lungs.  The attack was so unexpected that Selina had no time to prepare for it; she could only gasp in helpless agony while her body tried to force air back into her lungs.  

“No point in taking any chances,” Zeiss explained as he first removed the whip dildo, allowing her to breathe properly once more and then unhooked the restraints holding her arms over her head.  She dropped to her knees at once, doubled up in agony while her lungs strained to draw a breath.  She was completely helpless as he forced her arms behind her back and then used chains to bind her, winding them around her torso so that her arms were crossed over one another behind her and the chains were looped above and below her heaving breasts.  

As air returned to her lungs he grabbed her by the hair, forcing her to stand and then pushed her toward the door at the end of the crawl space.  He stopped just by the door and removed a small case from the wall.  “Wouldn’t want to forget this,” he grinned.  “It’s got a complete record of everything that happened in this room.  Now it’s time to meet the Russian.”      

Utterly defeated, and almost weeping in shame, the once proud cat-burglar was marched out to meet her new master.  

“Now what’s going on?” the redheaded young woman muttered as she studied the bank of computer monitors around her.  There had been a spate of midnight burglaries lately that had Catwoman’s modus operandi written all over them.  Places had been burglarized that were supposedly thief-proof.  Barbara had shown up at several off them in the guise of Batgirl, but she had always been too late to do anything more than investigate the scene of the crime.  Now something else was happening.

Someone, and I think I know who, has taken out the power grid near the waterfront.  Now why would she do that?  What is in that area that is so valuable?  Of course, that’s right near that new art gallery.  And it just happens to be holding an important exhibit of Egyptian art.  It might also just be an ordinary power failure, but Barbara was not one to trust in coincidences.

I think I should look into that she thought as she headed for the fire-pole that would drop her to the concealed garage housing her motorcycle.  And this time maybe I’ll be in time to do something about it.
Birds of Prey Episode 2 Belling the Cat Chapter 2 Pussy Whipping
In which Selina's second attack on Rozanov does not go quite as planned. 
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ForceMasterR Featured By Owner Sep 9, 2015  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Superb! Really. So detailed and highly erotic. A very exciting read to be sure. On to the next chapter!
RenderPretender Featured By Owner Jul 4, 2015  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Lespion1944 Featured By Owner Jul 4, 2015
PIXIV is hard to work with.  I was not able to upload one illustration.  I will try again later. 
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Jul 4, 2015  Hobbyist Writer
Great followup, it was clear that she would lose and still exciting to read!
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