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Dsc 1653(2) by Rob66

1)  How did a cute, petite girl from Southern California end up shooting bondage and artistic nudes?


I was always enamored by burlesque dancers like Tempest Storm and movies stars like Rita Hayworth and Jane Russell that embodied old Hollywood glamour. My interest grew with burlesque as I got into my teen.  I stumbled upon Bettie Page when I was 14 and immediately fell in love with pinup. So, my first shoot was pinup/glamour. I started doing bondage as well because I was intrigued by it after seeing Bettie's bondage images. It stuck with me and has since been the majority of my modeling. 


2)  What was your first bondage photo/video shoot like?


It was so much fun!! That experience is what drove me to explore that side of photography. I worked with Lonestar Damsels, who has remained a friend of mine all these years later. It also enabled me to understand more about bondage which opened my mind personally to the fetish world.


3)  In an industry that seems to always push models for more, how have you managed to stay true to the limits you've set for yourself?


I've always been a person who stands for what they believe even when it's not the popular opinion. You have to be true to yourself both professionally and personally. I see how easy it is for women to push their limits in an attempt to make a name for themselves in this business as I got bombarded with requests for porn at my first FetishCon. But, I got into photography because of my love for pinup and glamour.  It was never to do explicit work. If I decide to down the road it will be to push my limits personally but not to satisfy a photographer’s wants as we all have to decide what we are comfortable putting on the Internet. Women must be strong and have a thick skin in this business and after being around several years, I've met some very beautiful and resilient gals that I'm proud to call my friends. 


4)  You've told me that you like bringing fun to the set when you shoot.  How do you do that?


By showing up lol! I have a bubbly personality with a "can do" spirit. I enjoy shooting so when I'm on set, I try to convey my genuine personality and tend to joke/goof around between sets. I'm a light hearted person who doesn't take life too seriously and always tries to be helpful on set to make for a successful shoot. 


5) What bondage shoot has been the most fun for you? And what bondage shoot has been the most memorable?


Well, I think I always have the most fun shooting with Tony Korleone. He was only the second person I had shot bondage with and we just had a great working vibe. He still puts up with me to this day both as a friend and model so I always look forward to hanging out and shooting with him. He embraces my sense of humor so we have a lot of fun. I would have to say my most memorable shoot was working with Ropexpert. He suspended me in a way I had never been before so it certainly will always stick out to me. I had such a good time and really liked the sets we did. 


6)  Has it been hard for you to be a "good girl" and "stay out of trouble" since we became friends? (Couldn't resist asking that one!) :)


Haha that was a good laugh Rob!! ;)  I don't know if I'd ever be able to stay out of trouble, but that's what I have you for  lmao. Be good or be good at it, as I always say ;)


7)  In addition to working your regular job and shooting, I know you're also in school now.  What are you studying and why did you choose that course of study?


I'm studying Business Administration and am on my long journey for an MBA. I feel that degree and course of study open a lot of doors and at the same time isn't as limiting as other courses of study. 


8)  Tell us about the amazing tattoos you have on your back and on the back of your thighs?  Do they have a particular meaning or significance? How long did it take for them to be completed?


The tattoo on my back is a Celtic triskle so it is a nod to my Irish roots. It didn't take long to complete. The bows on my legs have no significance but were merely an idea of mine so I got them done 10 years ago. Wow...time flies! They did take a couple hours to do but I had eye candy to distract me lol. The tattoo artist is a good looking guy that I also consider a friend and was lucky enough to shoot at his tattoo shop before he relocated. 


9)  At a bondage shoot, what are your favorites:  gag; method of restraint; bondage position; role to play; wardrobe.


Hmmm I guess I'd have to go with a ball gag that fits in my mouth perfectly as opposed to looking absurdly large; I think being frog tied looks very sexy in pictures; the damsel of course; sexy vintage lingerie.


10)  What do you think is the biggest misconception the public has about bondage and the bondage industry?


I feel that bondage and even sex still have a "dirty" connotation to it to many people. I think society in general tends to judge easily what they don't understand and bondage is certainly one of those things. When it comes to the bondage industry, I would guess that from the outside looking in, people may not realize what a supportive and tight knit community we have in the bondage/fetish world. I've met so many wonderful people in this business and a few of which I'm very close with so I'm very happy I took that leap into bondage or I'd be missing out on some of my most cherished friendships. 


11)  What is Mallory Page's biggest kink/fetish?

Ha! Most people know I'm a rather private person so I'm sure this is a question many have wanted to ask. I certainly have my kinks and those close to me know what they are. I will say that I've always had a thing for a man in uniform whether it be a police officer or soldier in fatigues. The rest stays behind closed doors though ;)


12)  What else do you want your fans to know about you and your modeling work?


To my fans, I want them to know how much I appreciate them! The support and kind words are very much a part of what keeps me motivated. It's a great feeling to have your work admired but also to have people respect me as a person and appreciate my contribution to the fetish community. As for my work, all I can say is, keep your eyes peeled, kats and kittens - 2016 is going to be a good year! 



I've known Mallory for about six years.  As the interview shows, she's sweet, smart, and she has a tendency for getting herself into trouble lol 

The photo is courtesy of Randy at
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BondageKing17 Featured By Owner Aug 4, 2017  Hobbyist Photographer
Is she an actual friend of yours?
Rob66 Featured By Owner Aug 5, 2017
Yes. For several years.
BondageKing17 Featured By Owner Aug 5, 2017  Hobbyist Photographer
Cool, you still talk to her?
Rob66 Featured By Owner Aug 5, 2017
A few times a year. Birthdays, holidays, or just to check in and say hi.
BondageKing17 Featured By Owner Aug 5, 2017  Hobbyist Photographer
That's cool, I'm a big fan of her work
Rob66 Featured By Owner Aug 5, 2017
Me too. I was glad when she agreed to do the interview.
BondageKing17 Featured By Owner Aug 5, 2017  Hobbyist Photographer
She still does bondage stuff right?
Rob66 Featured By Owner Aug 5, 2017
She is pretty much retired but might shoot private content for a longtime photographer/friend of hers.
(1 Reply)
NinthRaider Featured By Owner Nov 26, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Great interview. Lovely model with a fantastic personality. One of my most favourite bondage models.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Nov 26, 2016
Thanks! I'm glad you liked it. Mallory is a doll and one or my very favorite people too! She always makes me laugh!
SapphiraVolkov Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Fun times. I like that the majority of the models you interview seem to have everything in perspective in terms of boundaries and what they want out of the industry. If everyone had that mindset, the world would be a better place. :)
Rob66 Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016
Most of the people I consort with are very down to earth and level-headed. Mallory is too, but she still keeps my cell number handy just in case  lol 

I think most models know their boundaries but some, particularly new or young ones, are more susceptible to having those boundaries pushed by producers who either pressure them or tempt them with more money. NOT all producers do that but I am aware of some. You can see that point made nicely in the KylieJo interview I posted two weeks ago.
SapphiraVolkov Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
I noticed. I so enjoy the interviews you post; I make it a point not to miss any of them.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016
I have a producer one slated for posting tomorrow!  And a DA Artist slated for next week.  And I REALLY am happy you like them.  It's very appreciated whenever you or anyone else comments about them because the models and producers check with me to see what people say about the interviews!
SapphiraVolkov Featured By Owner Feb 22, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Definitely understandable. I can't wait!
Chigani666 Featured By Owner Feb 3, 2016
sexy stocking feet.... i wish i would be there...
Rob66 Featured By Owner Feb 3, 2016
There are a lot of similar images on the website that donated that pic of Mallory for the interview, but Mallory's sure do look great!!!!
HoorayForSloth Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016
'The tattoo artist is a good looking guy' Mr Bean Pervy Meme Medium 

I bet she likes listening to the Gang of Four, too ;)
Rob66 Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016
LOL  I'll ask her ;)
RenderPretender Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Great interview.  She seems like a smart girl with a good head on her shoulders.  Nice work dude.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016
Thanks!  And she has excellent taste in attorneys when she needs one ;)  Glad you liked the interview!  She is one of my favorite people.
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Another fantastic interview! I like Mallory a lot now, thank you both! Good luck with school!
Rob66 Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016
Thank you.  She really did a great job answering questions, even one or two she probably could have ducked if she wanted to.  I'm looking forward to seeing her in August.  You should thin about going too.  I am pretty sure you'd have a great time!
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
What's in August?
Rob66 Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016
Fetish Con in St. Petersburg, Fl. is August 11-14.  You're very interested in the industry and this is an annual event where a lot of people from it, including fans, get together for 4 days to hang out, meet people, attend seminars (including two or three kickass legal presentations!) and demonstrations, and have a fun time. It's a made-for opportunity for people curious about the bondage and fetish industry.
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Sounds awesome!!
Rob66 Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016
It is! :)  My favorite 4 days of the year -- just don't tell my family i said that :)
Curia-DD Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
I won't ;)
Rob66 Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016
WHEW! ;)
ronniebegoode Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Good interview.
Rob66 Featured By Owner Jan 12, 2016
Thanks very much.  She made it easy to enjoy with her answers! I'm glad you liked it and appreciate you faving it!
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