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The ship touched down on Dromund Kaas, and Penny gave a sigh of despair. She had spent the first few hours of the long journey hoping for rescue...then as time went on and no rescue came, she had begun mentally preparing herself for the for the increasingly likely possibility that no rescue was coming. For the last few hours of the voyage she had been trying to meditate, using a technique designed by the Jedi for use by non-force users. It had worked somewhat...but her eyes snapped open when the soft, metallic  clunk indicated that the interceptor had landed.
She left the meditation position, leaned against the bars of her cage and put her head in her hands. This is it she thought. We're on Dromund Kaas, capital of the Sith empire. The Republic will never send a rescue party here, not even for an important noble...I'll never be free again... The Alderaanian damsel fought back tears as her last hope vanished. I'm going to live the rest of my life as a slave! The realisation caused Penny further despair, but also...arousal. She bit her bottom lip she imagined her future; Serving her Sith master's every command under the coercive pressure of the shock collar. Being his servant, his pet, his toy, his...his whore. It was a horrific prospect, to be sure, and Penny was repulsed by most of it...but not all. As she imagined Tempest holding her down...silencing her impotent cries of protest with a hand over her mouth, and then...she wished very much that the idea didn't appeal to her...but in truth, she had grown very wet between her legs thinking about it.
Her daydream was interrupted when the door opened and Darth Tempest walked in.
"We're here, my pet." Gloated the Sith, with a huge smile on his face. He took in a deep breath. "I can sense your emotions through the force. Fear, uncertainty, hopelessness, turmoil..." he paused and licked his lips "delicious."
Penny gulped. If the Sith could sense her emotions...did that mean he could also sense her arousal? She turned bright red at the prospect.
"Yes, I can sense that too." Clarified Tempest, who was clearly reading her thoughts. The ex-noble stared at the floor in embarrassment.
Tempest opened the cage and Penny to came out reluctantly. She was trembling, both in fear of tempest, and embarrassment at how warm he made her feel. She stood up, slowly.
Tempest was smirking, clearly amused by his slave's awkwardness.
"Hands behind your head, interlock your fingers." He instructed.
"Mmph mmm" Penny replied, approximating the words 'yes sir' as best she could with her panties secured in her mouth by a muzzle, and obeyed the instruction.
Tempest put an arm firmly around her midsection and began walking towards the door. She blushed, but was powerless to resist, or protest. He lead her out of the brig, them off the ship, into the cold, wet and windy environment of Dromund Kaas.
Penny shivered in in the cold wind, not helped by her scant apparel. They were on a landing pad connected to Tempest's tower stronghold by a short bridge. Penny walked across the bridge in lockstep with Tempest, and dutifully kept her hands behind her head. Behind them walked Vette, HK-51, Jaessa and Pierce, who was making no attempt to disguise the fact that he was staring at Penny's bottom.
Once they were all inside the door shut behind them with a woosh and Tempest let go of his captive. She wrapped her arms around herself, glad to be out of the cold. She looked around. They were in some sort of secure entrance, clearly meant to stop any infiltrators, or would-be assassins from getting into the fortress proper. The place was guarded by six Imperial troopers with blaster rifles, four similarly armed Sentinel droids and two Sith acolytes in red robes with war-blades  (the weapons Sith use before earning their lightsabers) in scabbards on their backs. Penny was taken aback by the room's final guard; a huge muscular creature, easily eight feet tall, with a disproportionately large head. It was covered from head to toe in white fur. Penny had no idea what species it was, the closest comparison she could think of was a Wookie, but it didn't look like any Wookie she'd seen before.
"Welcome to your new home Penny." Announced Tempest. "Vette, prepare take my newest prize to the harem chamber, get her settled in and deliver her to my bed chamber at the nineteenth hour."
"Yes sir." Answered the Twi'lek.
Tempest turned back to Penny "I'll see you this evening, for now I leave you in the capable hands of Vette and Broonmark." With that, he, Pierce, HK-51 and Jaessa left the room.
Who is Broonmark? Penny asked herself. Her question was answered when the furry monster walked up behind her (it was surprisingly stealthy for its size) and grabbed her upper arms in its massive paws.
"Thank you Broonmark" said Vette. "Follow me your ladyship...I mean, I know you don't have a choice, but I like to ask anyway." With that, she went through a the steel door on the left hand side of the room. Broonmark followed her, bringing Penny with him.
As they walked, Penny looked around.  The architecture of the fortress was typical of that in Sith dwellings; a series of long, wide corridors with thick stone walls, blood-red carpets, vaulted ceilings and large, imposing durasteel doors.
After a few minutes of walking, Vette opened a door and they went in. The room contained a chair, and what looked like a medical examination table, with numerous mechanical arms brandishing a variety of instruments. Broonmark let Penny go and Vette sat down on the chair.
"Come over here and I'll remove that muzzle." Offered Vette. Penny eagerly complied, desperate to be able to talk again. Vette punched in a code and the muzzle was released. Penny hurriedly pulled it off and took her panties out of her mouth.
"Thank you so much!" Gushed the grateful damsel.
"No problem." Replied Vette. "Now, if you wouldn't mind taking off the harem outfit, stockings and shoes."
Penny was sheepish, but didn't protest. She hated the harem outfit anyway, and she was so happy to have her mouth free again that she didn't mind losing her shoes and stockings. Still, after stripping she did her best to hide her private areas with her arms.
"Excellent." chirped Vette "if you stay this cooperative, your processing will be easy. Now, if you could lie down on the table, please."
"Um...what do you mean by 'processing'?" Asked Penny, nervously.
"Well, we need to...prepare you you for entry into the harem."
"And what exactly does that entail?"
Broonmark took a single step towards Penny, and that was all the motivation she needed to stop asking questions. Almost immediately, she was lying on the table as instructed.
"Good." Commended Vette. She pushed a button on the armrest of the chair, and some of the mechanical arms descended towards Penny. On the ends of the arms were various scanning apparatus. The moved around above her body, bathing her in blue light and they analysed her.
"While they're working," began Vette "I should explain to what's going to happen"
"Okay..." answered Penny, cautiously.
"Now, I know this whole experience must be difficult for you..."
"That's quite an understatement!" Interrupted the Alderaanian. "I've been kidnapped and enslaved!"
"Yeah, like I said...difficult." Continued Vette. "Word of advice, one slave to another; the more you cooperate, the easier you'll have it. Okay?"
Penny sighed. "Okay, whatever." She was doing her best to remain defiant, but it was a losing battle.
"First thing we need to do is assigned you a role. Do you have any skills that might be applicable to life as a slave?"
"Um..." Penny thought. "I've had some dancing lessons."
"Dancing lessons are good." Nodded Vette, typing on her datapad. "Anything else?"
", I think that might be all."
"Okay then, I guess you're a dancer."
"I'm thrilled." Said Penny, her voice dripping with sarcasm.
Vette chuckled. "You're funny. Maybe we should add 'jester' as your secondary role. Anyway, by the time we're done processing you, it'll be around the nineteenth hour, so we'll take you to our master's room. Once he's enjoyed you you'll be taken to the slave cells to sleep. It's a sixth hour wakeup call, so make the most of it."
The table gave a soft beep indicating that it's scan was complete. Vette consulted her datapad and smiled. "A clean bill of health, excellent. Now, your ladyship, if you wouldn't mind spreading your legs."
"What!? Why do..." Broonmark gave her a threatening look, she sighed and complied. A mechanical arm with a low power laser came towards her exposed private region. When close enough, it activated, burning away her triangle of black pubic hair. It stung a little and Penny winced.
"That laser will ensure no hair grows there for a few months. You'll have another round with the laser when it does. Eventually, you'll stop growing hair there all together. I'm afraid I have to ask you to lie face down."
"Um...okay." responded Penny, rolling onto her front.
"I'm sorry about this." Said Vette.
"Sorry about wha..." that was when Penny saw it. On the end of a mechanical arm coming right for her; a branding iron! It was engraved four words in the Sith language, and from the way it was starting to glow orange as it heated up.
Penny moved to get off the table. She didn't fear Broonmark half as much as she feared that iron. But Broonmark had evidently anticipated this and was already standing next to the table. He placed one massive paw on the lady's back and another on her right leg, immobilising her face-down on the table. She struggled, kicking out with her left leg, and trying to fight Broonmark off with her hands, but the hulking beast simply ignored her impotent resistance.
All the while, the iron continued it's relentless advance, until...
"AAAHHHHHH..." Penny cried out as the red-hot piece of metal was pressed into her right buttock, scorching the Sith words into her tender flesh. She went limp and quietly sobbed as the iron withdrew, leaving behind it's permanent mark. Broonmark let her go, but she didn't move. What was the point now?
"I really am sorry." Said Vette, doing her best to be delicate.
Penny shot her a look of undisguised contempt. "What does it say?" She asked.
"Your brand? It translates to 'Property of Darth Tempest'" she explained.
Penny nodded, she'd been expecting it was something like that.
"If you need a couple of minutes to recover, that's okay. Take a moment, but we need to get to the next phase of processing soon."
Penny sighed. She knew she should be furious, but by then the fight was gone from her. After a minute, she wordlessly stood up, and allowed Broonmark to take her shoulders and lead her out of the room.
Part two fo my story for :iconenglishdamsel: set in the Star Wars universe at the time of The Old Republic.

Lady Penelope is :iconenglishdamsel:

Darth Tempest is my OC.

Lieutenant Pierce and Vette are characters from Star Wars: The Old Republic. They belong to BioWare and EA.
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willartmaster Featured By Owner Sep 28, 2016
Will she get frozen in carbonite in part 4
Enhjorning Featured By Owner Mar 4, 2016
Wonderful... Really liked the branding scene.
Uncertatron Featured By Owner Mar 4, 2016  Hobbyist Writer
Glad to hear it.
Enhjorning Featured By Owner Mar 6, 2016
Also the mind reading is a nice twist... :-)
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