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The Perils of Maggie  -  A New Life

Poor Maggie was kept as their prisoner for several days and was never free of her bindings, NOT once, not ever, even for a minute for any reason. She was forced to use the outhouse bound and when cleanin was needed the men threw her in the crick and scrubbed her clean still tied tight. Beautiful, sweet, kind, peaceable Maggie was now living a different life and it was about to change again, for the worse.

Hank and his pal, thinking Maggie asleep, stepped outside the door and had a conversation concerning her health. More precisely, how long Maggie would actually have her health. The decision was made to give Maggie control of how long she enjoyed her health. In the mornin they untied Maggie’s ankles and stood her on a whiskey barrel under a tree where a noose was placed around her neck. She was informed that cowboys came around all the time and if she kep that barrel from rollin away she would be rescued. With those parting words Hank and his pal rode off.

For about an hour Maggie struggled to delay the inescapable result of her predicament, swingin from the tree limb. The noose tightened round her neck as she had to make use of it to steady herself and maintain balance on the barrel. She knew death was knocking on the door when her mind began to recollect the events of her life, all events good and bad. Maggie was just about to push the barrel away and give herself over to her looming doom when she heard the pounding hoofs of a fast approachin horse. Maggie was so excited she almost let the barrel roll out from under her feet.

Maggie was sorely disappointed when she recognized it was handsome Hank. She figured he was returning to make sure no one could rescue her. He surprised her by cutting the rope. In some ways this was not helpful as Maggie went a crashin to the ground. With bound hands her naked body thumped against the hard ground face and breasts first knocking the wind clean outa her. When she could breathe again Maggie asked if Hank returned to finish the job himself and he exclaimed NO MA’AM, I returned to get rich. Maggie stared at him all confused like.

With those words Hank hastily hopped off his horse and threw Maggie onto one of the wagon horses. Hank had a good plan for transporting Maggie and a good reason fer likin the set up cause he could watch Maggie’s breasts beautifully bounce as the horse trotted down the trail. However, Hank decided on an even better plan. That bein to crawl up behind her on his horse and bind the two of em together so as he could not only watch but play with those luscious breasts as they rode. Maggie wasn’t happy, in fact she would have opted for the noose rather than this disgraceful treatment but Hank was as delighted as the kid in a candy shop.  

02a-story For Destroxxiv by bind4pleasure

Upon reachin the next town Hank bought Maggie a pretty undies outfit and tied her to a bed in one of the hotel rooms. Lying beside her Hank touched her with great desire but knew what were gonna put butter on his bread so did no more. He went to the saloon and spread the word that for a seeelect mount a money a beautiful woman could belong to the payin cowpoke for one hour. The men took to the deal like the proverbial fly takes to a pile of fertilizer. Within minutes all the hours of the night were reserved and once the news got spread of how gorgeous the woman was ol Hank could charge twice the original askin price.

After several nights of Maggie’s beautiful bound nakedness satisfying the lustfulness of the towns males and some of the females as well Hank moved em to another town. The news had already spread to that town so Hank didn’t even have to advertise. Soon the news about this woman spread throughout the territory and men were purchasing the rights to Maggie for all sorts of reasons.

02b-story For Destroxxiv by bind4pleasure

One old dominate cattle baron was marrying a beautiful young woman who was also the best cook and lover in the area. The baron had one little issue with his new bride to be, she was also a strong willed woman with a mind of her own. A strong intelligent mind it was too. The young woman was a thinker and articulate and liked to argue with her husband to be and she was right or won anyways bout ninety nine percent of the time. This made the baron as mad as a honey bee on a cloudy rainy day so he decided to send her a message.

He purchased the services of Maggie and one of her friends that Hank captured just for the occasion. Maggie and friend served as bridesmaids and were dressed pertin-near identical to the bride except for color and a couple accessories. Each wore a color coordinated outfit of bodice, panties, stockings and the ever present ropes and gags. Since it was a formal occasion Maggie was allowed to wear her hat. The baron thought this wedding ceremony would show his new bride who was actually in charge.

02c-story For Destroxxiv by bind4pleasure

After the wedding Hank was ready to move on to another town and was at the railway station buying tickets when a man saw Maggie trussed up and sitting on the loading dock. He went straight to Hank and holding out a handful of gold pieces purchased Maggie for a week. Maggie couldn’t believe she would have to service this man and who knows how many ranch hands and others without a protector around. Now Hank didn’t protect her from much but at least he wouldn’t let someone kill or maim his cash cow. Maggie stared at both the men with much loathing as they haggled over the price and provisos. Maggie begged Hank with her eyes not to allow this but in the end gold spoke louder than purrrrty eyes.

02d-story For Destroxxiv by bind4pleasure

Maggie was thrown over a horse with her neck tied to her feet to keep her from slippin off along the trail. She was warned not to struggle fir if she did slip off she would most likely hang herself and with that the cowboy led her to his ranch. Based on how she had been used before, Maggie assumed she would again be preforming sexually for this cowboy and his ranch hands but she had a surprise waiting. The cowboy had a beautiful wife and they appeared to be very happy and the wife was not surprised to see the bound naked woman slung across the pack horse. Maggie was put up in the barn and the loving couple went to the house. In the morning Maggie was awakened early and prepared for her first day of farm work. During her five days on the ranch she dug post holes for fencin, pulled a plow, planted seeds, mucked stalls and serviced the cowboy and his wife. Hank was  flabbergasted when he went to fetch Maggie and found her extremely enthusiastic to see him. She was a filthy mess and stunk to high heaven so Hank bound her wrists behind her back, tied a rope around her neck and made her walk back to town rather than ride with him.  

02e-story For Destroxxiv by bind4pleasure

Back in town Hank hired a couple men to give Maggie a bath and get her all spruced up and ready for the work she did best or cowboys liked the best. After that chore was complete and they finished humiliatin Maggie she was again securely trussed in a heap of rope. Maggie looked right pretty with the rope through her legs emphasizin her purrrrty naked puss. It was a clever secure tie ol Hank devised for Maggie as she couldn’t move her hands without either choking herself or making her pussy more attractive and even giving herself a little tickle. Maggie then saw her most recent purchaser, a huge man with lots of muscle and she wanted to scream and would have except for the cloth fillin that purrty mouth of herins. The man stood behind Maggie and began to unbuckle his belt and Maggie thought oh no please not that, he is so huge! She also realized, unlike other instances, Hank was going to stay and watch and she could already see his amusement that was producing a glow of joy on his face brighter than a train engine headlight. Under Hanks leerin eyes Maggie suffered through the man’s tormenting and humiliation of her for a couple hours before she was allowed to sleep. The next morning they were on the train to a new town, Hank in the club car and Maggie in the stock pens with the other undomesticated animals.
I want to again thank :icondestroxxiv: for being so generous and allowing me to use his images 
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denkira7 Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2018  Hobbyist Writer
Great story! Love it along with the images. :)
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2018
Thank you very much 

story inspired by images by :icondestroxxiv: 
berseh Featured By Owner Jun 4, 2018
I've recently read an American novel published last year. Action in the old West where a man goes to California with the young slave of his deceased father. She had mostly white blood but an eigth was enough to categorize her as black.  He lived by pimping her. She was casually deprived of her own body, and her owner lived comfortably out of her sexual exploitation, till someone killed him. Very good book. Maggie's excellent adventures still very well illustrated continue to be so much fun!
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner Jun 4, 2018
I did not read that book so don't go accusing me of plagiarism :laughing:

You failed to mention name or author as it would be nice to 
read something NOT connected to my work. [technical & dry] :-(
berseh Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2018
I can't remember the title, not even the author's name. I'm not forgivable since i met him, he signed his book for me and told me I'd make a great slave :D (thinking about having a movie made of his book ). If my memory strikes back, I'll give you the details.
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2018
(thinking about having a movie made of his book ). & you "great slave" as the lead ?? 
berseh Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2018
That was his odd way to compliment me I suppose. IRL nobody would think I have these interest in humiliation and submissiveness: I just look too innocently straight :)
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner Jun 5, 2018
Like how you said that - "innocently straight" 
I always considered my wholesome athlete look a blessing for my perv life 
Rob66 Featured By Owner May 30, 2018
Another really nice story created around images by someone other than yourself. The Perils of Maggie are never ending but so entertaining to read!!!  Nice job again  :)
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 30, 2018
Thank you so much as I certainly value your opinion 
Enhjorning Featured By Owner May 28, 2018
Poor Poor Maggie. Great combination of text and images. :)
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 28, 2018
thank you so very much - am so glad :icondestroxxiv: allow me to use his images
Hidden by Owner
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 25, 2018
You are too kind - Thank you 
jerry001 Featured By Owner May 25, 2018
My pleasure
picofthenight Featured By Owner May 23, 2018
Poor Maggie! Is she secretly enjoying this, even a little bit?
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 23, 2018
Very good question - in my heart of hearts, I think a tiny bit 
but the "force" issue is causing a crises of conscience 
SilkRoad57 Featured By Owner May 22, 2018
So here we :toyhorse: again. It's nice to know that Maggie has been resourceful enough to find a variety of entertaining pastimes Boobs v2149283   during her romantic travels with Hank  MarbleMac icon by TiredBrony   across the great US of T.
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 22, 2018
The true empress of emoticons - I admire you so much 
BTW is that a self video - no silly, NOT the rocking horse 

Can't stop smiling - THANK YOU for your wonderfully creative comment 
SilkRoad57 Featured By Owner May 23, 2018
Am i a Pretty Princess Yet? 
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 23, 2018
 I   Kneeling Peridot Emoticon   before thee
SilkRoad57 Featured By Owner May 25, 2018
Stay there for a while, will you ... Icee Queen Wave    have you by any chance been naughty lately Enchanted - Princess Giselle - Icon ?
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 25, 2018
a clue  -->    [mapherez] Naughty Face Chat   Oooohhh....   :naughty: Naughty-Prisoner   as we speak I am :write: 
SilkRoad57 Featured By Owner May 27, 2018
I am shocked Judy (NO!) - Icon   and dismayed Judy - (Crying) Icon , of course, but as you may have guessed, secretly expecting you to revel in the vilest turpitude ... Sailor Moon avatar 
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 27, 2018
Confused If I knew what the hell you were talking about  Froggy Emoji 01 (Confused or Lost Frog) [V1] 

So I'll just tell the next story in my usual Severance Play depraved Beastie's Stakeout Puke Icon manner 

and you can decide if it is to your liking Facebook Nauseated Face emoji 
although feeble attempts I enjoy trying to keep up - or at least in sight 
my heart is lighter in knowing you
(1 Reply)
tastethewine Featured By Owner May 21, 2018
Pure entertainment in every word.
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 21, 2018
Luffy Anime Emoji (Big grin) [V3]   THANK YOU
Laspe Featured By Owner May 21, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Hank is a clever man. Who in his right mind would want to waste an undomesticated creature, especially if latter yields a handful of coin and loads of fun, all described so well in a wonderfully crafted tale. He better be careful though, and not spoil the girl rotten. I am looking forward to finding out more about Maggie's misadventures.
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 21, 2018
Talk about well crafted words - THANK YOU so much for your kind & generous words 
Laspe Featured By Owner May 21, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
You are very welcome!
SonnyFtM Featured By Owner May 21, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
HEE HAW!!! :happybounce: Clap  I love the cowboy, Western theme ... especially sexily eroticized like this! Wink/Razz Love 
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 21, 2018
Well, thankeee parner for them fine words 
SonnyFtM Featured By Owner May 22, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Now let's GIDDY UP!!! :happybounce: Wink/Razz 
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 22, 2018
sure enough pard  Epona Icon 
SonnyFtM Featured By Owner May 23, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
Lovely, appropriate horsey emoticon there! Clap Nod 
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 23, 2018
Thank you Sir - do my best to please
Goorz Featured By Owner May 21, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
That's a great way to make money :D
I like the story and the images , very well done :)
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 21, 2018
Thank you so much & it goes back to the age old question 
who gets the money - management or labor ??
Goorz Featured By Owner May 21, 2018  Hobbyist Digital Artist
management always :D
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 22, 2018
sad but true - although she might be receiving benefits we are unaware of :baffled: -->  love-love-love 
DestroXXIV Featured By Owner May 20, 2018  Hobbyist Writer
Glorious! Great job using my images to create a terrific story!
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 21, 2018
Thank you so much & truly appreciate the use of your images 
It has really been fun to write 
Vibra-Lynx Featured By Owner May 20, 2018  Professional Photographer
Soon as I heard the Word stock pens , I couldn't help but think of Sissy Spacek and Lee Marvin in the movie Prime Cut from the 1970s. And anytime I think of a western and women being used by men I can picture of the Clint Eastwood movie...Unforgiven , in the bar keep telling all the Cowboys it if you want to be rolling in the hay with my hoes, I want a dollar a Cunny ... Some powerful story you have written here and again your collaborator with his superb illustrations only adds to the beauty and depth and integrity of your writing
bind4pleasure Featured By Owner May 20, 2018
Thank you for the incredibly kind & supportive words 
Vibra-Lynx Featured By Owner May 20, 2018  Professional Photographer
You are very welcome
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