
The last mission or say a word about poor Natalia

Dimir3D's avatar
By Dimir3D   |   
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So the adventure of Natalia Volkonskaya, my adored Natasha, my beloved heroine, with whom I have lived six wonderful and fruitful years, has come to an end. She appeared as a minor character in one of my stories, but became the foundation of my universe. A paladin who always protects good and law. A woman with a big and kind heart. And simply, a beautiful young woman ... But now we are parting with her. How long? I do not know this...

Lm E 8

But I know that not only the author fell in love with her. The attitude of the audience is best characterized by the words of one of my friends, Phantom, after Natalia returned from the world of the dead:

* ThePHantom52: I have to admit, I teared up when I saw this picture and read the accompanying text. I am old enough to be Natalia's father. I have seen people die in the real world, and lost family members and friends when I wasn't there to witness their passing. This moment has overwhelmed me with emotion, and I am not ashamed to say so. Live, Natalia! Live for those of us out here who are tired of the anger, tired of living in fear, tired of watching helplessly as the world falls apart. I see in you all that is good, all that is right, all the hope for a better, brighter future - not just in your beautiful, intelligent eyes, but in the creative minds of those who brought you to us. We gather here from all over the world to celebrate the possibility that people from all cultures can live together as one, and the possibility that one person can make a difference. So live for all of us. Please ... *

Lm 86

I must tell you that the graphic novel "Natalias Last Mission" was originally conceived as the finale of Natalia Volkonskaya's career. She was to become the Special Affairs Prosecutor, which is the highest achievement for such a young woman and her development as a hero of adventure novels would end. But as we thought about it, we came to the conclusion that we have something to tell about Natalia and her life. And then came the hardcore "Last Mission", which put a comma instead of a period.

No less merit in creating Natalia's character belongs to my friend and co-author Knasterbart77 and I give him the floor:

* Knasterbart77: When Dimir told me that he wanted to end Natalia's adventures, I was probably just as surprised as everyone else. So our task was to find an end for Natalia and this was not an easy task. Because she is the main character, the center, of Dimir's universe and her fate is linked to so many other characters. Therefore, the biggest challenge was to end as many storylines as possible in this final mission.

That's why Rin and Ulrike took revenge and defeated all Valkyries. After all, the two girls have been working in small stories towards this big goal in recent years.What makes me very happy is that Rin and Harley have become relatively popular during this time. And even the people who hate them show me that I've done everything right to create annoying bad guys. We finally find out who supports the two crazy girls and why. We also wanted to clarify Natalia's complicated love affair with the dodgy KGB agent Dimitry. The fate of all of her Valkyrie colleagues was of course connected to Natalia and now it looks like a bleak end for the whole S.I.B. unit and every single member. But who knows, maybe the end is the beginning of something new. Of course, we mustn't forget Junko's appearance. No other character has shaped Natalia's psyche so much and turned her world upside down like the Japanese yakuza lady. That's why not only does Natalia's career come to an end, but also Junko's passionate desire to finally own Natalia.

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So it's an end that leaves a lot of room for interpretation because nobody knows exactly what will happen to Natalia in Japan. But I very much hope that your interest in Natalia is so great that one day we will see her again and then be able to tell this story.

In addition, it was important to me to create a story that is only slightly predictable and very exciting. No one should believe that no matter how big the danger, Natalia and her Valkyries will survive anyway. Because of this, there has been twists, treachery and a lot of violence in this story. To shock the readership, Natalia even died for a few minutes. I hope that nobody feels deceived in this regard. But your comments show that we have managed to create an atmosphere in which the readership considers it possible that the main character dies. Dimir allowed me a great deal of creativity, for which I sincerely thank him. It was the biggest project that Dimir and I created together. He created far more than 120 pictures and I wrote far more than 60 pages of picture descriptions and dialogues. Not to mention the time spent. Therefore we are happy and relieved that you hopefully enjoyed this story. But we are also exhausted because this story took a lot of time and energy. Thank you for reading! *

And I will add, we will be happy to answer your questions. Ask about everything that interests you, express your opinion about the story, ask any questions about the characters and we will try to explain everything that happened to Natalia, her girls and her enemies.

And I also want to quote an excerpt from a poem by the Russian poet Nikolai Nekrasov. These lines perfectly reflect the character and appearance of our Natalia.

Women come across in Russian villages

Having remarkable undisturbed faces,

Moving with a graceful power,

Having noble looks and imposing gaits...


Even an equestrian wouldn't overtake her being romping,

She intrepidly would save you in trouble,

She would enter a hut engulfed in flame,

She would capture a runaway horse!

Val'kiriya. Natalia.
© 2020 Dimir3D
UltimateFemReferance's avatar
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sinfo2's avatar

Let her (ipotetically) suffer and die a lot!!!

sinfo2's avatar

Please do some stories with ipotetic deaths of the bitch!!! Speaking of her with respect^^;

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist


You are absolutely right when you say that Natalia cannot be broken. She is a real paladin, and you know very well what that is. She believes in goodness and justice, which means she will always win.

And your phrase that she makes changes in the life of everyone with whom she comes in contact makes me feel proud of our Natalia. You believe in Her and this is the most important thing!

ThePHantom52's avatar

"Say a word about poor Natalia." I wish it was possible to say "a word" about Natalia, but once I get going, I know I will say a whole lot more than just "a word." Before I begin, I must say that I am incredibly honored and humbled to have been quoted in the text of this post. I actually do have strong feelings about Natalia, and have held nothing back in expressing how I feel. I don't know that I have anything new to add, but since there is this opportunity, I will take advantage of it.

I first became aware of Natalia in She-Wolf 1, and have been following her since her first adventure. It was in that first chapter that the seed was planted that would eventually become the S.I.B. Valkyries. Very early in She-Wolf 2, Natalia encountered Junko and Rin for the first time. Junko was a formidable enemy, and completely obsessed with Natalia, but I could not have guessed back then that she would be the one to eventually defeat the She-Wolf and take her home as a prize.

I used the word "defeat," but I don't believe Natalia has been defeated. If I drop a pencil, I know without looking that it is lying on the floor by my feet. The beauty and inner goodness that is Natalia will endure as surely as the gravity that pulls the pencil to the floor. I don't need to see it to know that it is there. Natalia is like a tree that has never been broken by the wind, because she is strong enough to bend.

Natalia is gone, but not forgotten. We have been told that she was never seen again. Never is a long time. If that is truly the case, I find solace knowing that somewhere in the land of the Rising Sun, the She-Wolf lives, and is making a difference in the lives of the people she touches.

Finally, it is a remarkable testament to the artistic talent of Dimir3D and the writing skills of Knasterbart77 that they created a fictional character who has had such an impact on me and so many other people. Maybe someday they will be inspired to continue the story of Natalia Volkonskaya, and we will all learn together what became of the beloved She-Wolf. Until then, I do not say "goodbye" to Natalia. I say fair winds and following seas until we meet again.

JCIES's avatar





Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist


We will continue after a while. Until then, enjoy the other heroes)

GryphonNight's avatar

I suggest that Natalia converts to Shintoism and becomes a deadly Japanese ninja assasin, serving Junko with the same passion and dedication as she had served in the Russian police.

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist

Her weapons are intelligence and beauty.)

pogo111's avatar

Great story and a fantastic:heart: women!!

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist


MistressPeril's avatar

The end of an era ! Looking forward for the next one :)

Natalia was really your iconic heroine and I'm really glad to have known her adventures in times. I'm sure that you will find others stories and others heroines with same or even higher charisma and reckless :)

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist


I doubt it about charisma.

I'm not going to create characters of this level, at least until I have told everything about Natalia.

And such stories will surely come after she rests and returns.

sbk1234's avatar

Always enjoyable. Like others, I’m sorry to see Natalia’s story end. I hope not too far in the future she can surprise us with a return.

Meanwhile, there are lots of gorgeous girls in your collection to share with us.

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist


And I can responsibly declare to you that the hope is not in vain.

voyeurn3's avatar

Thank you for the amazing story

Bonus? : Natalia taken into Junko's private jet,

a farewell image.

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist

Alas, no bonuses this time.

It was a TOO hard story for the authors.

But there will be new projects coming soon and I hope you enjoy them.

AllyLogan's avatar

It was a brilliant story and very heartbreaking!

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist


We wanted to create a real thriller and are happy that we did it.

gavin-monroe's avatar

Nothing additional on Orca, her body or so on?

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist

We will learn more about her fate.

quigonjinn086's avatar

This end I like it . Natalia and Junko become couple not enemy.

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist

Who knows, buddy. Who knows...

LoneWolf168's avatar

I like that the ending is open-ended. Leaves room for the Valkyries to reunite (possibly off the record) and go to Japan to find her-should they (or you, for that matter) be ready for such a mission. In the meantime, this is a great way to wrap it up. Great job!

Enjoy your rest and good luck for the future

Dimir3D's avatar
Dimir3DProfessional Digital Artist


Stay with us and, perhaps, you will see a story about how Natalia's life in the Land of the Rising Sun developed.

UltimateFemReferance's avatar
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