Stories about the She-Wolf
Or in what order you need to read stories about Natalia Volkonskaya and her Valkyries.
The first story, in which we meet Natalia Volkonskaya.
The second story, in which Natalia Volkonskaya finds herself in the claws of a black snake.
The third short story, in which Snezhana turns into a snow maiden, and Natalia meets an old acquaintance.
The fourth story, in which the Valkyries are confronted with military secrets.
The fifth story, in which the guest arrives from America.
The sixth story, in which Julia Singer falls into a psychological abyss.
The seventh story, three girls were in the sight of a sniper, and Natalia remembered the past.
The eighth story, in which Elena goes on a romantic date, and Snezhana goes to the boutique.
The ninth story, in which Natalia Volkonskaya was on the other side of the law, and Ekaterina Nikitina experienced genuine fear.
The tenth story, in which Olga met the little devil.
The eleventh story, in which Ekaterina Nikitina received her own performance.
The twelfth story, in which the villains abduct Elena.
The thirteenth story, in which Dr. Svetlana will be cooler than trained killers.
The fourteenth story, in which Snezhana is conducting an investigation, and Zoe will be absorbed in a second identity.
The fifteenth story, in which the Valkyries will go to hell on earth.
The sixteenth story, in which the hunt for the Valkyries will be announced.
The seventeenth story, in which the last mission of Natalia Volkonskaya is told. (not finished / publication will continue on the main page)
Short stories.
The gravedigger, or the story of how Natalya Volkonskaya and Kerstin Steinmüller went down from the bunker and whom they met there.
A deadly picnic, or a story about how the Valkyries arrived on the birthday of Natalia Volkonskaya. (This story is absolutely not canonical and is the result of the author’s wild fantasies.)

or her finale

A useful guide to Natalia Volkonskaya

A great and above all informative overview. I have to admit that it would have been very difficult for me to announce the correct order. Now when I see it, I am impressed with how many stories you have already published. How many adventures of Natalia (and later also her Valkyries) Count Phoneix and I were able to experience. Natalia is your figurehead, your heroine, the center of your DA universe. Is it really possible that this era comes to an end?
In addition, as correctly mentioned by Count Phoenix, there were a lot of other stories. Because you illusitized crime adventures before Natalia's first appearance and then you also made trips to Berberia or to the Wild Wild West. Ultimately, I have to say that it is absolutely impressive that you have published so many stories in the past few years and that you published so many, almost countless, pictures.

Ah, o.k., found it (deep in the archive ... )

Great overview, much appreciated!

My commission "Bound in the Basement" is I believe the first time Natalia appears in a stand alone story and Pre dates the She wolf adventures if your Volkenskaya fan

Well, I didn’t take into account the commission.
But you're right, one of the first appearances of Natalia was in this story.